Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 13: Wylla the Explorer

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 13

Michael stood up and slowly spun around to take in his surroundings. According to my status page, this place should be called Havenscent Meadow. It truly is beautiful.

He appeared to be standing on a small grassy hill covered with wildflowers. He was standing near a large Oryn Tree. How did he know it was an Oryn Tree? Because it was mentioned in the description of his awesome weapon. No matter which direction he turned, there was clear open space for at least 400 yards.

Forests surrounded Havenscent Meadow from three sides. The north was blocked off by a tall cliff; there was a crystal blue waterfall flowing down the left side of the cliff. It was about 20 feet wide and formed a large-sized pool of water that looked good enough to swim in. The pool fed into a river that snaked through the left side of the meadow and disappeared into the bordering forest.

I'll definitely explore that pool of water later, but first this huge Oryn tree.

The majestic Oryn tree reminded Michael of a cross between a sakura tree and an ancient oak tree. The trunk was guarded by a ring of thorny Royal Spider Lotus bushes; Michael stood there a moment rubbing his left bum cheek got to be careful of those fierce thorn guards... don't want to go through that again. Yup, he well remembered 'them' due to his painful run-in with them earlier that morning.

The tree trunk was wide, very wide, and rose a story and a half high, then split into four good-sized branches that spread out up towards the sunny sky. The leaves were palm-sized and shades of purple and deep cherry red. He spotted a fist-sized round golden fruit hanging from one of the branches.

Hmm... With all those thorny bushes surrounding the tree and with how wide and tall the trunk is, I don't think I can climb up there with this small body. Maybe there's a way up on the other side of the tree.

Michael began to walk around the tree to see what was on the other side. The sound of falling water entered his ears, confusing him; The waterfall at the cliff was too far away to hear so he was puzzled by what was causing that noise. It seems to be coming from the tree.

“Wow... how is the tree doing that?”

Michael was now standing in front of the other side of the tree. Water was falling down the length of the trunk, gathering into a small pool at the foot of the tree, due to the roots forming a natural ring. The source of the water appeared to be the center of the trunk, the water flowed down from where the 4 branches split off heading up into the sky.

He took a step towards the pool, the golden blue water looked highly refreshing. He bent slightly forward to scoop up some water to drink when his long silken hair draped over his shoulder and onto his arm. He was confused by the color of the hair, a blend of shades of cherry red, just like a sakura tree, from dark to almost white...

But I could have sworn that it was shades of green before I passed out this morning.

“Anari, is something wrong with my hair? I could have sworn that I had seen flashes of it being shades of green earlier.” Michael asked out loud while looking up into the sky.

A holographic info box popped up:

[ You are correct Wylla. Earlier, your hair was beautiful shades of green and now its stunning shades of cherry red. The reason for this is twofold: First, you were born the very first Sylven of Abrynth, as such, extra care went into your creation.

Second, very pure Oryn energy from plants and trees was used in your creation, and that energy was infused into your wonderful hair. As such, your hair will change with the rising of the sun and the moon... As will the glimmer of color that flashes across your golden honey eyes. ]

“Thank you Anari.”

[ You're welcome Wylla. ]

Well, that answers that. Have to admit, they did do a great job on this hair... Michael turned his attention back to the pool of water when suddenly, he heard BZZZZing sounds coming from behind him.

That can't be good. He quickly stood, turned around, and aimed his wand in the direction of the buzzing as his eyes scanned the air. That's when he spotted them, four fat football-sized bumblebees!

They were bobbing up and down, wobbling to and fro in the air as they came flying towards him at a jog-like pace. Their wings beating furiously, trying to keep their oversized fat furry belly's afloat in the air. The scene was quite comical, and a bit dangerous.

The two lead bumblebees had green, yellow, and black stripes round their little fat furry bellies. They were a bit smaller sized than the two behind them. One of those had pink, purple, and black stripes while the largest one in the back of the furry bees group had red, pink, and black stripes.

Oh, Cute. Guess this is what they mean by cute but deadly... I think that's how the saying goes?
“Maybe there's still time to hide, I might not have been spotted yet...”

[ Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Wylla buuutttt, these fat little Furbees love the sweet scent of flowers. And you're currently standing upwind... so you do the math. ]

[ P.S. Here's a little hint taken straight out of your status page, in case you've flunked math: Alluring Body Fragrance ;) ]

Yup... just my luck. I'm sure this is not the last of my problems that this little body will get me into.

Michael stood straight and steady, pointed his wand, and aimed at the Furbees that were now only 20 yards away. Ugh, hold still! Stop dancing about so much.

“Well, time for my first battle in Abrynth... no training, just jump right into the fire. Guess it's 'do or die' so here goes.” Michael nervously said out loud to nobody in particular. His arm slightly shaking, moving up and down, to and fro, trying to match the Furbees movements: “Seed Burst!”


A quick note: Wylla's first fearsome foes have made an appearance... I don't know about you but I find them to be strangely cute and fluffy (If you like the little Furbee be sure to click the little heart like button on this page ;) The Illustration of the Furbee was created by my niece and is nearly complete; All that is left to do is add the colored stripes which she is working on for the soon to be finished book cover :)

Coming up next: Chapter 14: Cute But Deadly (Wylla's first battle!)

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