Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 14: Cute But Deadly

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 14

Michael felt the energy in his mind and pit of his stomach converge and merge with the energy in his small developing chest. The energy then flowed into his arm, down to his hand, and out into his Royal Spider Lotus Wand. The purplish Royal Spider Lotus at the tip of the wand seemed to come alive, as it then spat out a seed toward the lead green, yellow, and black striped Furbee at high velocity.


[ Swing and... a miss. Don't give up 'Use the Oryn' Wylla! You have 27 left. ]

27? What is she talking about... ah... focus, focus!

“Seed Burst!”


[ Swing and... a miss. Strike two, but that one was much closer. You can do it Wylla! You just have to believe in yourself as I believe in myself! Btw, you have 24 left.]

What's with the numbers?... anyways... believe... believe...

“Seed Burst!”


[ Swing... and a HIT! Furbee 1 has been hit by Seed Burst for... 2 points of damage + 2 from your cheat blessing. Good News: Just 2 more hits and he'll be down for the count. Bad News: Just 21 points left... and 4 really angry Furbees just 15 yards away and closing! ]

“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


[ Congratulations Wylla! You have vanquished your first beastie in Abrynth! Bards shall sing of your heroic deeds, national holidays will take place in your honor, and all the world shall bask in your Glorneficence... or not.
Either way, you have received 10 experience points and your wand skill has leveled up as well. You now have 12 points... no, correction; thanks to your racial bonus plus blessings you now have 17 points left... such a cheat. Now back to our program already in progress. ]

Well, whatever those numbers are for, it sounds like I'm doing okay. Yosh! Let's slay another one before they reach me.

“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


Darn it...

“Seed Burst!”


[ Now you're getting it Wylla! 2 cannon fodder down and 2 meanies to go, now get up in there and swing away like you're at a pinata party. 5 points left... oops, make that 9 points little miss cheat. ]

The pink Furbee buzzed with anger at Michael, entering melee range. Pinkie aimed its butt... err mean its stinger at him, and dove towards his head.

Time to see if all those years training in Ms. Tsukino's dojo was time well spent. Michael dove under the attacking Pinkie, rolling to its left and bounced back up onto his feet. [ ding ]


Pinkie's attack just missed his head, moving past him.

“Now, how do I change this thing into a rod?” Michael asked no one in particular as he waved the wand about.

[ That's simple Wylla, just tap your heels together three times while saying “There's no weapons like rods.“ ]

Michael rolled his eyes.

[ I can't give you all the answers Wylla, what fun would that be if I taught you how to summon rod form? Just be the best you that you can be. ]

Roars of laughter rang out from above as a lively little girl danced about in the meadow, arms flailing in the air waving a flowery stick about, dodging and rolling as two angry Furbees continued swooping and diving at her.

If this keeps up I'm going to die of exhaustion. Think... transforming into a rod... transforming...

“... transform rod form...” Nothing... oh, duck... “... rod transformation...” Nope.... roll... “... need it to transform... where's all that laughter coming from?... roll... ”... ouch, ouch, ouch ...”

“Bwa ha ha ha...” “ah ha ha ha...” “mwa ha ha ha...” “hee hee tee hee...”

[ Wylla has taken 5 points of damage from rolling into a Royal Spider Lotus bush. Either Wylla is a Masochist or she really lacks Spatial Awareness during battles. Big Sister Anari highly recommends learning said skill, your life just might depend on it. 9 health points remaining... things aren't looking good for our young heroine. ]

Ugh... Anari's no help, the least she could do is give me a clue... ah... roll... how... “ summon... (Duck...) rod form...”

Michael felt the Oryn energy from his abs and his head once again converge into his small heaving chest and merge. The energy once again flowed into his arm, down to his hand, and out into his Royal Spider Lotus Wand.

The shaft of the wand then grew into the length of a short sword, thickened in roundness, and became sturdy and solid as the Purple Spider Lotus climbed to the side of the top of the rod, ready to bite when ordered.

Not quite sure how I did it, but now is not the time to reflect... now is the time to break open some loot pinatas!... roll...

Pinkie, who had taken some damage from time to time from Michael's flailing attacks, once again dove at him, stinger sharp and ready, aimed at his chest. As for Red, it just missed Michael a mere second ago who rolled out of the way so it was now behind him and trying to come around for another attack.

Michael patiently waited for a second or two, his rod at the ready, then released a powerful blow at the incoming fastball pitch that was Pinkie.

“Royal Spider Lotus Bite!”


Pinkie crashed into the ground, wings broken, and with several feet in the grave.

[ Down Goes Pinkie! Out cold and with Broken Wings (cue the music) 5 points of damage from the bite, 3 points of damage from the crit, and 5 points of damage from the cheat racial bonus plus blessing. Btw... you now have 6 Oryn points left.]


Uh oh, that sounds close... rol...


Red hit Michael's shoulder, sending him sprawling into the ground, in front of the Oryn tree.

[ One should not stand still, admiring their powerful blow, when there's still foes to be fought. 5 points of damage taken. Just 4 health points remaining. ]

Michael scrambled back to his feet, set his stance, rod drawn back, and patiently waited for the right time to strike.

[ Both combatants are greatly damaged, the next strike determines the victor! Two men...err... fighters enter, one fighter leaves! Good luck Wylla. ]

Red flew up into the air, turned around, its body floating to and fro as its wings fluttered wildly. It hung there a moment in the sky, preparing itself as if it knew this was the final attack, winner takes all.

With a loud BUZZ, Red bobbed down, then back up, and then came diving down, like bat out of hell, with its butt pointed and stinger shinning in the sun, aimed straight at the deliciously fragrant, cute but deadly, small little girl with the flowery stick that had taken the lives of its friends.






“AAAHHH... NOW!...”




The rod slammed into the fat furry red, pink, and black stripe belly as the spider lotus pierced its furry flesh with its thorny fangs, Red's stinger struck into the shaft of the rod, the stinger broke and the force of the blow sent Red's lifeless body spinning in the air as it slammed into Michael's small tired chest.


The impact sent Michael stumbling backward, the back of his foot hit something hard on the ground, and he found himself falling backward with arms 'whirlwinding' about in the air.


Water entered Michael's eyes, nose, and mouth, confused and gasping, he flailed about; He lifted his upper body out of the water, shifting into a sitting position, and wiped the cool tingling water from his eyes.

[ding ]

[ You have learned a hidden skill: Oryn Spirin Eyes ]

Meanwhile from the unseen divine Box Seats up above; A chorus of uproarious laughter rained merrily, merrily down as a cute little girl sat soaking wet in a small pool of water in front of an Oryn tree.

[ That was highly entertaining Wylla! You really had me on the edge of my seat. You deserve your victory bath, to soak in the glory of a battle well fought. You have 1 health point remaining and 1 oryn point left. ]

Michael sat in the cool Oryn tree pool of water, letting it soothe his small tired body. He cupped his hands, and drank from the pool, too tired to care that he was in it. [ ding ]

[ Wylla has received the following: 20 experience for defeating Red. 15 experience points for defeating Pinkie, who passed away during the battle with Red. 250 experience points for completing the hidden quest “First Blood.” Congratulations Wand and Rod skills have leveled up.

Congratulations You have leveled up.

Congratulations you have learned Unarmed Martial Arts.

Congratulations Unarmed Martial Arts has unlocked: SnapDragon Kick

Congratulations Unarmed Martial Arts has unlocked: Orchid Butterfly Steps

Congratulations you have reached Tier: 1

Congratulations you have earned the purely cosmetic Title of Battle Jester!

You now have 5 Unassigned Attribute Points earned for Tiering Up.

Plus 3 Unassigned Bonus Attribute Points earned for Tiering Up.

1 of your Bonus Attribute Points has now automatically been added to Charisma for Tiering Up ]

Looks like that was a very rewarding battle. Lots of skill ups and 1 tier closer to hitting Rank 1. Plus, I have 7 points to use for my Attributes and 1 point, that I don't get a say on, that's automatically placed in Charisma... what a waste of a precious point. Can't be helped... Oh well, let's do this.

“Anari, I'd like to put 5 points into Strength and 2 points into Constitution.”

[ Ooh, someone sounds like they have dreams of becoming a powerful little Barbarian Princess but no can do Wylla. First, only 1 point can be added to anyone Attribute per Tier Up. Second, you are a Sylven, as in magic is in your blood. As such, 1 point will automatically be assigned to each of the following Attributes: Intellect, Wisdom, Focus, and Aura. And one of your 3 bonus attribute points will always be used for Charisma... Mother just knew you'd want it that way. So, that leaves you with 3 points to assign each time you Tier Up. ]

“Hmm... Oh well, if that's the case then I'd like to add 1 to strength and constitution. As for the last one, I'll choose Athletic this round.”

[ Confirm changes: Y/N ]


[ Changes confirmed and implemented. ]

“Thank you Anari.”

[ You're welcome Wylla ]


Well, it was one busy week for me and my niece this past weekend. My niece not only finish sketching out the cute but deadly Furbees (as seen in chapter 13) but has also completed the look of Wylla! (As you can see from the new Wylla illustration adorning this chapter.)

And while my niece was busy working on the illustration I was busy watching lots of youtube tutorials on how to build a website... I learned quite a bit and put together my new website over at I'm quite happy with how it came out, it's a simple look but does what I want it to do... I just need to think about whether or not I want to get rid of all those 'leave a reply' boxes... I prefer using the ones here.

Oh, and I was really happy that I learned about, it's a site that lets you make free logos (I learned about it through one of the youtube tutorial videos). Not only did I use that site to make my fun little logo but I also used it to make my profile image... quite a handy little site.

Well, that's about it... as for what's coming up next week: Chapter 15: The Spoils of Wa

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