Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 788:   already strong

Talikova is as vigorous as a female leopard, and her leaping and running posture is also full of wildness. As Yuanli flows through her body, her skin blooms with a faint blush. This dragged her running trajectory into a red lightning, and she locked on a warrior of the judge and raised her hands. The two odd-shaped short blades on the outer thighs quietly jumped into her hands. Talikova stabbed with both blades, and the blades pulled out two red silks, which merged into a sharp point.

There was a crackling noise in the air, and this thorn made people feel extremely sharp.

The soldier's pupils dilated and his mouth was open. He didn't have time to make any evasive movements, and he could even imagine that Talikova's double-edged blade must leave a penetrating wound on his chest.

That is absolutely fatal!

"Pig>Pig" Island" Novel ww.m

At this moment, a faint golden barrier rose up in front of Talikova's double blades. The barrier, as beautiful and fragile as the morning sun, has defenses comparable to barriers. The girl only felt the double blade pierced into the barrier, and the additional power on the blade was immediately absorbed continuously. There was a slippery feeling at the edge of the blade, and the power could no longer be concentrated on one point. She screamed suddenly, and the two blades vibrated and tore horizontally at a very high frequency.

There was a slight pulsing sound in the air, and the barrier turned into thousands of light, spinning and floating, torn apart by Talikova's double-blade. But the girl's spirit was also frustrated by a small amount, and the double blade could no longer pierce. In front of that goal, it was blocked by a woman wearing black armor. The woman was wearing a half mask, holding a black shield and a golden sword, and facing her with a small pen.

Talikova knew that this woman could block her own blow, and she must be the strongest among humans. With her dragging herself, she can't show her fangs wantonly. Seeing behind the woman, her compatriots were working to rescue the hostages, Talikova yelled a blunt human language from her mouth: "Get out of the way!"

Celine said calmly: "It can't be done."

"Then go to die!" Talikova turned into a storm and flew around Celine. Her body is full of resilience, and her double-edged blades can attack from incredible angles. At the same time, the speed is fast and the attack frequency is extremely high. The two odd-shaped short blades turned into a dazzling light in the hands of Talikova. The sharp blades of knives were pulled and cut at Celine. Just as Allen said, Talikova’s attack methods are mostly cut and pull, supplemented by stabbing, Pick, twist and other techniques.

At this terrible attack speed, changing to an ordinary soldier, I am afraid that I can't even see Talikova's movements, and it has been shredded into pieces all over the floor. Celine raised the shield cautiously. This set of "Imperial Dawn" is a ten-stage weapon. The material of the shield of dawn is extremely hard. Although Talikova's speed is fast and the frequency is high, the double-edged material in her hand is not comparable to a shield. Even though this Hurma girl used the shock technique, it only made a knife light that could only draw a white mark, and then cut it a little bit. But to completely tear up the shield of dawn, I don't know when.

What's more, Celine stimulates the ability of Twilight Bulwark from time to time. The seemingly weak pale gold barrier constantly absorbs the impact of Talikova's double-edged blades, and makes a small amount of deflection, making the girl attack with all her strength and only get five out of ten. Six results.

Talikova is on the offensive like the wind, while Celine is on the defensive. The two go to extremes, and no one can do anything for a while.

Seeing his sister and the human being entangled, Aliman, who was planning to rush forward, changed his mind, bumped his fists and ran in the direction of Celine. His speed is not fast, but his running posture is full of power. Every time he slammed the ground, it seemed that the whole basement would tremble. Aliman's momentum gradually pushed up, as if the waves were overlapping, when it was about to turn into a sky-sea wall, he suddenly felt a cold behind him.

Before thinking about it, Aliman roared and turned around, just in time to see a human man quietly flashing up, and a **** heavy knife in his hand drew lightly. Obviously the opponent's blade is full of texture, but it makes such a trivial attack, such a contradictory phenomenon, just looking at it makes people feel sad to vomit blood. Suddenly, Ajiaman's complexion turned red, and his figure suddenly swelled. He raised a fist the size of his head, and slammed his fist roughly at the opponent's blade.

Allen said "Huh" and sighed, "I knew it was not that easy."

His knife skills have got rid of the limitations of physical properties, heavy knives can be light, light knives can be heavier, change like heart. I approached silently just now, I wanted to find something cheaper. Unexpectedly, the other party was alert and aware of the difference. At the moment, he couldn't care about everything, the light sword suddenly became as heavy as a mountain, and the heavy sword violently roared like a giant beast, speeding up and slashing on Aliman's fist.

Swords are originally sharp weapons that hurt the enemy. But Aliman slammed on the blade, and if he closed his eyes, it would be like a blast on the top of a mountain. The blade was cut down with a majestic aura, like a mountain topping. No sharpness, no strength or weakness, only the overbearing and overbearing meaning!

This was Aliman's best method, but now he tasted his own proud method on a strange opponent. The kind of depression is comparable to the strength of being smashed by this knife, and a shallow wound on his fist can make him sad.

Knife and fist touched, there was no absolute loud noise, only a series of dense noises. However, the ground under Aliman's feet suddenly sank. The two-meter-high iron tower man had his legs pressed into a small section, and he couldn't move in the ground.

Allen floated back, his face flushed for a while, the spin faded, and then he returned to his usual appearance. It's not easy for Aliman to get a punch. He slashed at the front of his fist just now, as if he was slashed on a high-speed physical cannon. The force of the recoil shook Alan's blood, almost coughing up blood.

Seeing the injury on his fist, Aliman slowly lowered his arm and said in a harsh human language: "What's your name."


"Very well, I remember you. Then, you can rest assured to die!" Aliman lifted his thick legs and was kicked and exploded by him together with the ground. He swept out his thighs, and a few meters wide concrete blocks smashed against Allen with the gale.

Allen's breath suddenly became non-existent.

He flickered a few very quickly, and brushed past the concrete block. When Aliman looked at it, he seemed to be moving at the end of the place, only shook his body and avoided the clods. It was like magic, Aliman couldn't understand it for a while. He had always used his strength to crush his opponents, and naturally he couldn't understand the skills Allen showed. That is the precise control of speed and body. As long as you slow down a minute, or react a little later, you will be hit by a concrete block.

But now, he sprinted and raised the knife at the moment of Ali Manshen, and then his whole person disappeared in Aliman's eyes.

At this moment, only a blade of light was left in Aliman's sight. This sword light came so fast that he wanted to raise his hand to block the grid, but his hands only had time to move, and the sword light had already crossed his body.

A **** knife light lit up in the dim basement, the light of the knife was solidified like a substance, the brilliance was dark and the sharpness was embedded. It started from where Allen rushed out and ended at a dozen meters behind Aliman. In the middle of it is Aliman this iron man.

When the light of the sword gradually dimmed, a thunderous thunder sounded in the basement. The sound rolled in, and then disappeared in an instant. At this time, Aliman screamed. A faint red line appeared on his wrist and chest at the same time. The red line screamed, and the flesh and blood rolled up on both sides. The skin and muscles seemed to be continuously cut by an invisible blade. The wound continued to expand, and the bones were visible in a flash.

At the moment the bone is seen, there is a circle of dense cracks on the surface of the bone. As the bone broke, Aliman's palm was chopped off by Qi wrist. The chest wound stopped at the ribs without further expansion. But the blood was flowing, Aliman was sweating profusely, breathing deeply, using his source force to close the wound to stop the bleeding. But his control of Yuanli hasn't been subtle yet, he can only close large blood vessels, but there is still blood overflowing. Aliman lost too much blood instantly, his eyes turned black, and he knelt down weakly.

At this moment, Allen put away the heavy knife. While retracting the knife, he held a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth with his hand without moving a sound, and then spouted a ball of flame from his palm to burn the blood clean. Although he severely injured Aliman with thunder light, this pose had a great impact on his body. The explosive power at that moment could almost smash the main chariot across. Even with Allen's now greatly strengthened body, it is a bit overwhelming, causing the blood vessels throughout the body to expand to the limit after the huge force washes through the body, making Allen feel uncomfortable. However, this degree of injury can be ignored compared to Lei Guang's unparalleled record.

Aliman was also wronged, if he tried his best at the beginning, even if he couldn't keep up with Allen's speed. But with a source force equivalent of level 25, he wouldn't be slashed by Allen. Unfortunately, there will never be a word if on the battlefield.

Aliman was seriously injured, and Allen swept away. At this moment, the smoke of gas has gradually dispersed, and Belmode and Regis, guarding the three engineers, withdrew from the gate~www.readwn.com~ The other hostages also rushed out. So far, the rescue plan is at least half successful. The evacuation order was issued with a headset. At this time, many Hurma fighters chased out the door, but the muffled sniper rifle sounded frequently.

It was Adele and Luma two snipers who attacked awe-inspiringly and killed a famous Hurma soldier who had come after him.

Hearing Aliman's cry, Talikova turned her head distractedly, and saw her brother kneeling in a pool of blood, and a young human man stood beside him, whose short silver-white hair stabbed like flames. Her eyes. At this time, Celine took the opportunity to attack a few swords, and Talikova had no intention of fighting. The two-edged blades rushed, and after several attacks with Celine's Sword of Enlightenment, they floated back and ran towards Aliman.

Allen didn't care when the girl rushed back. Lifting the heavy knife and striding towards the door, Talikova rushed to Aliman's side and said anxiously, "How are you?"

Aliman said stubbornly: "I can't die."

Seeing her brother's severed palm soaked in blood, Talikova let out a mournful cry and dropped Aliman to chase after Allen.

"Don't go, that guy is very strong!" Aliman yelled, but couldn't stop the sister who was dominated by anger.

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