Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 25: The Goddess’ Plans Bearing Fruit (Part 3)

Book 1
Chapter 25

The dice came to a stop near the crystal globe. Everyone in the room held their breath as their Goddess Lokaini read the dice, “Snake Eyes!”

The Goddess then gave a nod and a smile to Mila. “The dice have spoken. Send in the FairyTinks.”

Everyone then released the breath they didn't realize they were holding, smiles lit up their faces like candles on a cake, and they found themselves lightly clapping and cheering on the young newborn draic lamia girl.

“FairyTinks! You are now Greenlit to assist the young draic lamia girl. The Goddess' Divine Dice have spoken!” Mila called out energetically into the device.

“Yay! We are now live to give battle support to the draic lamia girl! All FairyTinks assist and rebuff her foes! Our Goddess is watching so let's show her what we can do!” All the FairyTinks cheered catching the attention of all the combatants below, including the 3rd scorpion which had recovered from the draic lamia's Tail Strike.

FairyTinks 1 and 3 hovered over scorpion 1. FairyTinks 2 and 4 hovered over scorpion 2. And FairyTinks 5 was the lone wolf, she hovered over scorpion 3.

Seeing that everytink was now in position FairyTink 1 shouted out “Remember everytink we are providing support! Not stealing kills... so commence Sparklight Bombardment!”

The young draic lamia girl stood there in a daze as little colorful orbs of electric lights burst out from the little winged beings in the sky above, (ZZAAPP!) slamming into the faces of the scorpions below, causing them to recoil and stop attacking her and to start shielding themselves with their razor-sharp pincer claws.

This was the perfect opportunity for the young draic lamia girl to run, but she just couldn't bring herself to abandon these cute little beings that were helping her. She turned her attention to scorpion number 3 that was only being attacked by FairyTink number 5 and her green eyes narrowed with determination.

She approached the scorpion and slithered around to its left backside. The scorpion only partially saw her since it was shielding its face with its large pincer claws blocking the stinging electric orbs that the little pest above was raining down on it.

The scorpion felt something near its backside so it swung its tail fiercely in that direction and hit... air. Swoosh!

The young draic lamia girl seized the opportunity to strike, slithering into position as she felt a strange slippery energy building up, humming within her small heaving chest like a gas-fueled generator. The energy coiled around her fast-beating heart, then shot downwards past her smooth well-toned belly nestling in her powerful scarlet tail as her eyes flashed a brilliant green.

"Aieeaahh!" Her high pitched battle cry rang out in the air as she twisted her sculpted waist adding force to her empowered Scarlet Tail Strike as it flew towards the desert scorpion's blindside, leaving behind a blurry illusionary trail of scarlet and gold.


A split second later the scorpion felt a great impact (SKREE!) on the back left half of its body as it was sent flying off the ground a good 10 yards away as pieces of broken shell that covered its body flew here and there. The scorpion's battered and broken body landed with a series of THUDs, rolling and kicking up sand until it came to a sudden stop as its back crunched into a tree.

The draic lamia girl stood there a moment watching as she sent that 'meany' scorpion flying, a little fanged smile of relief formed on her cute face when the scorpion's body came to a crunching stop on the tree's trunk and then lay there motionless.

A warmth entered the Goddess Lokaini's heart as she watched the young scared draic lamia girl stand and fight to help her FairyTinks instead of taking the opportunity to run like a frightened little mouse.

“Good girlie... your courage has moved my heart. As such, you shall be rewarded. And seeing as to how you have no parents and are all alone in my Genesis Eden Oasis I shall take you in and make you my second Goddaughter.”

Everyone in the room was happy for the young draic lamia girl, and for their Goddess Lokaini. Before coming to this world she had no Godchildren of her own and now in less than a year and a half in this new world she has gained not one, but two young beautiful Goddaughters! Yay!

A flash of light lit the room and a new young holographic fox eared foxtail woman dressed in victorian inspired circus ring leader apparel appeared in front of the Goddess Lokaini's desk.

“Is it true Mother!?! A new Goddaughter is going to be added to our family?” Anari asked bouncing up and down on her heels.

The Goddess Lokaini rose up off her chair and onto her feet. She smiled at her lovely daughter as she grasped her divine parasol with her right hand. “It is true my dear Anari. I have found her worthy of our love and my blessing.”

The Goddess then tapped the lush carpet floor with her parasol (thump, thump) and a magic circle then appeared. She then opened the small bag on her waist, grabbed a few items that were the size of small toys, and dropped them all into the magic circle on the ground.

The magic circle then swallowed the items up and with a small flash of golden purple light disappeared from existence in the office.

The very next moment, in the monitor screen, the very same magic circle opened up on the ground in front of a very startled draic lamia girl. The circle flashed a small burst of golden purple light as a pair of ethereal hexagonal dice and a queen chess piece flew past the draic lamia girl's shoulders, turned in the air, and then dove straight into the back of her neck.


The cute draic lamia girl let out a small high pitched yelp of surprise as the ethereal dice and queen chess piece sent a cold electric jolt of energy up and down her spine, forming a small blessing sigil on the back of her neck. Her body shivered as cold and warm energy then flooded into her Oryn Trinity Cores, strengthening her.

Her eyes glowed as the energy pulsing in her head downloaded information into her mind; Giving her basic information about this world, about the Genesis Project Eden Oasis, about language, and lots of basic information that would help her survive and thrive in this world.

Tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks. Why? Because the information finished by letting her know that she's no longer alone! She now has a family, lots of friends that will help aid and watch over her like the FairyTinks, and a wonderful new Godmother; As well as two 'godsisters' named: Anari and Wylla! She could hardly wait to meet them.


Looks like Eva is done playing the mouse and is ready to kill the cat... err... the meany scorpions as we finish up with the Goddess mini-arc in the next and last installment of The Goddess’ Plans Bearing Fruit.

P.S. This means Wylla will be back in next Monday's chapter: A Royal Visit.

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