Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 7: Boy before Girls…

Book 1, Volume 1

Chapter 7


“This is our floor, please follow me out of the elevator and I'll lead you to your suite.” The young woman's name was Claryndel and she was highly attractive. Then again, it seemed all the women working here were beauties of one type or another.

“Off we go...”

The thing that stood out the most to Michael and the others, besides Claryndel's beauty, was not her long golden hair that reminded one of a warm sunny day, nor her athletically well-proportioned body which stirred Michael's blood (amongst other things)... no, what stood out the most was her long pointy ears. Whoever they hired to do her special effects make up was amazing. Her pointy ears looked so life-like as if she were a real elf.

In fact, many of the girls working in the building had amazing special effects work done, like living, breathing fantasy world girls.

Not only were the girls and their variety of eastern and western-inspired outfits amazing, but so was the interior of the building they were walking in. Soft muted earth tones painted the walls, beautiful fantasy flavored paintings and artwork placed here and there, carpeting so soft it felt as if they were walking on clouds, and the gentle scents of wildflowers filled the air.

“We're here,” Claryndel said bringing the group to a stop just outside the red door. The door had a golden bishop chess piece artwork embedded in it. The number 311 was engraved on the bottom of the bishop. Claryndel swiped the room card across the scanner, the door opened, then she entered the suite calling out behind her in an inviting tone, “Welcome to your room.”

The group walked in excitedly and gazed about the large upscale room. The room was a mixture of old-world comfort meets new world technology. Big soft-looking sofas, cherrywood coffee table, tasteful décor, and a wall filled with multiple flat-screen viewing monitors.

“Feel free to take a moment to look around the room,” Claryndel said.

“... these paintings are beautiful, they almost seem alive...”

“Rori, come look over here, a sliding panel...”

“... open it... oh, it's like a built-in food and drink dispensary...”

“... you have to try these sofas, Michael, they're so comfortable...”

“... look at the monitors, they have playback options, I think we'll be able to see our own gameplay when we're not in the pods...”

“... or see each other...”

“Look at these pods at the far end of the room... they look to be made of some type of smokey midnight colored crystalline glass... so cool to the touch... what's this? Strange writings... is that a language?...”

“Wonder what's behind those doors...:”

“Now that you've all taken a moment to look around the room and get yourselves situated, I'd like to point you to the dressing rooms. Girls, please enter the left door and boy the door on the right. Everything has already been prepared for each of you, now move along, times a wasting.” Claryndel said with an encouraging clap of her hands.

Michael entered the boys dressing room, quickly located the narrow personal-sized armoire closet that had his name tag on it. He looked about for a moment and was relieved to see a nice sized restroom and shower attached to the dressing room. He was happy to have the place all to himself.

He then opened the closet, took out the light silvery blue bio-pod suit, and began changing. Not sure what this material is made from, but it feels very cool to the touch and soft on my skin, like silk. Its a bit snug here, and especially there, but I think I have everything on in the right place. Looks like I'm ready to go downhill ski racing. Michael chuckled at the thought, put his things away, and then stepped out of the dressing room.

Michael looked over towards the sofas where his mother was sitting with Koko's mother, chatting. Seeing him, his mother got up smiling, “Just look at you, ready for the winter Olympics.” Looking at her son up and down with a crooked smile on her face. “A bit snug on you, ain't it?”

“Mom!” Michael protested, his face dyed in embarrassment. Soft laughter filled the room.

Claryndel then walked up to Michael with a lovely silver tray in her hands. On top of the tray was a golden honey nurture bar, a glass of silvery-blue liquid, and a small container.

“Seeing as women always take longer than boys to get ready, why don't you enter first Michael?”

“Yes. I'd love too!” The last thing he wanted was for his sisters and their friends to see him in this snug bio-suit.

“Good then, let's start by having you eat this delicious nurture bar.” Michael accepted the bar and took a big bite out of it. Claryndel wasn't lying, the nurture bar was absolutely tasty like golden honey peaches, each bite melted in his mouth and he felt a warm flow of energy spread throughout his body.

“Next, be a good boy and drink this all up.” She handed him the silvery blue drink. He brought the glass to his lips, tilted the glass, and drank the cool liquid. The cool liquid tasted of wild berries and nectar. Mmm... he felt another wave of energy course throughout his body, this time it felt cool and refreshing.

Claryndel then set the tray aside on top of an end table, took the small container in her hands and opened it. “These are our state of the art Orynfused Contact lenses. They never need to be removed to be cleaned, they are absorbed right into eyes. They will literally change the way you see the world. Would you like my assistance putting them on?”

“Yes please.” Having never used contacts before in his life, he'd be foolish to not accept her assistance.

“You're a bit tall for me, so let's have you sit over here.” Claryndel led him to the back end of the room, where the bio-pods were lined up like four rows of bunk beds. They stopped in front of a pair of bio-pods that were situated furthermost to the right.

She pointed at the steps that led up to the top bio-pod. “Have a seat here.” Michael sat down, then she placed the contacts into his eyes.

He was surprised, he thought they'd be highly uncomfortable, but it just felt as if a drop of cool water was placed in each eye, then the sensation was gone... amazing.

“Congratulations Michael. You're all set to begin your new life in the World of Abrynth. We're sure you'll have life-changing experiences.” Claryndel said with a smile. She then stepped away to wait for the others while his mother appeared in front of him.

“Well mother, off I go.”

“Aye, just let me get a last good look at my boy.” She then gave him a big hug. “Be good to your sisters and their friends in there. And be good to yourself. Remember, no matter the difficulties or changes that life brings you, your family will always love you and stand by your side so make us proud.”

“Love you too mom,” Michael said. He then stepped out of his mother's embrace, turned, went up the steps, entered his bio-pod, and closed it shut.

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