Book 1, Volume 3
Chapter 22

Wylla then gathered the loot and started stuffing most of them into her slightly bulging traveler's pack. She held the moist green Furbee steak in her hand, the scent of honey with a hint of flowers making her small full-lipped mouth drool. She really wanted to take it with her but didn't want to stuff it into her pack for fear of the mess it would make.

“It's not even cooked and yet the scent is already this delicious. I wonder if I can eat it raw like some of those thin raw meat dishes people eat in mangas and tv. I mean, it is part plant so maybe... but it's also part insect so it might be better if I didn't... even if it does smell really really tasty.” Wylla said back and forth to herself as her hand brought the moist Furbee steak closer and closer to her mouth.

“Oh I know,” Wylla said as her Furbee steak holding hand paused inches away from her mouth. She then lifted the Furbee steak up to eye level and said, “Oryn Spirin Eyes.” Her eyes lit up like a pair of blueish golden honey wisps as the Info Box popped up in front of her vision.

[ Small Furbee Steak: Healthy Furbee steaks are mostly green and have an aloe moist feel to them with an eggplant like texture. They give off a sweet honey scent with hints of flowers or fruits, depending on what the Furbee fed on for sustenance. Furbee steaks are a blend of plant and insect meat that can be eaten cooked and/or raw depending on one's preference. Classification: Cooking Ingredient.]

“Yes! Although I'm not really hungry, which is strange since I don't remember the last time I ate, I'd hate to let it go to waste.” Wylla was saying to herself as she looked around for a place to prepare her Furbee steak.

[ The reason for not really feeling hungry is two-fold Wylla. First is you're in a special starter area where there is no hunger. And second is because you're Sylven. Remember, Sylvens are a magical mortal plant race and as such you get part of your sustenance from the sun, water, and earth beneath your feet.

That means only about half of your sustenance needed to survive comes from food! Well, provided the weather is good... otherwise you'll need more food but still, you'll find this to be quite advantageous when in certain survival scenarios. ]

“Ooh, that is good. No wonder the sun on my skin feels so comforting and energizing. Thanks, Anari!” Wylla said as she started flattening a patch of meadow grasses into a round plate shape, making the fragrant grassy ground look like a mini crop circle as seen on those UFO investigations shows since she couldn't find a place to prepare her steak on.

She then placed the Furbee steak on top of the meadow grass plate, took her knife out and cut the steak into a couple dozen thin strips. Mmmm looks like green honey-scented bacon strips. Wylla thought to herself as she put the knife away and picked up a slice bringing it to her mouth. And I would eat you in a box and I would eat you with a fox. I would eat you here and there...

The Furbee steak strip burst with honey and flowery juices as Wylla slowly chewed with a smile on her lips and crescent moon shaped eyes. “It really is tender and firm like cooked eggplant... just like the Info Box mentioned... and the honey flower flavor... Mmmm...” [ ding ]

[ Congratulations Wylla! You've learned Garden Cooking skill. You can now appear on your very own Livestream Cooking Show! ]

“That does sound fun but that's more up Dad and Cara's wheelhouse or is that alley... either way they're both better at cooking than me.” Wylla softly responded between tasty bites of her Furbee meal.

[ Worry not Wylla, one doesn't need to be the best chef to have the best Livestream Food Show. If there's only one thing I've learned from the results of your Sticky Tongue video it's this; People really really love to watch you eat while using the slow-motion and pause buttons. As such, I believe there are lots and I do mean lots of people that would enjoy watching you cooking what you eat and slowly eating what you cook. ;) ]

“Well if you say so but... but right now I... I have more important things on my mind,” A tomato faced Wylla said desperately changing the topic. She didn't want to think about the type of people that wanted to watch her eat food slowly, especially as she continued to eat the tasty Furbee steak strips.

[ So have you come up with a plan to resolve the Furbees friends or foes dilemma? Or are they too tasty to put on your friends list? ]

A frown appeared on Wylla's face as she continued to chew the tasty steak strip. Swallowing what she had in her mouth, she lifted another strip and began to slowly eat, savoring the flavor since it may be the last time she'd ever eat Furbee steaks again.

“Hmmm... I think I have an idea of what to do Anari.” Wylla said as she thought back to all the light novels and manga she read over the years. “Since they appear to be drawn by scent as you said earlier and they always seem to come here, most likely drawn by the scent of the Royal Spider Lotus bushes and Oryn Tree then that means I think the plan I'm thinking could or should work.”

[ Then by all means, please share your plan with the class Wylla :) ]

Wylla continued to eat the rest of the Furbee steak strips while explaining her plan to Anari. The more she talked about her plan, the more details emerged, the better the plan became and thus having finished eating the last of the tasty Furbee steak strips she stood up, wand in hand, and headed to the Royal Spider Lotus bushes while saying "Time to start my Oryn Tree Fruit Harvesting And Checking to See if Furbees Are Friends or Foes While Training 3 to 5 Skills Plan!"

[That sounds like a very good well thought out plan Wylla. Horrible name, but good plan. Well, looks like this will take you the rest of the day and maybe into the night, shall I play some music while time skipping ahead? Y/N ]

Wylla just rolled her eyes and began doing what needed to be done.


Looks like Wylla will be busy for the rest of the day and maybe All Through the Night (cue the song). But while Wylla's been busy with her first day awake in Abrynth, other events have started taking shape in the real world, bringing a smile to the lips of the Divine Beauty sitting in her throne-like chair in the luxurious executive office on the top floor of the Goddess Lokaini Entertainment building. Coming up next chapter the start of the 4 part mini-arc titled: The Goddess' Plans Bearing Fruit

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