Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 18: Furbees Seething Red!

Book 1, Volume 3
Chapter 18

The 2 Reds were buzzing his way, just 10 yards, and closing now. Alright, time for phase 2 and too try out one of my new skills! Michael thought to himself as he ran forward to meet the 2 Reds charge while saying: “Summon Rod Form!”

The energy flowed through Wylla's body, converging in her small developing chest, and then rushed into her wand through her arm, changing its form into her trusty Royal Spider Lotus Rod.

With butt aimed down at the cute little fragrant girl, and stinger sharp and ready, Red 1 dove down towards the little girl's head.


Red missed as the little girl rolled right and quickly got back on her feet.

Michael's small chest heaved a little, breathing in and out, after rolling out of that near miss. He stood with Rod at the ready looking at the second Red that was now in front of him. Red 2 didn't rush in to attack, instead, it stayed there in the air out of reach of the cute but deadly little girl, bobbing up and down waiting for the right chance to strike.

Meanwhile, Red 1 came back around and did the same as Red 2, but from the little girl's backside. As if signaling each other both Reds bobbed down, then up, and then dove down towards the little cherry red-haired girl that reminded one of a sakura tree in full bloom.


Michael stood there dead still, muscles tensed, golden honey eyes glowing, and ears listening... listening for just the right moment and then: “Orchid Butterfly Steps!”

The Oryn energy came flooding out of his Oryn Energy Trinity cores located in his head, chest, and lower belly; the energies converged and merged with each other and then separated as it went coursing throughout his whole body and out into his back where 2 beautiful Orchid Butterfly Wings sprouted from between his back shoulder blades while two ethereal Oryn antennae sprouted from his forehead above his golden honey eyes.

Michael felt light as a feather and filled with overflowing energy. His pair of antennae flicked to and fro sending out some type of Oryn-fused pulse that allowed him to get a better grasp of the battlefield. He quickly fluttered to his left as both Reds came barreling towards him.


The two Reds missed the no longer there Wylla...


With their target no longer between them to stop their momentum, they crashed into one another painfully; BZZBAM!!! As a small cloud of soft spiln fur puffed up into the air.

Both Furbees wobbled up and down, and side to side for a moment before falling to the ground. With a great big Cheshire cat-like smile on her cute little face, Wylla floated back in; her shadow blocking the sun was the last thing both Reds saw before: “Pinata Time! Royal Spider Lotus Bites!”


[ Congratulations Wylla! You did it! And your Lil'-Miss-Know-It All skill has evolved into “Knowing Is Half the Battle!” You sure showed them this time.

Ah, they grow up so fast; One moment she's putting things in her mouth she ought not to be eating and the next moment she's turning into a cute little fierce predator. :roar:

Now, let's count up the experience rewards: That's 3 Greens for 10 XP each, plus 2 Reds for 20 XP each brings you to a big 70 XP! Won't be long before you level up again. ]

“Thanks, Anari.” Elation filled Michael's voice as he bounced up and down on the balls of feet with both hands clutching his flowery weapon to his small chest.

[ Yup... just around 40 more Greens or 20 more Reds and you'll Tier UP! Hurray! ]

Michael's face went from one of elation to one of a child whose big circus balloon just popped. Tier up... think you said it wrong... sounds more like tear up... /sigh


Looks like Wylla... err... Michael has battling Furbees all figured out! But that isn't the only fight she's... ummm... he's facing. Coming up Thursday Chapter 19: Me, Myself, and… Wylla?

On a Side Note: I just received some wonderful illustrations from my niece Kaylin Marroquin and I thought I'd share them with everyone... hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :)
If the images aren't coming up for you I do have them posted over on my website in the Our Illustrator's Box top menu link bar.

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