Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 9: Playing with Mofus

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 9

Time slowed as he felt warm pulses of energy begin to emerge in his lower abs, chest, and head. The warmth began to rise in temperature, the pulsing energy increased in tempo, every inch of his body began to tingle.

As the heat rose and the tempo increased, his body began to feel as if a great weight was being pressed upon it, feeling compressed.

[ DING ]

Michael began to panic in pain. The heat was much too hot, and the pressure was much too strong. Sounds of cracking bones and dinging bells entered his ears. He couldn't move, couldn't scream, could only endure.

[ DING ]

Just when he thought he was going to pass out from the heat, it faded away, but the pressure remained, continuing to compress his body.

[ DING ]

A moment later, cool energy began to pulse from his lower abs, chest, and head. It brought soothing comfort to his pained body. But just like before, the energy got colder and colder and the pulsing tempo got faster and faster.

Argh! What's happening, I don't remember reading anything about this being painful to … ARRGH!

[ DING ]

Michael's thoughts were interrupted by an intense bout of brain freeze.

Just when Michael thought he was going to pass out, everything stopped: The cold went away, the pulsing energy stopped, and the heavy pressure left his body, leaving him feeling as light as feather.

It feels as if I'm floating on air.

Then he began falling. Faster and faster, spinning round and round down he went. It felt like his stomach was up in his throat. He wanted to vomit. He closed his eyes, hoping that would help.

Darkness and soft playful laughter followed him down, down, down.

Then things changed, he felt a cold wetness on his skin, like one feels from a misty morning jog. Light overcame the darkness of his closed eyelids. The sound of rushing wind swooshed by his ears. He opened his eyes.

He was falling in a world of white mist, his descent and spinning greatly slowing.

His body hit the soft green ground below.

[ DING ]

Finally! It's over. Michael turned over, kissed the ground, then continued to lay down on his back on the soft green grass. He patiently waited for his heart to stop pounding.

He looked side to side, but he didn't see much, the fog was much too thick.

Hmm... On the bright side, it looks and feels like I've arrived in Abrynth. On the downside, I'm alone without a clue as to where I am, and it's much too foggy to be wandering about. Don't want to be some major noob and walk into some beast's lair and get eaten right at the start of my journey. I'd die from embarrassment once everyone found out.

It was then Michael discovered that he was actually starting to feel a bit cold. His body felt cold and wet from the fog. This is amazing, everything feels and looks so real. It's as if I'm actually in a real live body in another world. I can even smell the wet grass, and hints of wildflowers.

As for sound. Michael snapped his fingers. Yup. My ears are working fine too. He then pulled some grass out of the ground with his hand, not noticing the little purple and pink flower in the batch, he put it in his mouth and chewed.

He was surprised by the explosion of sweetness that greeted his tongue. This is so tasty, like cotton candy. Michael thought.

[ DING ]

There's that dinging... huh... what's that coming...

Colorful palm-sized lights began to dance around in the foggy air above him. They fluttered about, just out of reach. They looked so soft and fluffy. Mofu... must pet and hug the Mofus... Michael's eyes were completely mesmerized by the 'Mofus' as sweet joyful laughter rang out in the foggy world.

“Here Mofu, Mofu... come play with me... pretty, pretty Mofu... flying about like a bumblebee... I'll kiss you, and squeeze you, then set you free... pretty, pretty Mofu come play with me...” Michael's singing and giggling filled the air like a merrily flowing brook.

His little body was stumbling across the foggy meadow grass. His long thick silky hair bounced behind him like the tail of a kite, touching his lower back whenever it bounced back down.

His little body tripping, falling, and rolling back onto his feet [ DING ], continued to chase after the colorful fluffy Mofus.

“Mofu, Mofu playing chase with me... Mofu, Mofu I'll catc...”


[ DING ]

“Ouchie... ouchie..."

[ DING ]

"What's poking me... ouch...” Michael, who was now sitting on his bum on the ground, looked up with watery eyes and saw a huge tree in front of him. He then looked down and noticed a ring of flowery bushes surrounding the tree.

They look like... like... why can't I think straight?...

[ DING ]

Oh, I remember now. They look a lot like rose bushes... ouch, what the heck is poking my bum? Michael leaned over to his right, then reached beneath his left bum cheek and removed the source of his pain.

[ DING ]

All this dinging is really starting to get annoying. I hope there's a way to mute it. Anyways, what is this thing that's been hurting me? Michael looked at what he held in his hand.

It was a branch that had broken off of the thorny flower bush surrounding the big, beautiful tree he had 'boinked' into while chasing the Mofus. Speaking of Mofus, they seemed to have all disappeared. His heart was saddened.

Ugh... what's going on, stop getting distracted, focus on the branch in my hand. Michael thought to himself, once again examining the broken flower branch in his hand. “Now, just what are you?”

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