Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 803: Heiyang

The space in front of Maine's boxing forward became distorted, like a lake that was disturbed. At this moment, a Yuanli bullet came out from the center of the lake. The bullet looks ordinary, but it is deep and close to ink, with a line of blazing white in the middle, forming a fine but complicated pattern in front of the bullet. Maine opened his eyes violently and yelled again. His four wings spread out behind him, and the space around him vibrated violently.

A desolate beast roar suddenly sounded on the ground, and the magnificent breath instantly filled the audience. The two spars on the chest of Maine's engraved arms lit up, blooming with lush blue light, as if an alien creature had opened its eyes. As the spar shines, swirling ripples appear behind Maine, like vortexes on the ocean. In these vortexes stretched out long and twisted arms. These arms were made of pitch-black electric light, and there were red and blue light patterns in between. The palm of the hand is as big as a magic claw, and each knuckle is covered with a long armour that looks like a blue crystal. On the back of the hand, there are many magic eyes with amber pupils!


Five or six magic arms opened their big hands one after another, constantly holding the Yuanli bullet that blasted from the void. Several palms were layered on top of each other, completely sealing the Yuanli bomb. Compared with the magic arm that is four or five meters long, the Yuanli bullet seems so insignificant, but from the solemn expression of Maine, it can be seen that it is not an ordinary bullet.

Sure enough, after several demons grasped the bullet, these long arms trembled at the same time. A drop of sweat dripped from Maine's forehead, it rolled to the tip of his nose, dripped, and instantly vaporized. In the clutches of those clutches that crossed the void, there was a beam of light constantly propped up. The strong impact caused the magic arms to tremble constantly, and finally, a beam of dark and deep light pierced out of the magic palm!

Maine exclaimed at this time, and his arm was suddenly bounced by invisible force. Those magic arms couldn't hold it anymore, and were completely opened by a cloud of extremely dark light. At the core of the light, there was a blazing white. The contrast between black and white is so strong that the entire world loses its color, and even the sun in the sky becomes dim. At this moment, a black sun is rising on the battlefield.

"Black Sun Shattered Bomb!" Mayin lost his voice, and his magic arms that had crossed the void shrank back. The unchecked black sun continued to rise, and circles of pitch-black ripples swept in all directions, passing kilometers in a flash. When the black sun rose to a height of 100 meters, it shrank suddenly. After shrinking to a point quickly, a few white lights flashed, and the black dot spread out like the origin of a universe explosion, and a large group of high-temperature black flames were released from it in an instant!

It is like a black flower blooming on the ground, but it has nothing to do with beauty. It is quiet, deep and deadly! Wherever the black flame goes, everything melts! Maine pushed forward with both hands, and the invisible force field pushed forward, squeezing the large black flames toward the two sides, letting the people behind save their lives. He didn't care about the lives of the people behind him, but he was located in the place where Black Flame was the most powerful. If he didn't do his best to save his life, he would be the first to suffer.

After the last blaze disappeared, the engraved armed luster on Maine's body was no longer as strong as before, and the color became a little gray. Looking ahead, a billowing heat wave is rising, forming a hot plume of smoke. When the wind on the battlefield blew away the hot smoke a little, what lay across the battlefield was a round pit nearly one kilometer wide and ten meters wide! In contrast, the traces left by Hubble's previous bombing with the rage gun are only one-tenth of it.

Who can imagine that a seemingly ordinary Yuanli bullet has such power!

Maine seemed to have made up his mind, groaning, and suddenly his figure flickered. When he reappeared, he was already four or five hundred meters away. Then there was another flash, and it became a black spot that quickly went away. Karin came back to her senses as soon as Maine left. She glanced at the starship that had fallen in the distance with an extremely complicated gaze, then turned around and swept away in the direction where Allen had disappeared, obviously not planning to let Allen go.

Suddenly the two strong men on the battlefield ran clean, leaving Toure alone looking a little at a loss. At this time a soldier ran over and said in his ear: "My lord, Bethkod's spaceship is here. They will arrive in a minute."

Toure was shocked, and finally knew that May would leave the battlefield desperately for some reason.

That's because Fording is here.

Only Beskard's Spear Demon Fording could shoot such a terrifying shot. Since even Maine has left, there is no need for this plan to be implemented. Besides, Fording appears, ten toures are not the hands and feet of others. Toure immediately said: "Retreat!"

In the sky nearly kilometers away from the battlefield, a fast combat ship was advancing at full speed. Above the ship, the wind was violent, but Fording stood still, only his clothes were pulled back by the strong wind. There was a cigarette in his mouth, and the strong wind blew the cigarette **** out. But as soon as Fording breathed in, the extinguished cigarette butts lit up again. Fording stood silent in the wind with a long-barreled sniper rifle.

Roddy’s voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "You missed again. You made a smashed bomb and let others run away. I said the old thing, don’t dress up cool and deep. No matter how cool you are, others will Let’s talk about it, the Spear Demon is getting old, so old that he has to sacrifice a killer move and make others run away."

The cigarette on Fording’s mouth suddenly turned to ashes. He opened his mouth and exhaled a thick puff, which was blown away by the high-altitude wind in an instant: "You **** said so easily. That guy is not Toure. That's Mei. Because, I see. Don’t tell me you don’t know what that man’s void plunder is best at, what’s so strange about catching my smash bomb. Besides, I’m afraid of hurting those little ghosts, so I don’t even dare to put on arms, like this It's a **** if the smash bomb is powerful."

"Main!" Roddy's voice in the headset suddenly rose by an octave, causing the electronic product to produce a sharp noise. Fording almost threw it away, and then Roddy sneered: "It's this old fox again. , Very good. He shot Alan over and over again, and this time he shot him directly. Damn, I have to find a way to pay him back."

"Don't be so troublesome." Fording took another root from his pocket and bit his mouth with a smile: "After I will pick up those little guys, I will go to Alexander's family defense zone myself. I would like to see it. This time, will Maine leave his station and run away."

"Hello, Mr. Fording, this is a federally controlled area. Don't make trouble for my old man."

Fording inhaled slowly, and the cigarette **** gradually lit up. He breathed out a smoke ring and stayed for a long time in the strong wind: "Don't worry, I'm not a rookie. I naturally know how to block the mouth of the military department. Oh, here. Don't say anything, I will go down and pick up people first."

While talking, the spaceship has arrived over the battlefield. Fording looked down, Maine and Toure ran away early, and even the dead and wounded were taken away. It is rare that their hands and feet are so neat that they have swept the battlefield by the way, leaving no traces for Bethkod to catch the handle. Fording smiled slightly, the rules can be flexible. It doesn't matter if people don't leave evidence. If you intend to retaliate, some excuses can be used.

He whispered a cigarette, held a gun, stepped on the void outside the ship, and people jumped off the ship. Fording was as light as a fallen leaf, and only stepped on a small smoke ring when his feet touched the ground. Then he put the gun on his shoulders and looked at Regis and the others with a smile: "Come, go home."

When Reese discovered Zod with a scout robot, Allen contacted the family camp. Roddy, who learned of the situation, directly sent the Spear Demon out, so it was not surprising to see Fredin Rejes. Fording turned his eyes and frowned, "Where is Allen?"

Regis smiled bitterly: "The situation was very dangerous at the time. In order to save us, Allen only took two people to leave, so as to lead us away from the strong enemy."

Fording frowned: "So I'm still a step late?"

"It seems so." Regis said with a hand.

At this time, the battleship had turned around, and Fording sighed: "Since there is no way, you can go back first. Tell Roddy about the situation and let him send a team to search."

Regis nodded. Fording didn't mean to chase Alan. After all, a strong man like him has a greater responsibility to guard the family residence. Even though he is willing to take care of the family heirs like Allen when the situation permits, if Allen is far away from the residence like this moment, then Fording will give priority to the family.

Moreover, which family heirs did not come from the **** wind~www.readwn.com~ If they are too protective, they will not grow up. Therefore, before the expedition, based on Horn's love for Allen, he also said to Fording that he didn't need to care about it.

After a while, all the remaining people boarded the battleship. The flying ship immediately flew towards the direction of Chi Yan Heights, but Fording stayed. He carried a gun and a cigarette, but walked in the other direction. That direction is where another fortress is located, and importantly, it is the defense zone of Alexander and Smith's home. Fording's meaning couldn't be more obvious. Since Maine took the lead, he had to bear the consequences.

And Fording, that is the consequence.

When Fording became a distant silhouette, the earth returned to silence, leaving only a trace of the battle afterwards as a witness to the fierce battle before. The wind howled and blew across the earth and mountains, like a girl's choking and whispering. After several hours in this way, when the sun slanted west, a shadow leaped on the horizon in the direction of Takasugi Castle. The figure flew across the earth at the speed of an antelope, galloping all the way.

Ten minutes later, it has come to the edge of the battlefield. Seeing the mess here, she stopped, her small face was unbearable astonishment. The head twisted into two sharp horns looked around, as if looking for something. At this time, a momentum surged behind her, and then a woman's voice came from afar: "Talikova, stop for me! You are not allowed to run away!"

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