Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 967:  Not for

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Hanhai Duckweed, Fat Dudu, Asko, I don’t have money to read books, Book Friends 22668505, Sanxingmen, Monk Hein, Heaven in Heaven, Start Wen and other brothers for their monthly reward tickets! ]

Chi King, with the epee thousand as flesh and blood, and the heart of the fire **** as his blood. Coupled with Bawent's forging skills, Hajime has achieved this great sword that will eventually be included in the forest of famous swords. The real horror of the Scarlet King is that he can use the source power to stimulate the heart of the Vulcan, thereby releasing a black-red explosion with a high temperature of four thousand degrees. In terms of hegemony, the scorch fire of Gabriel's purgatory that day was slightly worse than the explosion of the Scarlet King. If not, the Scarlet King would not be qualified to carry Alan's Void Skyfire.

It's just that the Red King bursts into flames or the Void Skyfire. Since his return, Allen has never used it to fend off the enemy. No one else was worthy of using these two killers except for a Hoy. And even if it is Hoy, that is the Marquis of Iron Spear who is willing to work hard to force Alan to hold the trump card in his hand. Secondly, Allen also used a clumsy calculation, so as not to end up in the northern capital, but to reveal his cards, so that the interested people can calmly calculate.

But tonight it was helpless to reveal a hole card.

The dead man himself was not terrible, but he used the blood demon crystal, which completely turned into a timed bomb. Allen is not afraid, but he is afraid that he will hurt the innocent. Only the Red King’s Explosive Flame was killed by one blow, otherwise, if the dead man also learnt from the previous two, he exploded himself. The suppression by Allen's Lord of Fire is harmless, but everyone else in the hotel will suffer.

Allen looked up and saw that the fighting around the hotel was almost over. There were about eleven or two assassins in this attack, and the number of them exactly matched the group of military masters found by Dark Blade. In addition to the two dead men who exploded as soon as they came on the field, one shot Adele with a sniper rifle and volleyed headshots. Allen killed the leaders among them, and the rest was in Laura Reger. Under the suppression of Si et al., they also fell one by one.

It's not that they don't want to keep alive. In fact, Alan told everyone to keep one or two alive as much as possible from the beginning for later use. But these assassins were obviously ready to die, and they didn't leave a way for them at all, even if Lola and the others wanted to stay alive, they couldn't do it.

The battle at the Iron Horse Hotel was short and fierce, especially the initial burst of Origin and Allen's half-type destruction of the city, which awakened the entire Gun City. In the city lord's mansion, when Orlando crashed into Hoy's bedroom, the latter looked at the night city outside the window in silence. Orlando said solemnly: "Did Joe Mo do it?"

"It should be the black raccoon. When he entered the city, he was surrounded by a group of good players in the black wolf army. After entering the city, he disappeared and was supposed to be hidden. It seems that it was for the attack tonight, Jomo, or Rod Kedan is so bold. He even dared to do something under my nose. Is this a warning to Hoy?" The old Marquis sneered.

Orlando said in a three-pointed tone: "Since you know that Joe Mo deliberately concealed those black wolf soldiers, why don't you take precautions."

This was obviously a reproachful tone, but Hoy only shook his head: "You don't understand, I am not inaction, but inaction. Now Rodek is provoking everywhere like a mad dog because of the balance of the northern capital. He was struggling to find a way to break the game, so he wanted to make a mess. To take advantage of the chaos, if I interfere with Jomo, then Rodke will make a fuss about this out of all likelihood. Nine times.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) It doesn't matter, I'm afraid that His Royal Highness Julian and Lord Nebot will be affected. After all, for them, it is better to maintain this situation temporarily than to disrupt. "

"The most important thing is that I did not expect that Jomo would be so courageous and openly commit an attack in my gun city!"

Orlando gritted his teeth and said: "I'll go to him now to settle accounts!"

"It's useless." Huoyi shook his head: "The first explosion just now should have been caused by the source force. In other words, those good players have been removed from the army, and they are dead soldiers who are determined to die. You go to Jomo. , He will only push it cleanly and it won’t help the world. Now you take people to the Iron Horse Hotel. According to me, Alan’s party should be fine, but it’s more important to comfort the people."

"Don't you just let go of the old raccoon like that?" Orlando looked unwilling.

Ho Yi said calmly: "Yes, at least for today, we have to let him go. If there is a chance later, you can rest assured to watch. Rodk has a murderous heart on Alan, and when Alan arrives in the imperial capital, It's just that our marshal is not having a good life."

Orlando sighed, "That's Rodke. To be honest, I don't have much confidence in Allen going north this time."

"Really? I don't think so."

"Oh, what did he tell you?"

"No, but his two knives are enough to make me believe him." Ho Yi laughed: "I am looking forward to what changes will happen to the situation in the northern capital when Julian meets Allen."

Orlando was still noncommittal, but without saying more, turned around and left.

In a mansion several blocks away from the Iron Horse Hotel, Kao, wearing only his nightgown, smiled and looked in the direction of the hotel: "The old black raccoon really can't help it, but he dares to be under the nose of the iron gun. Do it, this courage is really admirable. But it should be that the old Hoy is not willing to provoke a dispute at this time, I don't know if this is Rodke or the old black beaver's idea."

A soft voice sounded from the big bed behind him: "Master Kao, what are you doing?"

"The weather is so cold, Master Cao will not come to bed soon. You see, Mrs. Karina has already flooded with spring."

Kao laughed, and just threw away his nightgown, revealing a male body with perfect lines, full of masculine beauty, and a shy and excited exclamation sounded from the bed. Cao rushed to bed, pressed on the body of a plump beautiful woman, and then reached out and patted the other fair-skinned woman's buttocks next to him and said: "You two are right. At this time, how can you get warm in bed with two of you? It's important."

He laughed, and immediately stepped into the woman below him. Pulling the woman next to her again, buried her head in the other's majestic twin peaks and greedily explored. Suddenly, the spring mood on the bed was very different.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for most people in Gun City.

When the Oran team arrived with an iron gun guard, the city defense team had already arrived and was evacuating the passengers in the hotel. Allen had a brief exchange with Edward who had arrived after hearing the news. They did not find any identification documents on the dead man's body, which fell to Edward's expectation. If the black raccoon is so easy to leave a handle, it is impossible to sit firmly in the black wolf army as the chief of staff for twenty years.

"Master Allen!" Orlando waved his hand and asked the Iron Gunguard to assist the city defense team.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) At work, I walked to Alan's side. Orlando took a breath to say something, but it turned into a sigh.

Allen shook his head and smiled: "You don't need to say anything, we are fine. And these guys probably know what they come from. But the other party is cunning and didn't leave any handle, so I can't be afraid of this tonight. Yes. Of course, this is only on the surface. When I get to the northern capital, I have to turn out these old accounts and calculate them with others. So you don’t need to say anything, but this wedding night, Master Huoyi sent you the newcomer It’s also too unkind."

Orlando smiled bitterly: "I'm still not as open-minded as Ellen Allen. But tonight's thing happened in my gun city after all. Some people are really bullying. I only hate that we are so scrupulous now that we can't tear it apart. When you are shameless, otherwise you can't be so cheap for them anyway."

Allen said the same thing as Hoy: "There will be a chance in the future."

Orlando nodded and said, "Then please go to the City Lord's Mansion for a rest, I would like to see if that person has the guts to attack our City Lord's Mansion directly!"

"There is the old marquis, I think it is difficult." Allen laughed, but did not refuse Orlando's kindness.

The next day, Allen said farewell, and Hoy, his father and sons, and all the dignitaries in Gun City sent them outside the city. When he was out of the city, the old fox, Jomo, arrived late. As soon as I saw Ellen, he held his hand and said sincerely: "I was really shocked to hear that Viscount Ellen was attacked last night. Now that the Viscount is intact, I feel relieved. Like Ai It is a great loss to our majesty that an imperial handsome man like Viscount Lun has to make a difference. It is also to blame for the old Hoy, who even allowed these murderers to sneak into the gun city!"

Allen secretly said that he was powerful, the black raccoon couldn't even kill him, and even slightly disgusted Ho Yi, and took the opportunity. Huo Yiyun over there smiled calmly, nodded and said: "Master Jomo said, blame me, blame me. I will investigate thoroughly afterwards."

Allen calmly withdrew his hand from Joe Mo's palm, grabbed the old raccoon's shoulder, and pulled him aside in a low voice, "Oh, Lord Joe, your acting skills are really bad. .. We all know what happened last night. I am a person of courtesy. The black wolf army has given me a great gift, and I will have to repay it. Of course, I know that you and the marshal above you are both I won’t be idle. Let’s put it this way, I’ve walked the road north to the end. I’ll take it whatever you want to play~www.readwn.com~ How do you think?"

Joe Mogan laughed: "What is Viscount Allen talking about, I don't understand."

"Really? Then you just assume that I was farting just now." Allen let go of him, no longer entangled with the old raccoon, turned around and shouted at Hoy and the others: "Everyone, just send it here. The next time I met, I probably could only meet in Olísca."

Taking a look at Joe Mo, Allen turned around freely, striding to join the team outside the city. After watching the team drift away, Huoyi looked at the black raccoon and said: "Master Joe, the thorough investigation I just said is not a joke. If you really want to find out what you want to find out, you say I will know. Marshal Rodke said, or should he report it to the Beidu directly?"

Joe Mo laughed: "Master Hoy, don't make fun of me. I'm just a small character. How can I be the master. You can figure it out."

"That's true." Ho Yi nodded.

(End of this chapter)



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