Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 967:  The Great

The booming water made a great noise.

A water waterfall cascades from the stream of the Qianren high mountain, and the torrent rushes down, occasionally hitting the convex rocks on the mountain wall, splashing water everywhere. From a distance, it looked like a huge column made of white jade, blasting from a high altitude and falling into the wide lake below, splashing water everywhere. Winter goes to spring, but the north is still cold. Just like this big lake, the surface of the lake near the waterfall is full of water, but farther away there is still a thin layer of ice.

Where the big lake is, there is a vast forest. In the early spring, there are only two or three new greens on the giant trees, far to the point of lush greenery, but it has already made people feel the vigorous vitality that is ready to emerge. As the winter and snow melt, it will not take long before the gray and white pictures in this forest will be replaced by yellow and green colors, and everything is awakening.

 %Pig%Pig%Island%Fiction  ww.; Today’s weather is clear and the sky is clear. The daylight poured down, reflecting the colorfulness of the big lake, and the lake with thin ice looked like a fine diamond from a distance, reflecting the brilliance of dreamlike illusion. Suddenly the surface of the lake cracked, and a series of sharp ice-breaking noises caused someone to poke their heads out of the lake. He was a man with black beard and hair, rough and majestic features. The eyes are calm, but firm, it can be seen that people like him will not easily shake their hearts.

He threw a fat fish on the ice floe first, and then climbed the ice floe himself. In the splash of the lake, a bronze body was exposed to the sun. He raised his hand and slightly raised his forehead. This movement led to the lines of the body full of masculine and powerful beauty. The man wearing only a pair of black trousers exhaled the heat, then lifted the plump lake fish that had fallen next to him and walked towards the shore.

Clothes, cloaks and armor were thrown at random on the shore. When the man came to the shore, he burst into flames from his body, and after drying his whole body, he put on the close-fitting clothes. Just as he was about to pierce the armor, a string of thunderous roars suddenly sounded in the forest in front of the lake. Following the trees in the distance, I saw a while, and many ancient trees fell from side to side. Something came arrogantly toward the lake bank.

The man grinned, like a boy getting a novel toy, his eyes full of expectation.

Without letting him wait long, a navy blue figure suddenly broke into his sight. This figure is so huge that the man is suddenly pitiful compared to it. However, the weaker one laughed: "It turned out to be a barbarian with a savage head. I thought it was something fun. Go away, don't mess with me, little guy."

The "little guy" in the man's mouth was furious. There were thousands of strange beasts in this forest, among which the number of wild elephants was the majority. It looks like an elephant and a cow, as big as a hill, and has a grumpy temper. Brute force is no small thing. However, the skin of the wild elephant is mostly dark brown, such as the dark blue skin in front of him, and the two gray ivory tusks bend like a crescent moon.

The king of the barbarian elephant is also called the barbarian master. The barbarian has an unusually strong concept of territory, and probably this large lake and nearby mountains and forests are designated as Lords, so he reacts extremely strongly to the strange man in front of him. What's more, there are a lot of lake fish near this man's feet, and the elephant king has red eyes. With a roar, he charged the man.

When the beast moved, the mountain shook suddenly.

The man shook his head and murmured "feeling hard for himself". Then he lowered his center of gravity, leaned forward with his hands, and assumed a posture that he wanted to wrestle with the King of Elephant!

The elephant king rushed closer, and the pair of crescent-like ivory arched toward the man fiercely.

But the man pressed his hands forward and propped on the elephant's head.

One person and one elephant just hit each other like this.

The big lakes, mountains and forests and even this land violently jumped, startling a large number of forest birds. A ring of atmospheric ripples swayed from the shore of the lake behind the man, sweeping across the lake in a flash. Following the crackling of the floating ice on the water surface, the ice was splashing in all directions, and there were lake fish jumping out of the water, bringing countless drops of water. The foot of the man and the elephant was full of noise, and the flames above the elephant king's head were so bright that he couldn't take a step forward.

The man chuckled, and suddenly hit the elephant king with a hammer. The elephant king was shaking all over, his huge body went backwards a few steps, and then he fell to the ground with a moan. The man touched his forehead and said with a smile: "You guy's head is really hard."

Erin kept rubbing his hands, which caused sparks from the silver iron gloves on his hands. He walked back and forth, the slightly cumbersome silver armor on his body made him a little heavier than usual, so he stepped on the soft mud of the forest and left deep footprints. The brown mud was covered with his pair. Edge of silver combat boots. In normal times, Erin would take it off and wipe it with a heartache. After all, this brand new armor had just been received in less than a month.

A scarlet cloak hung from the armor from his shoulders, with a pattern of a lion and a long sword on the cloak.

The only person in the empire who can wear such a cloak, the Emperor’s Guards, has such a privilege. Erin was less than thirty, so he became the captain of the squadron, which made his former colleagues quite envious. But now Erin didn't have the feeling of fluttering when he first became the team leader, and he was anxious at this moment.

All because of the man who just arrived in the account not long ago.

It was not an ordinary person, but the former Prime Minister Nebot. The prime minister’s stage is in the imperial capital, above the imperial court. When you come to this royal hunting ground north of the imperial capital, you are naturally not going to visit the mountains and rivers, but to see Emperor Tangliou.

The emperor has been in the hunting ground for three days.

Your Excellency the Prime Minister came to see you at this time, and naturally there was something important. Although the man didn't have any impatient expressions, the pressure on Erin's heart gradually increased with the passage of time. What made him helpless was that when the emperor went to Nalancui Lake in the morning, he ordered not to be disturbed, which made Erin dare not let people inform the emperor, so he could only be anxious by the king's account.

Seeing the fourth cup of water in the hands of the Prime Minister, the ground shook slightly. The most obvious is the cup in Nebot's hand. The water in it is rippling in circles. So he put down the cup and walked out of the king's account after holding his hands. Erin had to be careful to accompany him. The vibration on the ground obviously came from the direction of Lake Narancui. Erin frowned and said in a low voice, "Master Nebot, should you send someone to check it?"

"It shouldn't matter, this kind of vibration is probably caused by our majesty."

Erin recalled the word "toss" in the Prime Minister's mouth, which only felt profound. It didn't take long for the earth to vibrate again, and the frequency was getting higher and higher. It seemed that something terrifying was coming in the direction of the camp, and Erin could already feel the invisible pressure. The captain raised his hand and made a gesture, and the twelve king's sword guards immediately lined up in front of the camp. Erin himself also walked in front of Nebot. Although the prime minister was an extremely human minister, he was an ordinary person. Erin naturally wanted to protect him.

Erin squinted, guessing what was coming. A little blue light suddenly lit up in the woodland opposite the camp, and then a giant beast came out of the woods. Seeing the ivory as big as a crescent, and the blue source of fire that keeps on top of the giant beast's head, Erin lost his voice: "It's the king of wild elephants! Beware! Beware!"

Just after shouting, I patted people behind. Erin looked back at the Prime Minister with a puzzled look. The latter pointed towards the king of the elephant: "Look who is on it?"

Erin raised his eyes and saw that there was a man sitting on top of the wild elephant, who was still waving to the camp. Erin showed a strange expression: "How is your Majesty..."

Tangerio jumped off the elephant king's head and reached out to pat the big guy's elephant legs and said, "Go, you can bring your eyes to fight with someone in the future." The emperor laughed a few times, and the elephant turned his body around. After a round, he snorted, his thick hind legs deliberately picked up a piece of mud and poured Tangliou all over. The emperor shook his head and laughed, not caring, patted it and walked to the camp.

Erin hurriedly asked people to get clean clothes. Tangerio shook his head and said, "It's no need. When fighting a foreign race before, I didn't take a bath for half a month. That's dirty." Then he patted Neb. Te's arm said: "Of course, if our Prime Minister dislikes it, then I will immediately change to a set of clean clothes."

Nebot closed his eyes, and his eyes closed.

Tangriou laughed and walked to Wang Zhang, and said: "Elin, prepare breakfast for me. I originally fished a lot of plump lake fish, but I ate them all for the gluttonous guy. Oh. , I said Nebot. Why not come to the hunting ground to enjoy the blessing in your Xiangfu? You also want to learn hunting, then I can teach you."

"Forget it, Your Majesty, I can't learn your ability to overpower the King of Elephants. Besides, if I want to have this ability, it is my turn to get the old fellow Rodek to occupy the position of the Imperial Marshal for years?"

In the king's tent, the king's hand guards moved out the long tables and chairs. Tangerio and Nebot each took a seat, and it didn't take long for a plate of half-cooked fried steak to be delivered to the emperor. A circle of lemon slices was placed on the plate, but it still couldn’t cover the smell of half-rare steak~www.readwn.com~Tanglio didn’t care, so he cut a slice with a knife and put it in his mouth. Chewing blood overflowing.

Nebot frowned.

The emperor immediately swallowed the beef and waved his hand: "Okay, I know what you want to say. I have been used to drinking blood for years, and everyone underneath said that I am like a barbarian. It's okay. Is a barbarian good?

Nebot said "Yeah", tepidly: "There is news from the wild highlands in the south."

"Oh, what's coming?" Nebot raised the volume again, and the chef who was baking after reconciliation said: "Give us a copy for our Prime Minister too. Remember to be fully cooked, we Master Nebot can't see it. blood."

Nebot smiled and said, "Thank your majesty for your compassion."

Then he said: "Not only has it been found, but it's not too small. It's so big..." The prime minister raised his hand and gestured.

Tangerio's eyes drenched: "Oh, is it a relic?"

"It's a relic! The blood king's graveyard!"

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