Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 12: To Know Thyself

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 12

Michael sat there for a while, elbows on his knees, hands on the sides of his head ruffling his long silky hair, looking down trying to control the light fluttery feelings in his stomach. Okay, stay calm and focus. The first step, check my status. The second step, cue the Rocky training montage. The third step, stop being a weird little naked nature girl and gear up. In other words... get clothed. The fourth step, explore while ranking up. The fifth step, summon Soulryn upon rank up and look over the area one more time before choosing a path out of here.

“Well, here we go... Show Status!”

A large-sized holographic window popped up in front of Michael's face, making it hard to see anything else. Note to self: Never say Show Status while fighting or in the middle of doing something important. Sitting on the soft green grass, and greatly enjoying the scent of the surrounding wildflowers carried by the gently blowing wind, his bright golden honey eyes began reading his status:

[ My Status

Real Name: Michael William Mitchell    [ New Name Pending: Wylla Wylden of the Mitchell Clan ]

Starblood Name: Wylla Wylden      Rank: 0 Tier: 0 level: 2/23%

Health Pool: 22 points      Oryn Pool: 30 points

Gender: Female    Age 10     Race: Sylven

Racial: Bonus to Plant Magic, Herbalism, Alchemy, and Regeneration. Bonus attribute: Charisma [ Who says you can never be... pretty? Surely not I. Wish Granted! ]

Affinities: Plants, Water, Earth, Wind, Sun, Moon

Class: Unknown

Job: Unknown

Title: Narcissia [ Mother just knew you'd love it... something about you liking words that begin with Narciss... ]

Main Hand Weapon: Royal Spider Lotus Wand/Rod

Wand form Rank: 0 Tier: 0 Level: 0

Rod form Rank: 2 Tier: 4 Level: 4

Off-hand: Empty

Summoned Soulryn: Unknown

Skills and Spells:

Seed Burst (Wand Attack – see weapon for details)

Royal Spider Lotus Bite (Rod Attack – see weapon for details)

Bonus Spell: Healing Nectar – create a delicious cup of sweet juice that will heal the drinker for 5 health points. Please note: Caster must have 1 small fruit of any kind. Cup to hold the Healing Nectar will be formed out of the fruit. As such, the cup is edible.     Cost to Cast Spell: 3 Oryn Energy Power



Strength: 6     Athletic: 10     Constitution: 11

Bonus Attribute - Charisma: 20 [ Pretty, Oh So Pretty... ]


Intellect: 12     Wisdom: 12     Focus: 13


Faith: 8     Will: 13     Aura: 15

Unassigned Bonus Attribute Points: 15


[ Pain Tolerance has evolved into Pain Dampening: I wonder what could have caused you so much pain for it to evolve that quickly; Replay "Eh! Where Did My Pen... Pen... Go!?!" Yup, that's still funny every time I watch it... ]

Pain Dampening: Rank 0, Tier 3, Level 4

[ Alluring Body Fragrance and Narcissia Title have combined to create Influencing Charm: A gift from your new secret Godmother Lokaini... shhh... that's just a Lil' secret amongst us sisters ;) ]

Influencing Charm: Rank 0, Tier 2, Level 1

[ Poison Tolerance: Hmm... maybe it was something you ate. Remember: A lesson learned is a lesson earned. ]

Poison Tolerance: Rank 0, Tier 3, Level 3

[ Acrobatic Dancer: I just Loved your performance of 'Dancing with Mofus!' ]

Acrobatic Dancer: Rank 2, Tier 1, Level 4

[ Camouflage: It turns out you're hard to spot when you're sleeping in the grassy meadow when you're covered by your hair. ]

Camouflage: Rank 1, Tier 4, Level 1

[ Grace Under Pressure: You've handled all the challenges this game has thrown at you like a champ! :roar: ]

Grace Under Pressure: Rank 0, Tier 3, level 4

[ Musart: Not only did you master the art of dance, but who could ever forget your wonderful singing rendition of: "Mofu, Mofu... come play with me..." Simply breathtaking. I couldn't take my eyes off of you... tears were shed... ]

Musart: Rank 2, Tier 1, Level 2

[ Lil' Miss Know-It-All: Aye, and who wouldn't be after reading such an intelligent well thought out guide? That author must be a Genius I tell you, a genuine grade A Genius. ]

Lil' Miss Know-It-All: Rank 1, Tier 1, Level 1

Divine Blessings:

Plant Goddess Sylvenori Divine Blessing: Rank 5 [ Unfair Plant magic boost... no seriously... total cheat... ]

Moon Goddess Elunora Divine Blessing: Rank 3 [ Oryn regeneration boost.. spell casters will envy you... ]

Sun God Solin Divine Blessing: Rank 3 [ Health Regeneration boost... tanks will envy you... you are now the subject of much envy with these blessings... plus, your racial bonus stacks on top of these bonuses... sheesh, how lucky can you get? ]

Starting Area: Havenscent Meadow ]

[ By the way, in case you're wondering why you got such sweet racial traits and blessings, it's because your race and body is the first one the young Goddess Sylvenori ever created. So you were and will always be her first... you know, now that I think about it, it also kind of makes her your mother, which makes the whole being her first analogy icky... best not to think on it.

Anyways, since the young Goddess is the child of the Moon Goddess and the Sun God, and the two of them being such loving and doting parents... how could they possibly resist giving you their Blessing too? Hence, you hit the jackpot with your Unique race :) ]

Michael sat there silently, little heart "Thumping" loudly in his ears, his body quivering. His small hands massaged his head getting his scattered thoughts in order. First, I'm not even going to touch the thing about 'new name pending'... that has got to be Anari messing with me... "I...I hope." His small voice shaken and stirred. So, let's focus on my race, just what is a Sylven?

Michael focused his mind on the word Sylven in his Status page, and a small holographic info box popped up with minor details about his race:

[ Sylven: A new race born into the World of Abrynth, created by the young Goddess of Plants and Forests, Sylvenori, from which the name of the race is derived from. The Sylven race is a highly charismatic female-only race born of the plants, trees, and Oryn energy of the world. As such, this new race is much loved by nature.

They are classified as Humanoid Magical Beings. As such, they may produce offspring with other Humanoids that have high amounts of Oryn energy. Please note that all female offspring will be born Sylven race like the mother. And all-male offspring will be born the same race as the father. Furthermore, all offspring have a 60% chance of being born female due to the magical nature of Sylven. (I refuse to go into further detail about that... hentai!) ]

Michael groaned out loud, his fingers whitened as they dug into his scalp as golden honey eyes jolted left to right repeatedly,  taking in the same words over and over: The Sylven race is a highly charismatic female-only race.

Bloody hell, I've been duped. I really am obtuse. Michael sat there quietly, breathing in and out, in and out...

[ DING ]

“Why do I keep hearing dinging?”

Another holographic info box popped up:

[ Dinging occurs whenever the Starblood has advanced in level, learned a new skill or spell or ability, and other special reasons. For example, the most recent DING was due to your learning the new skill: Spiritual Meditation Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 2. Congratulations! ]

[ Would you like to lower the volume of the DING? Y/N ]

“Yes please.”

[ Answer accepted, the volume has now been softened: ding. ]

“Much better, thanks Anari.”

[ You're welcome Wylla ;) ]

It's Michael, but I don't want to get on her bad side... like I seem to be with her mother. Narcissia... Ugh... why did I have to say those words? I already have enough problems as it is... like my Starblood age... 10 huh.

“Wonder why it made me 10 years old... I'm 16...”

Another holographic info box popped up with the answer:

[ In order to comply with the Starblood's wishes to become the Unique Sylven race, the Starblood's gender had to first be changed. To accomplish such a task, the Starblood's body had to first be reverted to an optimal preteen state, gender bendification then took place, and our Starblood's wishes were then Actualized. We are very proud of our achievement. You are now a healthy beautiful Sylven girl of 10 years of age. Happy Birthday, Wylla! Yay! ]

I don't want to rain on her parade, but if I had known this was going to happen I would have chosen to be a baka and refused the Unique Race option...

Michael once again returned his focus onto his Status page and was happy to discover he had 15 unspent bonus attribute points. Although I'm not 100% sure what each attribute does, I do know that I never liked min-maxing my stats, so lets even them out a bit.

After looking his stats over for a while, he went ahead and assigned the points.



Strength: 10 (increased by +4)   Athletic: 15 (increased by +5)   Constitution: 12 (increased by +1)                     Bonus Attribute Charisma: 20


Intellect: 14 (increased by +2)   Wisdom: 13 (increased by +1)   Focus: 13


Faith: 10 (increased by +2)   Will: 13   Aura: 15

[ Confirm changes: Y/N ]


[ Changes confirmed and implemented. ]

There, done with that, on to step 2 and 3, time to start training, exploring, and getting geared up.... especially clothes!


Attributes Explained:


Strength: Increase physical damage. Increases the weight one can carry and certain actions one can take that require strength. Also influences one's physical toughness and amount blocked when using a physical item to block physical attacks.

Athletic: Influences one's physical defenses, hit chances, endurance, and speed. Also, influences one's chances of learning new physical skills and abilities. As well as influences the speed at which ones gain proficiencies in said skills and abilities.

Constitution: Influences one's health pool. As well as increases ones resistances to injury, illness, and poisons. Also influences one's ability to recover from exhaustion.

Bonus Attribute - Charisma: Influences one's physical beauty and physical charm. Influences interactions with others, some positive and some negative [ like catching the eye of the wrong type of person... nope no future flags here... ].


Intellect: Influences spell damage. As well as increases the likelihood of learning new spells through study: scrolls, grimoires, and ancient languages (like runes, sigils, and the like). Small influence on increasing speed at which one gains proficiencies through study.

Wisdom: Influences Oryn energy regeneration. Also increases the likelihood of learning new skills, spells, and abilities through observation and enlightenment. Small influence on increasing speed at which one gains proficiencies through enlightenment by spell usage.

Focus: Influences the ability to use skills, spells, and abilities without interruption. Also, decrease the effects of skills, spells, and abilities to affect the mind.


Faith: Influences the chances of things going right and one's blessings. Also, increases the likelihood of receiving rewarding loot.

Will: Influences one's magical defenses and determination to see things through to the end. Also, decreases the negative effect of certain skills, spells, and abilities that attack the soul.

Aura: Influences the size of one's Oryn pool. Also, influences ones Oryn based charm, self buffs, and decreases debuffs placed on oneself.

Well... that should just about cover today's chapter. It ran a bit longer than usual, but I had fun writing it; I hope you all enjoy it as well. And now here's a little title teaser for what is Coming Next Week - Chapter 13: Wylla the Explorer and Chapter 14: Cute But Deadly (Wylla's first battle!)

P.S. By the way... my niece just sent me a Head Sketch of Wylla... I posted it in the Glossary just a moment ago for those interested in taking a peek. (added 9-4-19)

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