The sound of fighting in the underground garage has attracted the attention of Hurma people in other places. Under the leadership of a Hurma woman with long hair hanging down and dragging a fierce giant sword, hundreds of tribal warriors rushed towards the garage. And to. When it was about to pass through a passage, the automatic doors on both sides of the passage suddenly opened and closed quickly. The woman's eyes burst into flames, and she accelerated and glided suddenly, passing through the door with a slight difference. The door slammed shut, but left the other tribal warriors outside.

This woman is tall, with two crystal **** tied to the ends of her long black hair. There are bright red lines all over the spar, overflowing with the breath of fire origin. There are bright red curves on her shoulders, chest and thighs, forming flame-like lines. I don't know that it was born like this, but it was painted with paint.

The glamorous and **** female soldier glanced and saw the hostage escaping from the garage quickly go away. He hummed dissatisfiedly and said, "What the **** is Aliman doing!"

At this moment, a red light flashed at the door, and the female soldier immediately shouted: "Talikova!"

The Hulma girl stopped immediately and looked back to see the figure of the demon: "Lola?"

"What's the matter?" asked the female soldier named Lola.

"Humans have raided here, I have no time to explain to you. Aliman is injured, go and see him, I will chase them!" The girl said as she said, her long legs were already stepping on the spot. As soon as he finished speaking, he took a big step and flashed away.

Laura shook her head, and then dragged the giant sword into the garage. Seeing Aliman's wrist cut off, a terrifying wound on his chest was bleeding. Lola's face changed, and Aliman was always hurt more than she thought. She flashed to the big man, supported Ali and said in shock: "How can you hurt so badly."

Aliman pushed her away and shouted: "Leave me alone. Go chasing Talikova, that child is not a human opponent. The guy who hurt me is very powerful!"

Aliman is also one of the strongest in the tribe, even he is injured like this, it goes without saying that Laura also knows that his opponent is strong. She regretted not keeping the girl just now, and then nodded: "Don't worry, I will bring her back."

When Ji dashed away with the giant sword.

Seeing Lola's pulsating spar, they dragged a bright red track in the air, Ali sighed.

"The opponent's pursuit has been cut off."

In the ear, Noch reported to Allen. Allen said happily: "That's much easier. Sock, tell Hubble that it's time for him to work. The hostages have been rescued and they must be taken out first. After Hubble is broken, if someone catches up."

The head of the Shadow Lynx laughed in the headset: "That's right, the big man is already impatient."

At this moment Adele’s voice came in: "Don’t be too happy, someone is catching up. That guy soon, I can’t lock her. Oh, wait, there’s another one. Listen to Alan, there are two shouts The strong Erma went to your side."

Seeing the hostages running ahead, Allen resolutely stopped: "I'll stop the opponent."

Noch, the leader of the adjudicator, also stopped. He lowered his dark straight knife and said flatly: "Count me."

"Then I'll go now, come on, men," Adele said rudely.

Allen and Nocchi smiled at each other.

At this time, the warriors of the Hurma tribe were the first to chase. These male warriors, whom Roddy called the red ghost, shouted the tribe’s native language, wielded many weird weapons, and everyone’s eyes were bloodshot. The two Ellen rushed over like shreds.

Allen raised his knife and stepped forward.

When he fell, the entire passage seemed to sway. Noch looked at the young leader solemnly, the eyes in the mask shining strangely, as if he didn't want to miss every move of Allen.

Xueyin's heavy knife was raised to his head, and the heavy knife shook loudly. After a total of tremors for a few times, it was cut with a single blow!

Rumble of thunder sounded in the passage. When the knife went down, the sword energy actually filled the entire passage. There was no sharpness, no weakness, and a wall of strength pressed past, like a rushing train, and instantly hit the Hurma tribe. Warriors. Suddenly, the red ghosts were knocked over, hit by the air wall, and all flew out. The light one vomits blood and falls to the ground, the heavy one has broken bones, and no one can get up for a while.

After these dozens of people fell to the ground, two figures jumped into Allen's eyes. The first one was extremely fast, and it was the young girl seen in the basement before that. She saw her compatriot fall to the ground, and the hatred in her eyes grew deeper. The double-edged blade in her hand pulled out a vague afterimage in her hand, and the shadow of the knife continued to vibrate, and the air immediately rang strangely. The latter is slower, but the running posture is full of violent vigor. It was also a Hulma woman, with long dark hair leaping continuously behind her head, and the two weapons that almost jumped out of the neckline leaped up and down, with a rhythm that made people breathe faster. Also wearing only short skirts, the pair of barefoot stepped on the ground, galloping with a strong rhythm.

"I'll give you the one in front." Allen said softly.

Noch shrugged: "So the boss likes mature and sexy."

"You like to let it be for you, if you can eat it." Allen smiled.

Nuoqi has greeted Talikova silently, and Allen didn't just assign him opponents casually. Nuoqi's tactics are based on secret killer moves and quick guerrillas, while Lola is holding a huge sword, and she knows that she is the kind of frontal attacking fighter. Noch can only be restrained against such a strong man, but Talikova is more suitable for him. Noch naturally knew this, so he was not stupid enough to pick up Ellen's words.

Talikova screamed when she saw Alan, her two blades came out, and her whole body flashed away. Suddenly, another figure flashed in front of Allen's eyes, and the masked man said coldly: "I will be your opponent."

"Go away!" Talikova yelled, and the double-edged blades danced towards Noch in a ball of light.

In a blink of an eye, the two have already fought together.

Alan walked around them and looked at Laura. The latter had stopped and rushed all the way, her breath was not at all messed up. The strands of black hair hung down, slightly blocking Lola's small face, half covering her demon-little face, but it was even more lethal. Coupled with her full and strong twin peaks, that thrilling waistline and two long slender legs, it is enough to make any man stop breathing in an instant.

After looking at Lola from the beginning to the end, her eyes stopped on her ten toes, which looked like black teeth, before Allen exhaled and looked up at Lola again.

Laura unexpectedly said in a harsh human language at this moment: "Am I good-looking?"

"In terms of our aesthetics, you are beautiful," Allen admitted.

"Did you hurt Aliman?" The golden pupils in Lola's eyes rolled and swept towards Talikova. Seeing that she and Nuoqi are offensive and defensive, although they can't beat the man who is moving like the wind, they are not satisfied with the wind, so I feel relieved for a while.

"That big guy? I hurt it." Allen nodded.

Laura laughed suddenly, and she started to look at Ellen: "By our tribe’s standards, you are too thin. A man who is too thin is not pleased, but you hurt Aliman, which shows that you are not the kind that can use your appearance. The person to measure."

"I like strong men."

She stretched out her hand and bit her finger between her lips, as if thinking about something. And this action is full of temptation, at least Allen admits that the wildness in her is what she has seen in her life. Can conquer such a woman, probably will have a sense of accomplishment? Allen found himself distracted and couldn't help but smile secretly.

Laura said over there: "It's decided, if you surrender. I promise you will be fine. As for Aliman, I will give you enough compensation. All you have to do is to obey me, a strong man like you , To be eligible to be my spouse, how about it. I can treat more preferentially, as long as you let me give birth to three children, you will be free."

Allen couldn't laugh or cry, and said that for a long time this woman planned to raise herself as a breeding*. Although it is a good thing to have such a wild woman, being her man is a bit different from being her doll. Allen shook his head and smiled: "Your kindness is appreciated, but I am not interested in such things as breeding."

Laura seemed not surprised at all: "Men are like this, as if you were born to ride on us. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, it's the same if I stun you and I take you back."

She smiled, and the fierce giant sword in her hand rose. The huge sword buzzed, and Lola flashed before cutting down at Allen. The sword is clear, without any fancy, but with a grand and domineering charm. Watching the sword and knowing her heart, this woman is like her sword without too many scheming, but full of domineering.

Alan's eyes shrank, and the source of force agitated. The flame pattern on the back of the hand floated, and a few entangled hot smoke floated around his body. He turned around, dragging the heavy knife with both hands. The **** concealment is like pushing the thousands of mountains, and the strength is continuously accumulated. Finally, when pushed to the peak, it rose upright, so the thousand mountains shattered and the walls became ashes, as if it were about to split the sky and divide the sea, with endless power and Lola's sword collided The sword of the prison sea!

This is the only thought in Lola's mind at the moment. As a female, she does not use the flexibility and speed to the extreme like Talikova. On the contrary, she pursued the tyrannical and domineering rolling like a man, and she often decided the victory or defeat in three or two swords every time she shot, and she had never been muddled. At this moment, she had planned to stun Alan with the heavy blow she was best at, but she did not expect that the sword was shot, as if shot on a raging ocean.

Now, the sea of ​​anger spurted, and the opponent's equally domineering and wild slash smashed his own sword. Laura screamed and she floated backwards uncontrollably. Allen's sword struck along with the sword, shaking her whole body sorely, for a moment she only knew how to stand there in despair.

Allen avoided her with a single stroke, but did not stay. The lightning retreated and slammed into the circle of the two of Noch, and Talikova screamed in surprise. Just as Nuoqi is not good at dealing with aggressive fighters like Lola, so is Talikova. She was so proud of her speed and skill that she was pale and feeble under Allen's heavy knife, and she was frightened by Allen's stab. As soon as Allen leaned on her, she knocked her away.

Following Ranoch, the two quickly retreated.


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