Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 966:  The first show

It's late at night. ?.`

On Yinge Street, which is less than 100 meters away from the Iron Horse Hotel, two men who were drunk late at night were walking staggeringly with their shoulders drunk. There was a burst of laughter from the two of them from time to time, which seemed harsh on the quiet street. When passing by a private house, the window on the second floor opened, and a fat woman poured cold water down severely, barely pouring the two drunks all over. The drunk man pointed upstairs and cursed until a man behind the window pulled his own woman away, and the little storm settled.

The drunk turned around and wanted to leave, before he stepped forward, he was knocked down. He raised his head and saw a tall man in front of him with broad shoulders. Although he was covered in a black cloak, his whole body was so angry. Only a chin covered with scum was exposed in the cloak, the thin lips on both sides were grinning, and a sharp white teeth appeared, and he gave a nasty smile to the drunk. The drunks had no intention of drinking immediately, they turned around and ran, turned into an alley not far away and disappeared.

Number One lifted the cape hat, looked up at the Iron Horse Hotel a hundred meters away, and then took out a piccolo from the cape and played it gently in his mouth, but there was no sound. It was an artifact used exclusively by the Black Wolf Army to transmit messages. Only those soldiers in the Black Wolf Army who had received strict training could hear the silent whistling of this object and read the messages according to their length.

After the piccolo was played, the man held his five fingers, and when he spread it out, the flute had become a handful of fine sand, which was blown away by the night wind.

The figure of the man in the street flashed and disappeared.

At the same time, on the opposite side of the street facing the Iron Horse Hotel, a dozen figures quietly appeared on a steeple bell tower. The night wind suddenly rose, and No. 1 fell silently on the roof. The tall man made a gesture, and immediately the dead men on the top of the building swept across the street and landed on the tall iron horse sculpture in the front yard of the hotel, and then flashed like a ghost, fell into the hotel corridor or roof, and swiftly headed towards Allen’s residence. Dive.

After No. 1 was unwilling, he also sneaked into the hotel and chose a commanding height to settle down, just facing the balcony where Allen lived, seeing the location of the target clearly. ?.?`

At this moment, clouds drifted across the sky, blocking the moonlight, and the earth suddenly fell into darkness. In the darkness, Number One raised his hand and waved it down. Suddenly, two dead men rushed into the living room from the balcony. Unexpectedly, as soon as they stabilized their figure, they saw the blue tide light suddenly shined in the dim living room, and two almost indistinguishable figures were outlined.

The two twin sisters Mirumila transported the blue sea at the same time, and immediately the water in the living room rose sharply, and both of them were shining brightly. The same water vapor forms a double sword in Mi Lu's hand and a spear in Mi La's hand. With one shot and two swords, he immediately attacked the two dead men.

It happened suddenly, and he obviously didn't expect that his secret infiltration would be broken in the first time. However, the eyes of the two dead men didn't have too many emotional ups and downs. According to their original plan, it didn't matter whether they were seen or not.

The bodies of the two lights up at the same time, and they are getting brighter and brighter, just like two human-shaped light bulbs.

Mila attacked halfway, and screamed: "The source force blew himself? Mila, step back!"

She stretched out her hand to hold her sister, but she and Mila were suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and threw them back with a strong force. The scene retreated, so Milu saw Alan, and the bursting flame of Genesis!

Number One squinted and saw a flash of fire in the target's living room, followed by a large group of flames blasting out from all directions in a roaring and blasting, and suddenly shattered the tranquil night. According to the plan, the two dead men who had sneaked into the living room immediately blew themselves upon the ground in order to cause a wave of damage as soon as possible. After all, the target they want to assassinate is the strong man who has passed the test of Hoy's spear, and conventional assassination methods are hardly effective. Number One also didn't expect this wave of source force to explode to kill the strong man, as long as he killed the guards around him, if it could hurt the target, it would be an unexpected joy.

But the flames of that dwelling flared out, and suddenly gathered and disappeared unconventionally. ??.??`c?o?m? No. 1 pupil is slightly opened, and the line of sight is suddenly drawn closer, and he can see things in the target place clearly. Through the balcony that was blown up by the handrail, you could see a messy living room inside. Large areas of jet black are already present in the living room, and the ceiling and floor burn more. Right there, One saw the target of the assassination.

The Viscount named Allen stood with his sword hanging down, surrounded by flames as if being drawn by an invisible force field, converging into a stream of fire circling around him, and continuously sucking into the long red knife in his hand.

The Yuanli flames that the two dead men exploded in exchange for, actually sucked each other clean?

Alan pulled a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth. The other party's use of Genesis to explode was unexpected. It is a pity that the original flame of the explosion may be fatal to another person, but under the suppression of his Fire Lord, It's just a joke. One saw Ellen, how could Ellen miss him. Allen looked up and hooked his finger at Number One.

Number One's face was as sinking as water, and without his order, the remaining dead men had been constantly rushing towards Allen.

There were also figures flashing out of Allen's house. One of the wild woman holding a large sword and the other young man holding a sword saw the eyelids of No. 1 twitching constantly. He could naturally see that the two of them were both masters and strong, and as for the other guards, none of them were weak. With these weapons per capita in hand, it is obvious that they are prepared for their assassination tonight.

Did you miss the wind? Number One thought, and then he saw a dead man on his left hand was about to crash into the balcony. Suddenly, his head was exploded into a cloud of blood in the air, and then there was a rough gunshot. Number One's face was bleak, and the opponent was not only a master, but also had much better equipment than them. At least No.1 didn't know, what firearms could blow out the head of his seventeenth-level subordinate in one blow.

He muttered a person's name silently in his heart, and then stretched out his hand from the cloak, with a dark red spar in his hand. No. 1 crushed the spar and sucked up the **** mist escaping from the spar. His eyes were red, the muscles all over his body were squirming, and his aura rose to the sky.

Allen frowned: "Blood Demon Crystal? No, the Boiled Demon Crystal only works for people below level 20, and the opposite one is obviously more than that. In other words, is it the angry blood demon crystal? I'm also spending my money."

Above the boiling blood magic crystal, there are still two kinds of magic crystals: angry blood and burning blood. The blood demon crystal can have an effect on the strong below level 30, and its side effects are more serious than boiling blood. On that day, Higgs used the Boiling Demon Crystal to improve his combat power in a short period of time, and afterwards he suppressed the side effects brought by the Boiling Demon Crystal with his near-level twentieth strength. If it were replaced with angry blood, then Higgs would be ruined after the first battle.

Now Number One uses the Wrathblood Demon Crystal, obviously he has never thought of going back. As he said, the dead man should die. Since you are not afraid of death, what else is worth fearing? The momentum of No. 1 is unprecedentedly strong, and the level of source power rushes to 25 in one breath. Under the action of the magic crystal, the combat power jumps twice, but the skin of No. 1's body also shows an unnatural redness, as if the next moment It will explode the whole person.

A howling of wolf suddenly sounded.

The man's blood rushed from behind, condensed into the image of a giant wolf. The blood wolf projection he released had not only long horns on his forehead, but also a row of bone spurs on his back. Number One is short, eager to rush, but the blood wolf projection has already rushed towards Allen. Still in the air, the wolf kissed widely, and the blood swirled like a wave, obviously attacking.

Alan's eyes were cold, and the King Chi drew an arc of a month and a half from bottom to top. So Number One saw an orange light flashing between the blood wolf projections, and then the projection was divided into two, the blood wolf figure flickered and was about to dissipate. Under the influence of the Wrath Blood Demon Crystal, the sane dead man was still shocked and inexplicable. At this time, severe pain struck, and he saw his left arm flew out, but it lightly brushed the light that smashed the blood wolf.

The light went all the way behind him, diagonally upward, and disappeared into the night sky. From the Iron Horse Hotel as the starting point, to a bell tower a kilometer away, the buildings or trees in a straight line between the two places blasted open and exploded into dust.

King Chi hung down, and a blush flashed across the knife. Allen squinted his eyes, borrowed the Lord of Fire to suppress, and extracted part of the broken city cut out by the Flame of Genesis, without cutting down the man. However, the source of fire was borrowed, not the sky fire of the void, and the power was discounted by half, which was reasonable. The man with a broken arm over there roared and rushed towards the sky. Allen didn't underestimate the enemy, and the flame patterns all over his body lit up, and sparks fell in the surrounding space.

Mars suddenly exploded, and Ellen's figure had disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he stepped on his head with one foot.

Number One reached out to block the grid.

Allen stomped on the ground, and stomped No.1 to the ground. The man fell weightlessly and crashed into the ground, exploding a hole. He spouted a small mouth of mud and sand from his mouth, shook his head and supported the ground with one hand, then climbed up again. At this moment, he has a splitting headache, and his vision is covered with blood~www.readwn.com~ the image is blurred. Only barely seeing his goal descend to the sky, No.1, driven by the only reason left, raised his foot and rushed towards Allen.

Alan's eyes flashed, as if he had made some kind of decision. The Scarlet King shook lightly in his hand, the blade's red light was shining, and the space around it was blushing. A large group of black and red flames burst out from the blade's blade suddenly, and the explosion sprayed to the ground, and the ground melted silently. When the tongue of fire was rolled back, a circle of fire appeared on the ground, and the black scorched ground appeared in the fire.

Number one threw on.

The Scarlet King swept across, and the burst of flame from the blade turned into a black and red cloud of fire and swept across the tall man's body.

The man's eyes were wide open, his hand was already raised high, but he couldn't shake it down. The part swept by the fire cloud, his body was directly transformed into nothingness in the fire cloud with a high temperature of nearly four thousand degrees. The fire cloud flashed and passed, and the black and red burst flame was gathered by the Red King Xun and disappeared into the air in a flash. The entire Red King was glowing red, and wisps of smoke rose from the blade.

This is the first time since the advent of the Red King to show his fangs to the world!



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