Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 24: The Goddess’ Plans Bearing Fruit (Part 2)

Book 1
Chapter 24

On the left of the camera feed was a colorful hummingbird sized female FairyTink flying straight ahead. The FairyTink had beautiful ribbony wings that moved too fast to see with mortal eyes due to the speed they were flying. Parts of her body were made of Orynfused metals not of this world while her skin was made of soft golden bronze bio organic flesh.

Her hair was shades of sapphire gold braided into a long ponytail giving the appearance of a tiny kite as she flew ever forward. She looked like a cute little doll, a cute little magic doll that you definitely wouldn't want to get on the bad side of.

The oddest thing about her though was the spinning windmill flower that seemed to come out of her back and hung over her head as it swiveled to and fro. It was when it swiveled toward the monitor screen that one could see that in the center of the windmill 'Orchid-ish' flower was a camera lens making this flower spy gear.

“FairyTink 1 report!” The pink-haired girl named Mila said into the remote device in her hand.

“FairyTink 1 here! We're near the targeted destination, it should be coming up on camera any minute now. Over.” His voice came out over the remote device's speakers sounding like clinking glass.

“Good! Continue with the mission our glorious Goddess is with you watching so give us a good show!” Mila replied back in a lively voice.

Soft sounds of fast clinking glass came through the device's small but crystal clear speaker, though no one knew what they were saying, for the FairyTinks were speaking much too quickly, it was easy to tell that news of their Goddess watching made them all highly excitable.

It was only a couple of minutes later when a spot of green and blue showed up on the upcoming horizon of the monitor screen. The spot of green and blue was quickly growing in size as the dry desert ground below was blurring past. Soon trees and greenery could be seen as well as a blue pool that was getting larger and larger the closer they came.

“My Eden Oasis does seem to be thriving.” The Goddess Lokaini commented as the corner of her lip lifted up. “Seems my Genesis Project wasn't in vain.” Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, they all felt truly blessed to be chosen as their Goddess' servants; Being so allowed them to personally witness many wondrous places and historic moments.

More and more details of the Eden Oasis came into view as the FairyTinks were just a few hundred yards away from the outer edges. They greatly slowed down so that everyone watching their video stream, especially their Goddess, could enjoy the view.

The place was turning into a splendid fragrant garden filled with life thriving in this once desolate desert landscape.

The FairyTink unit arrived, panned the camera about for a moment, and then zoomed in towards the right side where the large pool was (or rather maybe it should be called a small lake?) because they could hear sounds coming from that direction... sounds of battle?

“All right FairyTinks, stay in Swan formation as we go investigate the source of the sounds.” “"""Yes Sir!”””” They all responded and flew over in a V-formation with FairyTink 1 in the lead.

A moment later they arrived, guided by the high pitched noises of what sounded like a girl crying out and the click clacks of what was soon discovered to be 3 large dog-sized desert scorpions.

The FairyTinks hovered above in spread formation filming the battle scene below from multiple angles.

The 3 scorpions had their young shaking prey surrounded in a triangle formation. The sounds of the click clacks from their sharp pincer claws filled the air as their long stinger tails swayed side to side waiting for a chance to strike causing their prey to turn about erratically in fear, as her big eyes jolted about here and there not knowing where an attack may be coming from.

The backside scorpion then rushed in with a claw attack, but luckily the young female prey sensed the incoming attack from the soft scuttling vibrations in the sand and swung her long powerful serpent tail towards the attacking scorpion!


The scorpion's claws closed, grasping only air as a powerful snake tail slammed into its side with a shell rattling BAM! Sending it flying 5 yards away, where it landed in a spray of sand and rolled in a series of soft THWUMPS.

“It's a lamia! A young beautiful lamia! The Genesis Project Eden Oasis's first birth is so adorable. Just look at her, she's so young and cute and... scared." The young silvery-blue moon hare Miko girl said in a voice laced with worry.

"Are those small curvy horns on her head? Could it be... she's unique?" The golden sun kitsune Miko girl asked.

"Aye! I believe so," Clarendyl said as her eyes then focused down on the lamia girl's beautiful serpent tail. "Just look at the scales of her tail; They're shaped and layered like a draic serpent's scales which means she must have draic blood in her... making her a unique lamia... a Draic Lamia. Amazing!"

"But she's so young and scared and very much alone..." The girls in the room all turned their puppy dog eyes towards their Goddess as each of them held their hands to their hearts in prayer of a miracle.

And who could blame them? There on the screen was a cute, newly born lamia girl whose upper body was that of a young preteen girl with desert red hair and big beautiful teary green eyes. Her scarlet draic serpent lower body shivered and was a bit battle-torn and bloody. But still shone brightly under the hot desert sun as the golden lines that decorated her scarlet scales gleamed.

She was looking about frantically, wanting to escape but too afraid to turn her back on her attackers. Sobs threatened to escape her lips as her small white fangs bit into her lower lip to keep from crying out.

Everyone in the room could see her look with teary eyes towards the camera as she spotted the FairyTinks hovering above. She seemed washed in worry as to whether the FairyTinks were new foes or something else. She was just too young and battle inexperienced, fighting with nothing but instinct.

A sigh escaped the Goddess Lokaini's lips as she pretended to have not noticed everyone's hopeful gaze on her. She then waved her left hand and said in a soft but clear voice, “Let's see what the Dice have to say.”

A pair of golden hexagonal dice appeared in her left hand. She then rolled them across the top of her exquisite desk: Clickety-clack, clicky-clack, clickety-clack.


Ah! It seems the young cute Draic Lamia girl's life is in danger of ending at the claws and stingers of those mean desert scorpions... her life now hangs in balance of a roll of the Goddess' Dice; Will they roll 7-11 or come up Snake Eyes? Find out next time in Chapter 25: The Goddess’ Plans Bearing Fruit (Part 3)

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