Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 21: Video Killed the Radio Star

Book 1, Volume 3
Chapter 21

Wylla wasn't quite sure what to do. She had her rod in one hand and saw the small stinger dagger and sheath in the Loot Box, but only had one free hand to hold them. Guess I can slip the rod into the belt of my belly pouch.

As Wylla sought a way to secure the rod to her belly pouch belt the Royal Spider Lotus on the rod seemed to come alive and gingerly crawled along the shaft of the rod using its spidery tendril legs. It then wrapped half its legs around the lower end of the handle of the rod and the other half of its legs wrapped around the belly pouch belt securing the rod in place. Which brought a happy smile to Wylla's cute face who had been quietly humming “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” song as she watched this all take place.

Wylla then looted the small sharp stinger dagger and held it in her right hand as her left hand held onto the redwood hued leathery dagger sheath with the flowery design. She inspected them with big round curious eyes. This small dagger seems more like a small knife. It doesn't seem to be much use for combat but maybe it could be useful in other ways and this redwood 'leathery' sheath is quite beautiful and soft... and has a light scent of forests and flowers. Wylla calmly thought as she held the redwood sheath up to her small round button nose, taking in its soothing scent one last time before putting the stinger knife in the sheath and then placing it in her belly pouch.

Wylla's focus then once again returned to Anari's words. “Divine Livestream gift for providing what highly entertaining Livestream? I thought it would take a while for the company to receive, edit, and produce our Livestream video streams?” Wylla asked with her head slightly titled to one side while one arm was wrapped round her small body, just below her small chest, and the other hand held her chin in an 'I'm pondering' fashion.

[ The Divine Livestream channel is a special Livestream that may only be viewed by those with divine blood. As for the other Livestream channels they have already been up and running for quite some time. In fact, you are a top 10 Livestreamer with 5 of your Livestream video moments already in the top 50 most-watched! ]

This news caused Wylla to stand proudly with small chest puffed up, shoulders straight, feet apart, hand on hip while the other hand held up a victory sign with her fingers in the air...

[ Indeed! They like you, they really really like you! And what's not to like? You have 3 videos in the top 20 most viewed, one of which is currently the top number 1 Livestream video! Hurray! On the Comedy Livestream channel.

With the videos titled “Victory Bath” “Rolling Out of the Frying Pan... and Into the Thorny Fire” and the song and dance of “Playing with Mofus!” How could you not be a little Livestream Diva!?! ]

After learning this Wylla's puffed up chest and victory stance started to deflate... And as for Anari, she kept on sharing the good news with Wylla as if she didn't notice a change in Wylla's demeanor:

[ And this breaking news just in... now there's a new Livestream video of you flying up the charts, one that just broke the top 50 list in record time and is quickly streaking its way into the top 10 titled “Sticky Tongue!” You should see the comments on that one... uh... Ummm... never mind. You shouldn't see those comments... especially not on a family-friendly channel. ]

Wylla stood there now completely deflated with cheeks puffed out and shoulders drooped.

[ Your a Livestream Video Star Wylla! With this much popularity is it any surprise you received such a useful gift from above? And don't be disappointed that the gift isn't some legendary item that can defeat your foes with a single thrust since we don't allow such high scale game-breaking gifts to be given because if we did allow it, there's no doubt you would be given many thanks to your highly entertaining Livestream videos. Yup, almost all Divine Gifts will be of a useful and/or cosmetic nature. Just the 'powers that be' way of showing their love of you being so uniquely... you. ]

Hmm... okay then let's focus on the good and get back on track. One more Red to loot. Wylla shook her little body like a wet fluffy puppy after bath time, dispersing herself of the cloudy emotions and made her way to the last Red.

Something new popped up when she touched the last Red:

[ Would you like to Dismantle and Loot Red? Y/N]

Wylla tilted her head to the side as she thought about why she was now asked about dismantling. Why now? What's different?... Oh ya, I think I recall Anari mentioning something about some skills requiring the right tools. And the only new thing I got that could be used as a tool would be... the small stinger knife I just looted! Yes, let's do this.

“I choose Yes Anari”

[ Answer received and approved... please get your dismantling tool ready Wylla ;) ]

Wylla quickly took the small stinger dagger out of her belly pouch and removed it from its sheath. That's when it started, she saw a holographic Red Furbee body and a pair of hands, one of which was holding a knife. The free hand would then move the Furbee body around into certain positions, dotted lines would appear on the body, and then the holographic hand holding the knife would then cut along the dotted lines.

Meanwhile, Wylla was doing her best to copy the holographic dismantling mini-game or simulation tutorial (since she wasn't quite sure which it was) and praying that nothing gross would come pouring out. She did her best to cut along where the dotted lines showed her to cut, with the same speed and motion as in the dismantling mini-game or simulation... probably both.

Wylla was really happy to discover that nothing gross came out and that the game guided her in the dismantling process with flashing red dots and soft stern beeps whenever she was cutting it with the wrong speed or motion or depth.

A gold light then shone down on the dismantled Furbee when she was done as a Loot Box appeared signaling the completion of the task.

[ Young Furbee (Rank 0, Tier 0, Level 4, Stars 3) named Red has dropped the following loot: 1 medium-quality stinger used in Blacksmithing and Alchemy. 1 medium-quality Furbee's legs used Alchemy. 1 small medium-quality beast core used in most crafting. In addition, your dismantling job was 23% successful! You receive 1 small Furbee steak used in Cooking. ]

[ ding ]

[Congratulations Wylla! You have learned The Dismantler skill. ]

“Yes! Thanks, Anari.”


Yup, Wylla's well on her way to becoming a Livestream Star! Yay! But she still has more important things on her plate to worry about and resolve if she wants to achieve her goal and that takes planning. Coming up Monday Chapter 22: Tasty Plans

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