Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 15: The Spoils of War

Book 1, Volume 2
Chapter 15

Now that that is done. It's time to get some loot. Fingers crossed for some clothes. Michael stood up, stepped out of the pool, and then shook himself semi-dry as the water droplets rained down from his long silky hair. He walked past Red's and Pinkie's bodies, wanting to save the best for last.

He stepped up next to Furbee number 3. Not sure how this works, but let's try touching it. Really hope I don't have to cut it apart and dismantle it. He lightly shook his small body and puffed his small cheeks at the thought of doing such a gross activity. Reaching down, he touched the Furbee's fat furry belly, and a smile of relief lit up his face when a holographic Loot Box popped up:

[ Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 1, Stars 1) has dropped the following loot: 1 low-quality stinger used in Blacksmithing and Alchemy. 2 low-quality Furbee's legs used in Alchemy. And 1 low-quality pair of furry shorty shorts. ]

“Yes! Clothes, I don't care how they look or that they are low-quality shorts. I can finally be commando free. Plus some good starter materials... what, no Furbee steak materials for cooki...”

[ Some materials require the Dismantling skill in order to loot. And some skills require having the right tool for the job. ;) ]

I was only joking about the Furbee steaks, but that's good to know. And since I plan on taking Alchemy as my job later, to take advantage of my racial bonus... Hold up... what am I even thinking!?! I almost forgot I plan to get this whole crazy situation with my race and being a girl fixed once I get out of this starting area... Still, I can give the materials to mom and dad, I'm sure one of them will take Alchemy.

Michael then touched each item listed in the Loot Box and watched them materialize on the ground next to the Furbee's body. He happily picked up the furry green, yellow, and black striped shorty shorts and put them on. They felt a bit snug on his hips and short on his bum, but it was a million times better than walking around naked.

After a few moments of being empty of loot, the Young Furbee's body broke into small colorful bubble-like particles of light and faded away as they floated up towards the sky.

He then gathered up the material items and walked over to loot the next Furbee:

[ Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 1, Stars 1) has dropped the following loot: 1 low-quality stinger used in Blacksmithing and Alchemy. 1 low-quality Furbee broken wing used in Alchemy. And 1 low-quality furry ribbed halter top. ]

Michael wasted no time and looted it all. He then put on the furry green, yellow, and black ribbed halter top. He wasn't sure if the top was too short or if it was supposed to show off his belly button, but other than that it was quite comfortable.

“Finally, I'm clothed like a civilized person. No more running around like a little naked feral child.” Michael said to himself as he spun around with his arms up in the air like a small little ballerina and a smile on his cute little face.

[ Congratulations Wylla! You have earned 150 experience points for completing the hidden quest “Dressed to Impress” and might I add that you look adorable in your new Furbee outfit ;) ]

“Thank you Anari.” Michael happily replied.

Now to see what the big ones have... Michael walked up to Pinkie's body and touched it. Hoping for something good he could use. The Loot Box popped up:

[ Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 1, Stars 2) named Pinkie has dropped the following loot: 1 low-quality stinger used in Blacksmithing and Alchemy. 4 low-quality Furbee's legs used in Alchemy. 1 low-quality broken wing used in Alchemy. 1 small low-quality beast core used mostly in crafting. And 1 medium-quality large-sized belly pouch used to hold herbs, small materials, and/or potions. ]

“Yes, a pouch! Great timing. And something new, a beast core. Sounds useful...”

Michael took all the loot. He then strapped the furry pink, purple, and black striped belly pouch around his slim waist and was happy to find that he was able to fit all the materials he looted inside his new pouch. Michael then skipped over to the last Furbee body he called Red.

“Now to see if it was truly the best for last.”

He reached down and looked into the Loot Box. His golden honey eyes shined as he unconsciously started humming Christmas tunes.

[ Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 2, Stars 3) named Red has dropped the following loot: 1 medium-quality broken stinger used in Blacksmithing and Alchemy. 3 medium-quality Furbee's legs used in Alchemy. 1 small medium-quality beast core used in most crafting. And 1 medium-quality large-sized traveler's pack. ]

Michael took all the loot, then quickly transferred all the items in his belly pouch into his new furry red, pink, and black striped traveler's pack. He sat there on the ground for a while, collecting his thoughts and his bearings. He found it so hard to believe all that had happened to him, had happened in such a short period of time.

Not even half a day had gone by (or so he thought) and he found himself painfully trapped in a little girls body, alone in a strange magical lifelike world, naked til just mere moments ago, drugged by something he ate, painfully pricked by a thorny bush, seemingly friends with a 'playful' A.I. named Anari, in a near-death battle against a group of creepy but cute fluffy Furbees, and trying to get strong enough to leave this place so that he could call for help and return to normalcy.

“I can't even remember what I was planning to do right before those Furbees showed up...”

[ Here's a little hint Wylla... lookup. ]

Michael looked up. He saw the blue sky and a part of the Oryn tree. Figuring Anari wasn't hinting at the blue sky, he focused on the tree... and that's when he saw it, the fist-sized round golden fruit he had wanted to gather before he got distracted by the pool of water that was formed by the majestic Oryn tree, and was then so rudely interrupted by a group of cute but deadly Furbees.

“So back to the drawing board, how do I get that fruit?...” He thought and he thunk, then he pondered for a bit as he repeatedly tapped the side of his leg with the rod.


Well, things went well for me yesterday as inspiration struck and I was able to write more than I had planned. As such it allowed me to release this chapter about 4 to 5 days earlier than scheduled... hope you enjoy it... even if it is on the shorter side of most of my chapters.

Anyways, coming up next week is Chapter 16: You're Killing Me Smal…err… Wylla!

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