Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 17: Furbees Come Out and Play!

Book 1, Volume 3

Chapter 17

Wylla stood there scanning the new group of Furbees coming her way: 3 Greens, and 2 Reds. Hmm... this group is a bit stronger than the last group... but so am I now! "And this time it won't be like last time. This time I know how to transform my weapon and know how to use my two skills... skills... two skills... why does it seems like I'm forgetting something?”

Wylla's forehead scrunched up again, her free hand gently tapping her noggin as her golden honey eyes tracked the new Furbee group just 25 yards away and closing in at a light jogging pace. "Just what am I forgetting? Is it about weapon transformation... nope. Then could it be my two skills... two skills... skills... Ah, that's what it is! My skills, I have more now... what were they again?”

“Oh ya, that's right the first one I got was from falling in the Oryn tree pool of water. What was it called again?... Whoa, better run back a little, give myself more room while I figure this out.” Michael said as he turned and ran 20 yards back and a bit to the right of the Oryn Tree.

[ That would be Oryn Spirin Eyes Wylla. ]

“Yup, yup... that's it. Thanks, Anari... now to find out what Oryn Spirin Eyes do...” The moment Wylla's musical voice said the skill's name, she felt the Oryn energy in her head flow directly into her eyes.

The world around her became much clearer and in focus. And what's more is she could see the colorful aura of all the living things she focused on: The blend of the golden-green and white light of the Oryn Tree's aura, the purple-pink green blend of the thorn guard's aura, and the light golden green of the Furbee's auras.

But that wasn't all, an Info Box popped up as she concentrated on the group of Furbees once again 25 yards away and closing:

[ A group of Young Furbees: 3 Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 1, Stars 1) now named Green and 2 Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 2, Stars 3) named Red. Furbees are soft furry bumblebee like plant beasties. They are a mix of plants and insects with soft silky Spiln Fur.

Spiln is soft silky fur-like plant threads, like a type of grass.

Furbees are attracted to the sweet scent of plants and flowers. Furbees are docile by nature, they rarely attack others unless attacked themselves or if their hive is in danger. Furbees make delicious and nutritious Furbee Honey in assorted flavors... but good luck trying to get some from their hive, you'll definitely need it. ]

“Oooh... isn't this... wonderful? I got it. I got the appraisal skill I wanted!” Michael said in a soft but lively tone as he quickly glanced over the information, distracted by the incoming group of buzzing Furbees.

[ Oh, I think you'll find it's so much better than just some mere ordinary appraisal skill Wylla... but I'll let you discover that on your own ;) ]


2 more skills to learn but I'll have to open my Status page which will cover the whole view in front of me... retreat and check... Wylla thought to herself as she hustled over to the other side of the Oryn Tree getting more distance between her and the Furbee group before saying: “Show Status.”

The Status screen popped up in front of her, blocking most of her view. Her golden eyes jolted up and down, left to right as if searching for a lost child in a crowded store. Skills... skills... where are yo... oh, found them! Michael's eyes focused in on each skill, quickly reading their descriptions:

[SnapDragon Kick: Infuse your low kicks, sidekicks, high kicks, and roundhouse kicks with the power of a SnapDragon. Once activated the image of an illusionary flowery serpentine-shaped SnapDragon will follow your kicks increasing the damage of the kick's impact. Current Damage Strength: 3 to 5 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage.

Cost to Use Skill: 4 Oryn Energy Power ]

[ Orchid Butterfly Steps: Infuse your body with the colorful energy of the beautiful Orchid Butterfly for 10 seconds. During this time you will sprout two ethereal Oryn antennae from your forehead and a pair of colorful Orchid Flower Butterfly wings from between the shoulder blades of your back allowing you to dance about in battle like a graceful fluttering butterfly. Floating to and fro greatly increasing your ability to dodge, evade, and move around on the battlefield. Current Transformation Strength: 10 seconds. Battlefield awareness increased by 20%.

Cost to Use Skill: 5 Oryn Energy Power ]

“Amazing! Another attack skill and a much needed defensive skill!” Michael's eyes gleamed like a predator on the hunt while a little wicked smile crossed her soft full lips. “It's Playtime!”


Okay, almost ready to do this... first let's check my Oryn Pool. His eyes scanned the upper left area of his vision where he saw 3 bars that only Starbloods could see. The top golden-red bar was his Health Pool, which thanks to the recently added 5 constitution points now read: 32 Health Points. The middle golden-green bar was his Oryn Pool, which also thanks to the recently added 10 aura points read: 50 Oryn Points. And the bottom burnt orange bar displayed his Fatigue Status which read 93% full... plenty of energy in all tanks.

50 Oryn Points! Yosh! That's huge, thanks Oryn Tree pool. You're the best! Now, lets whittle down this Furbee group by getting rid of the Green cannon fodder first. Michael got within 20 yards range of the still following Furbee group, lifted his right arm, and aimed his Royal Spider Lotus wand at the lead Green Furbee.

“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


[ Yay! Way to go Wylla. 1 down 4 angry buzzers to go... 41 points left. ]

Taking 3 damaging hits the targeted Furbee crashed headfirst into the ground and stopped moving. This attack riled up the rest of the Furbees BUZZZ! As they came rushing at Michael seeking justice.

This isn't like last time! Michael wasn't about to stay rooted to the spot while they came at him. Nope, not this time. This time he'd use his head a little and turned and ran back keeping the distance between them around 20 yards, then turned and:

“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


“Seed Burst!”


…darn it... “Seed Burst!”


[ Another one bites the dust! Just one little greenie to go and 2 big Reds. 29 poi... no, make that 34 points to go Ms. Cheats ;) ]

Michael once again turned and ran... “Now!” Turning once again to face the 3 remaining Furbees...

“Seed Burst!”




Huh? What was that? I know I missed. Wylla thought to herself as she paused her next shot, her eyes tracking the location where she heard the SMACK come from.

That's when she noticed the Oryn Tree behind the last Green Furbee she had just missed. Stabbed into the trunk of the Oryn Tree was the Seed bullet that she had just fired and missed with.

A thick golden gel-like liquid slowly oozed out of the wound the seed had inflicted upon its silvery ash hued bark. The wind then blew from the tree towards Wylla and the Furbees.

They all paused mid-fight when the wind reached them, carrying a most delicious scent of honey and mint. Ooh... that must be the scent of the Oryn Tree's sap... so good... Oh right, must snap out of it, I'm in the middle of a fight. Michael shook his head to clear his thoughts as his long silky hair bounced to and fro. He then refocused his sight on the Furbee group. Huh, since they're still distracted by that wonderful scent let's not let this opportunity pass me by!

Michael carefully targeted the last Green and Fired!

“Seed Burst!”

The Royal Spider Lotus wand then shot out the pointy seed with great velocity. The pointy seed flew straight at Green's head like a fastball pitch headed straight into the strike zone.


The pointy seed nailed Green right between the eyes with a great impact sending a little puff of spiln fur fluttering into the air. Green wobbled a little, hung in the air for a second, and then the life went out of its eyes as it fell crashing down to the ground.

[ Congratulations Wylla! You have one shot Green by striking his Vital Point! You have unlocked a new passive skill: I Got You Deadbang! You now have 31 points and 2 super angry Reds. ]



Looks like Michael's battle game has definitely upgraded! Everything seems to be well under control or is it?... Find out this Monday in Chapter 18: Furbees Seething Red!

(btw... I had a little fun naming his one-shot skill... it's a reference to a fun movie I like made quite some time ago now... just where does the time go?... ;)

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