Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 10: EH! Where did my Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 10

[ DING ]

“Oh, so that's what you are...” Michael whispered as his golden honey-hued eyes, shimmering with hints of vibrant green, lit up like a kid in a candy store.

A holographic box appeared before his eyes as he concentrated on the broken branch in his hand. In the 'Loot Box' was written a description that reads:

[ Royal Spider Lotus Wand/Rod

Divine Growth Type Weapon Soulbound to Wylla Wylden

The Royal Spider Lotus is a beautiful and fragrant plant that only grows around the majestic divine Oryn Tree. As such, they can only be found in extremely well-hidden locations outside the realm of mortals. Those who are fortunate enough to stumble into such meadows should thank the young Goddess of Plants and Forests, Sylvenori for their incredibly good luck.

Current Weapon Strength: Rank 0, Tier 0, Lvl 1

Weapon Skills:

Wand Skill: Seed Burst - Shoots a pointy seed at high velocity towards the target. Current Damage Strength: 1 to 2 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage.

Cost to Use Skill: 3 Oryn Energy Power

Rod Skill: Royal Spider Lotus Bite - The Royal Spider Lotus animates, growing two thorny fangs that bite into the target upon contact. Adding piercing damage to the crushing blow. Current Damage Strength: 3 to 5 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage.

Cost to Use Skill: 4 Oryn Energy Power ]

“This weapon... isn't it... amazing! I don't know who this girl Wylla Wylden is that it's soulbound too, but it's mine now.” Michael fervently whispered to himself, gently caressing his new found treasure.

He loved the dark beauty of his new weapon: Darkwood shaft like a pair of black faded jeans, sharp onyx thorns that screamed 'dangerous', long evergreen tendrils that wrapped around the shaft springing out from underneath the beautiful Royal Spider Lotus flower that formed the tip of the weapon.

The Royal Spider Lotus flower petals were a melody of various shades of purple, from dark to light, like the colors of a sakura tree. And it gave off a subtle sweet fragrant aroma that he found extremely pleasing to his nose.

Odd, I don't recall ever liking the sweet scent of flowers this much before.

Michael wanted to run out and find some evil beasts to try his new weapon out on, but maybe it's best if I stay here and practice until the fog finally lifts. Also, I should get used to this new body, feels way different than my real body, must be the game. Michael thought as he stood up, stretched to the skies and then looked at himself...


Michael's high pitched panic-stricken voice echoed across the foggy meadow.

“NO! No! no, no, no... this can't be... can't be different size... height... or gender from ones real-life body... this has to be a mistake... I need to contact someone... MENU!... MENU!!!”

A holographic menu popped up in the air in front of the panicking Michael. He reached out with his small slender hands, quickly navigating through the menus, looking for the Help Me button or the Logout button.

He found the first button, but it was grayed out, unable to use. Then he found the Logout button, which was also grayed out, unable to use.

“What's going on, I'm trapped.... this can't be happening...”

Stop... think Michael... calm down... breath... think... there has to be an answer... a solution. Michael thought to himself, finally getting his emotions under control, but then he made a big mistake, he looked down at himself and noticed two very important things.

One, he was currently stark naked, which brought the two small bulges on his chest to his attention.

And two, looking down to his small feet he noticed he was missing a very important bulge... frantically reaching down and searching for it, another scream echoed throughout the foggy meadow:

“EH! Where did my Pen... Pen... Go!?!”

It was then that a long-tailed bluebird, which had been resting up in the branches of the Oryn tree, was rudely awoken by the loud musical cries of an awfully pretty little girl with long thick semi curled hair. Hair that, like the Royal Spider Lotus flower, was a blend of a melody of colors: Her's happened to be greens, from evergreen to vibrant grass green, to a light silvery green. Simply beautiful.

The little girl then hyperventilated and passed out, falling to the ground.

A chorus of jubilant laughter filled the air, the sounds coming from above. “Narcissistic huh? Be happy I'm not petty like some of the Gods and Goddesses, instead of granting your desire to be pretty, they would have turned you into a toad, or worse. Well, guess its nighty night time for you my little sleeping beauty, I look forward to watching you when you wake up."

Well, looks like I have completed my first goal which was to post the first 10 chapters of the story in one semi-staggered go. From here on out I will be posting 1 to 2 chapter per week, although I haven't quite decided on which days of the week that will be.

As for where I am in the story writing process; I've completed up to chapter 16, and I'm halfway done with chapter 17 (which I will need to break down into 3 or 4 chapters because it's becoming longer than I thought it would).

In addition, I have already completed the last chapter and epilogue of Book 1, Volume 1 (I really like how it all comes together there)... now I just have to drive the story to its destination, while enjoying the scenery along the way.

So thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy what's to come. :)

P.S. I'm happy to announce that my niece, whom is very talented at drawing anime style artwork, will soon be illustrating this story for me. Her first project this week is to draw the cover for the story, which I'm really looking forward to seeing. Well, that's it for now... off I go.

New Note Added 9-22-19:

My niece and illustrator just sent me to new drawings that I thought I'd share with everyone. I also added them to the Glossary.
If the images aren't coming up for you I do have them posted over on my website in the Our Illustrator's Box top menu link bar... Hope this helps.

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