Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 8: Greetings Starblood

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 8

A world of silent darkness greeted Michael when the bio-pod's door closed shut. He felt like a spirit floating in space as time seemed to slowly pass by. Just when he was about to call out to ask if anybody was there, dots of light, like stars began to fill the empty darkness.

Anari's voice then broke the silence. “You are about to travel across the very stars, to be born as a mortal of the World of Abrynth. A vast magical world fueled by Oryn energy, created for the pure entertainment of the Gods and Goddesses throughout the multiverses.

A world created by our glorious divine mistress Lokaini, the Goddess of Games and Entertainment.

You, chosen by fate, will receive one or more divine blessing upon your newly created body. These blessings will be manifested upon your new body, as tattoo like sigils, on the back of your neck. Sigils that mark you as Starblood to the mortals of Abrynth.

Knowledge of the arrival of a race of undying beings that travel cross the heavenly stars has been foretold by the Oracles of Abrynth. They are expecting you.

But be forewarned, there are those that will greet you with open arms, those that will seek to use your growing powers, those that will fear you, envy you, and many with hidden agendas.

You choose which road you wish to take or create your own path.

Thus I ask you, are you ready to begin your journey young Starblood?”

“Yes, I'm ready for my new life.” Michael happily answered.

“Your will has been heard and accepted. Beginning the process.”

A series of golden rings made of light appeared above his head. The rings began to move back and forth from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, washing him in warm golden light.

Silvery blue star orbs came rushing towards him, abruptly stopping out of reach. Images began to appear within the star orbs. A gasp escaped his lips as he noticed the images being displayed in the star orbs were memories of his life.

Memories of when he was small, trying to learn how to ride a bike, falling and scraping the palm of his hand. His parents rushing to him, to soothe his pain.

Memories of being outdoor in their gardens. Watching the butterflies and bumblebees as he watered the plants.

Memorie of school, of friendships born with Aiden and Thomas.

Memories of eating at the family table with his sisters and parents. Helping in the kitchen to make soul comforting food.

Memories of working with his Mother in the basement workshop. Making soaps, candles, lip balm, and various other items as the scent of essential oils filled the room.

Memories of sensei Ms. Tsukino and the years he spent with his sisters there, learning how to defend themselves. And staying fit.

Memories of the girl who brought so much joy in his life, and so much pain.

Memories of a delicate boy as pretty as a rose, that taught him the lessons of betrayal.

And memories of today, of him chatting with his friends Aiden and Thomas. The words he said seemed to softly whisper out to him, “What type of person calls themselves a Goddess? Narcissistic much?”

Soft playful laughter echoed across the starry expanse, fading away into the unknown reaches.

“Scanning complete. Congratulations Starblood! It seems you've caught the eye of our glorious Goddess.” Anari's voice rang out. “You've been given the golden opportunity to begin your new life as a Unique race. You are the envy of many. Will you accept the Goddess' gift of a Unique race or would you like to decline and choose another race from the list of commonly available races?”

Michael's heart began to beat faster, his little sister's words echoing in his head, "You'd have to be a major baka to decline a Unique race if you're chosen."

“I accept.”

“Remember young Starblood. Once the process has begun, it can't be stopped or undone, so I ask once again because of the changes...”

“Yes. I choose the Unique race. Thank you very much.” Michael interjected, cutting off the warning that Anari was about to give.

“Very well, as they say, all sales are final. Your choice has been recorded, confirmed, and approved. I leave you with these words as we begin the process of rebirth.

Always remember, the Gods and Goddesses will be watching; experiencing the World of Abrynth through all of your deeds. Sharing in your joys and sorrows, your trials and tribulations, your successes and your failures, and your growths through divine Livestreams.

Those Starbloods that please them will find their paths filled with rewards, while those that garner their ill-will will find their path filled with thorns.” Anari's voice gently faded away.

Space once again returned to darkness as all the star orbs faded into blackness. Michael felt as if his body was lying down on a bed made of nothing.

Out of the dark nothingness surrounding him, a golden green orb slowly came into existence. A multitude of different colored lights seemed to be contained within the newly formed orb. It floated gently over his stomach.

The orb vibrated for a moment, and then silently split into three smaller orbs. They hovered over his body, and then quickly flew straight into him: one entering his lower stomach just below his belly button, one entering his chest, and one entering his head.

The space around him then returned to darkness.

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