Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 16: You’re Killing Me Smal…err… Wylla!

Book 1, Volume 3
Chapter 16

[ The answer is on the tip of your tong... fingers ;) ]

Thinking about Anari's tip, Michael looked down at his hands, scrunched up his cute face for a moment, before it dawned on him, “Oh, that's right, I can use this...” he said as his face 'unscrunched' while looking at the rod in his hand.

With a look of steel determination, Michael got in a stance, looked up at his target, and wound his arm back, rod in hand, like a pitcher on the mound.

[ Oye! Oye! Oye!... Really Wylla?... is that really your answer?... ]

Michael froze while in his throwing stance, and thought things over again. If I throw it and hit it, the rod seems heavy enough that it should knock the fruit down... … “Oh yeah, I didn't think about that. What if my rod gets stuck up in the tree when I throw it? Then I won't be able to climb up and get it. Thanks for the heads up Anari!”

“Ah ha haha ha...” “bwa ha ha haha...” “Tee hee hee hee..”

Ugh, there's that laughing from above again. “Since, throwing my rod isn't the answer, what else...” Michael spoke out loud to himself as his golden honey eyes scanned the area, then lit up as if to say 'Eureka!' when they spotted the Royal Spider Lotus bushes guarding the Oryn tree.

Michael lightly swung the rod to and fro as he began to approach the thorny guards. The thorny guards began to shake like mice in front of a small adorable ragamuffin kitten as they heard the much too cute little girl that was getting closer and closer muttering, “If I bash those thorny bushes apart I'll then have plenty of sticks to throw at the fruit...”

His mutterings and intentions were greeted by another round of mirthful laughter. As well as another exasperated message from Anari:

[You're killing me smal...err... Wylla! … I guess being obtuse isn't just a giant trait. Now think Wylla... if only you had something that could shoot down that fruit like a slingshot... or a... come on... I know you can guess it...]

He once again stopped what he had been preparing to do and thought things over. He once again looked down at the rod in his hand mumbling “... something that shoots like a slingshot... something that shoots like... oh, I got it. My wand!” He smiled like a contestant giving the winning answer on a game show.

“Thanks, Anari! I don't know why I'm being so 'muddleheaded' but thanks for helping.”

[You're welcome Wylla. Your 'muddleheadedness' is probably due to the great number of changes that you have gone through recently. Worry not, I'm sure things will get better with time :) ]

Michael stood in deep thought scratching his head for a moment, then lifted his rod up, and called out, “Transform Wand Form!...” “....nothing... okay, Wand Form Transformation!...”

[Think Wylla... think back to the words you said to summon rod form.]

“That's easier said than done... I was in the heat of battle... wondering how to summon... rod form...”

A soft musical rain of divine words and laughter came down from above again: “ooh, I really thought she was going to say it...” “... so close...” “.... don't give up little girlie...” “... she's so cute...” “.. adorable, I want to put her in my pocket...” "... Oye! Oye! Oye! No one's taking my sweet little Wylla... I'll fight you for her..."

A shiver went down Michael's spine as he bunched up his shoulders, then decided to shake it off and pretend that he didn't hear what he heard. "Moving on...." He continued to stand there, hand on chin and forehead rumpled, “... so how am I suppose to summon wand form?...”

As soon as Michael finished uttering the triggering keywords: “summon wand form” Oryn energy quickly converged, then flowed through him into the rod, which then transformed back into its wand form.

“Yosh! I did it.”

[ I always knew you could Wylla... eventually. Now for the hard part... this could take a while, but on the bright side, it'll be great training. Pro tip: Pay attention to your Oryn energy, always make sure you have at least half in the pool in case more Furbees or other loot pinatas decide to show up. ]

“Ooh... good point. Will do Anari.” Michael then spent half an hour circling the tree, searching for Oryn fruits. He spotted 11 of them, but about half of them seemed like they would be too hard to shoot down.

“Well, since I need the training, let's see how many I can knock down.”

“Seed Burst!”


"Ugh! Just when I was about to get started... Fine, come at me if you're looking to die!"


Just when Michael thought he was free of them, they come to pull him back in... Coming Up this Thursday: Chapter 17: Furbees Come Out and Play!

(Yup yup... another movie reference chapter title... wonder which one? ;)

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