Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 802: Machine change 0 out

The thunderous explosion sounded constantly in the sky, and Karin's starship was like a trembling beast. It was wobbly in midair, and the many turrets had already stopped working. After all, the target was in the starship, and the turret could not send energy beams into the stars. The explosion was continuous, from the inside out, with flames constantly propping up the outer armor of the starship, dumping all the heat into the void.

The explosion started from the front end, extended to the middle section, and spread towards the tail. This process is very short, about five or six seconds. And the time for the power furnace at the rear to explode will not exceed ten seconds!

At the tail of the starship, a cabin opened up, and the two pieces of biting armor were separated up and down, as if a giant beast opened its mouth. There stood Yuss, he put on the biochemical suit that he would wear only when traveling in outer space, and even turned on a liquid helmet on his head to provide him with enough oxygen at high altitude. Yous glanced at the back, already vaguely ○∽○∽○∽, ↖≤☆ Seeing the fire chasing after him, he had to yell and jump into the void outside the ship, and shouted: "Master Karin , We don’t have any extra money to buy a starship, is this really good!"

Of course no one would answer, and Yous did not expect anyone to answer. Several small air jets at the back of the half-air biochemical suit began to work. They pushed Us to descend towards the ground, adjusting the height and speed of the fall from time to time, so as to prevent Us from directly falling and falling to death.

Youss suddenly struck a spirit, and when he turned his head, he saw that the place where he stood just now was occupied by a man.

Maine stood there coldly, looking across Us. The fire on both sides of his shoulders slammed upwards, easily got into the top armor, broke through countless parts and metals, and stabbed heavily into the power furnace located above. The starship trembled fiercely, a huge fireball exploded from the tail, and the hull continued to disintegrate in the violent explosion. Countless large and small fragments of the hull smashed to the ground with flames, and for a while, the sky was full of fire and rain.

On the ground, Karin and Allen separated again. In just a few short seconds, they kept repeating the process of entanglement, separation, and meeting each other again. The two have played against each other no less than a hundred times. The process of each fight is short and intense. Allen originally wanted to take advantage of Karin's too large size to suppress this **** voter with his flexibility and speed. But Karin showed flexibility and agility that was completely opposite to her body shape. Even though she was not as fast as her speed, her overwhelming basic strength made up for everything.

But Karin was also surprised. After the battle in the woods that day, Alan saw growth again during this time. She has to admit that it is difficult to knock down her "brother" in a short period of time based on skill alone.

So rely on only strength, and only strength.

In the depths of the woman’s pupils flashed like ice-like spots, Karin opened her mouth and let out a silent roar. The frequency of this roar changed tens of thousands of times in an instant, and the disorderly switching between high and low frequencies resulted in serious effects. The invisible force field perceived by the opponent.

Allen was in this force field, and suddenly all perceptions became blurred. The sense of distance, direction, and even balance became chaotic, so his body swayed like a hangover. Karin caught the moment when Ding Yi came, and the mechanical arm patted Alan. Seeing that it was about to be slapped, a spark suddenly jumped from the palm of his hand, so the palm that slapped Allen on top of his head turned to fall under his feet.

At this time, Karin caught the sound of a sniper rifle. She looked in the direction of the source of the sound, the scene kept flying back in her eyes, and then she saw Adele. Adele immediately jumped up with her gun, Karin glared at her. The girl who had already jumped off the high **** suddenly stiffened, and then fell and rolled down like unconscious. After hitting a rock, she regained consciousness, but her hands and feet were already cold.

After such a delay, the inflammation pattern on the back of Alan's hand lit up. He lifted the knife and chopped it down, seemingly slashing indiscriminately, but in Karin's induction, the chaotic force field she placed cut out a gap. Alan flickered immediately and got out of the gap. As soon as he left the chaotic force field, all his perceptions returned to normal. Alan cautiously moved away from Karin, and the **** shadow trembled slightly, turning into a few phantoms, like defensive and attacking, so that Karin did not dare to chase rashly.

At this time, a few pieces of hull fragments brought flames to the ground beside them, lying between them.

Along with the falling of the debris, there was also a strong and fierce breath. Karin and Allen looked up almost at the same time, and saw a blue brilliance drop from the air intermittently, in fact, it was not radiant. It's that Maine's speed is too fast, so it flashes through the sky. He landed on a hill not far from the two and smashed it down hard. The earth quaked violently, the hills cracked, collapsed, and scattered into thick smoke and debris.

Maine walked out of the dense smoke and reached out to sweep the dust on his body. Then he stopped while keeping a distance of about a hundred meters from each of them, which was beyond his reach in the blink of an eye. Maine first looked at Karin coldly, then looked at Allen, and then smiled: "It seems that there are many people who want your life."

"There will be more in the future." Allen smiled.

"Do you think there is a future?" Maine also smiled, as if he had heard a joke, smiling brilliantly.

"Of course. In fact, I think I can live a long time." Allen suddenly threw out, and even left Karin, dragged his knife and rushed towards Maine!

This was an action that even Maine did not expect. Alan Shecarin took Maine. In Maine's view, it was an unwise and almost stupid decision. Karin's expression changed. She worried that Allen would be killed by Maine. In fact, when seeing Maine's imitation of the engraving weapon, Karin should turn around and leave. But Allen was so close at hand that she couldn't give up this seemingly ready meal.

When Alan was running towards Maine, Karin chased after him almost subconsciously.

Maine frowned slightly, he could no longer understand the relationship between Alan and the giantess. At this time, Allen's voice sounded in his ears: "You are in the middle, Maine. In fact, the one behind me is my helper!"

Only Maine heard this sentence, and then he saw Alan turn his head and yelled in a language he couldn't let go. The giantess immediately yelled in the same language, and suddenly her momentum surged, and her mechanical arm also raised, and it seemed that she was a little bit of cooperation with Allen. Coupled with the fact that they use a common language, Maine already believes in a few points.

But what he didn't know was that Allen yelled at Karin with Eboyins: "Don't you want to get my power. I would rather die in the hands of that man than give you the chance to pass on blood!" "

So the next scene changed dramatically.

Facing Allen who rushed, Maine would not be indifferent, and the two fire whips slightly raised. Karin's pupils shrank, fearing that Maine would really kill Allen, so she decided to take the lead. She raised her mechanical arm and injected Yuanli omnidirectionally into her arm, and the tubes of Yuanli on her arm lit up. Karin spread out her fingers, split her palm, and controlled a cannon tube from it. The light from the muzzle gathered, and a heavy gun was formed in an instant.

Karin yelled, and the shells formed by Yuanli blasted out. But at the moment the shell blasted out, Alan's figure flickered, and the front of the shell suddenly changed to Main. In the eyes of Maine, Allen stepped away so that the giantess behind him could give herself a heavy blow.

He didn't hesitate anymore, two fire whips swept across with lightning. An easily cut-open source force shell made this ball of light centered and separated, twisted and exploded into two flames! The other fire whip rolled towards Karin. Karin knew so well that she screamed and swung the wheel saw, and at the same time a source-powered blade was ejected from the mechanical arm, and at the same time she cut towards the fire whip.

While the two were fighting each other, Alan was already far away, rushing to Hubble's side all the way. Hubble only felt a flower before his eyes, and Alan was there.

"How are you?" Allen reached out to help.

Hubble slapped his hand and let out a dull growl from his throat, but he stood up: "I can't die."

Allen smiled, looking at the two people who were fighting over there, with solemn expressions: "It seems that we have to leave, they will soon understand that I put one in."

He made up his mind and said with a headset: "Regis, I want you to take everyone back."

"Lucy, Adele, you have no objection. Their goal is me, and I will lead them away."

Finally said: "Belmod, come with me."

Then they pulled Hubble, and the two chose to run in the opposite direction to Maine. That direction will be far away from the Red Flame Heights. If you don’t change your direction, you will move northward until you reach the frozen river in the polar region bordering the Silverwind Continent~www.readwn.com~ Allen’s decision came too suddenly, and Lucy suddenly opposed Either keeping up with the decision, Allen has gone. Belmode even let go of Fenli, constantly piercing the shadow channel, so as to keep up with Alan's pace.

This was Allen's decision to bring two followers to lead Maine and Karin away, so as to leave a way out for Regis and others.

Whether it was Maine or Karin, they were all his unexpected enemies. Either one of these two appeared, and it was very unfavorable to them. Besides, the two arrived together, and if they stayed, Allen had no chance of winning at all, and would bring Regis and others to the funeral. At this moment, while Maine and Karin were misled by him, Allen still had time to fight for the distance so that he could make another plan.

To no avail, it can also lead them away from everyone.

As for the remaining Toure, that is not a problem at all.

Sweeping Karin away with the fire whip, and suddenly seeing the three of Allen going away, Maine roared immediately. He was a wise man, and immediately guessed the key. The figure began to blur, and was about to use some ability to catch up with Allen. At the moment his ability was about to turn on, Maine suddenly stood still. Then suddenly turned around and changed direction, punching out to the void!


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