Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 34: Setting the Spriggankin Free

Book 1, Volume 4
Chapter 34

Wylla stopped in front of the cage holding three flora demi-humans prisoner. These must be the prisoners I have to free for my quest! Wylla's eyes lightly shone as her Oryn Spirin Eyes activated, looking over to the largest of the three prisoners an InfoBox popped up:

[ Ogens are Tree Spriggankin. They are shaped like big fluffy spiln covered yetis. They have tough barkskin hidden underneath all that soft shaggy fluffiness. They wear wooden masks of forest animals: Bears, Racoons, and Owls being their favorites. They are known as the gentle giants of the Makai Forest. Rank 1, Tier 0, Level 0, Stars 4 ]

Wylla noted that the Ogen in this cage had long fluffy fennec fox ears and wore a bear mask. The pattern and coloring of his (or maybe her?) fluffy spiln fur reminded Wylla of a red panda.

A warmth filled Wylla's body as her left arm reached into the cage driven by a strong desire within her heart to hug and fluff the big cuddly Ogen. Her hand was reaching out through the cage's wooden bars when she noticed the odd long flora coat wearing spriggankin with an off white bunny mask quietly standing to the side of the Ogen.

The bunny girl spriggankin (for that's what the shape of her body seemed to indicate) tilted her head slightly to one side watching Wylla.

Ah! What am I doing... nows not the time for 'mofu-mofu'! Wylla thought to herself as she looked at the spriggankin trio, including the little one poking its small owl masked face out from behind bunny girl where it was hiding.

Wylla's face blushed as she looked away, regaining control of herself and quickly bringing her reaching arm back under control, placing it by her side. Not my fault they're so Kawaii... cuteness must be their superpower!

She then returned her gaze to the bunny girl and read her InfoBox:

[ Kiir are Flora Spriggankin that appear as willowy children wearing long dark-colored coats made of velvety spiln covering them from their necks to their feet. The collar, cuffs, and bottom are fluffy with feathery spiln leaves. They wear wooden masks of small animals or birds. Kiir's have a curious nature but are somewhat cautious. Rank 0, Tier 3, Level 4, Stars 4 ]

The emo bunny girl (for the long dark coat and off white mask gave off such an image to Wylla) stood protectively in front of a small fluffy Ferrewl whose feathery wings were tucked in; Its little cat-like tail with the feathery tip twitched to and fro as the little wooden owl mask face peeked out from behind bunny girl staring in wonder at the surrounding ruckus.

[ Ferrewls are Critter Spriggankin. These small floral ferret-like spriggankin have feathery wings and tail tips. They have big fox bat ears and small owl masks cover their cute faces. They have a shy but playful nature. Rank 1, Tier 0, Level 0, Stars 3 ]

The big shaggy lumbering treant-like Ogen stood up with a creak and placed itself to the side and slightly in front of the others. Its big bear masked face looked about the chaotic area taking note of the three growing battles in the courtyard to the flashes of lights, smoke and sounds spilling out of the windows and the broken door of the Witch's hut.

It understood that now was a good time to escape if this little butterfly girl did what it hoped she would do. The Ogen nodded its head up and down to the little girl hoping that she understood his desire.

“So cute!” Fighting the 'mofu-mofu' urges Wylla lifted her rod, then brought it slamming down on the padlock CRACK! Followed by a soft Thwump. The cage door opened and the trio of spriggankin quickly escaped out of their prison and stood in front of Wylla.

[ Ding! Ding! You have completed the Set My Peopl...err... Spriggankin Free! Quest and have Tiered up from the XP gained. Furthermore, your surprise reward has been added to your inventory. Congratulations Wylla! Just 3 more Tiers to go and you'll hit Rank 1. Yay! :) ]

Now wasn't the time to look at her new status but she was curious about the reward and was just about to ask Anari to open her inventory when the small autumn-hued Ferrewl stepped out from behind her Kiir guardian disrupting Wylla's train of thought.

The little cutie sniffed the sweet-scented air coming from Wylla and nodded her (or maybe his?) head up and down. Figuring that there's no way that someone who smelled this good could be bad, the little Ferrewl ran up to Wylla and quickly gave her waist a tight fluffy hug of thanks, catching Wylla by surprise as the corners of her mouth lifted up.

Wylla gently patted the little Ferrewl's soft head and pointed to the Desparu Swamp Forest. “I don't know if you understand me but you should all leave this place. It isn't safe here okay?” Wylla then made little running gestures with her fingers in hopes they'd understand.

The big lumbering Ogen's trombone hoot sang out as it nodded its head. Wylla fought from giggling at the sight of the bear faced Ogen hooting like an owl. Guess this game has owlbears too... Wylla thought to herself as the emo bunny girl quickly stepped out of the group, disappeared into the battlefield and then shortly returned with 2 thorny clubs and 1 crude spear in her hands. She handed the spear to the Ogen and a thorny club to the Ferrewl.

By the way they held their weapons and moved them about (especially the little struggling Ferrewl), it seemed to Wylla as if they didn't know how to wield them. But still, it was better than nothing.

Just as Wylla was going to turn to leave the emo bunny girl stepped forward and gave her a quick one arm hug and then stepped back into her group just as quickly, standing with her head tilted down towards the ground, her hands fidgeting with the handle of the thorny club as her foot gently drew circles on the dirt ground in front of her.

So cute! Wylla thought to herself. All of them are so cute... I hope they get home safely.

The sounds of battle were getting louder, Wylla shook her head and looked back towards the battlefield as more Kavi protectors and spidolls started arriving from the main village. Wylla knew it was time to get moving. She had 1 last cage to open and then the main task of releasing the Krak...err... Ganglyrot! Thereby completing the first part of the event quest and then depending on which side the odds favored: Fight... or flee before it was too late.

“Well, I still have one more prisoner to free so you all run away now back to your homes and be safe.” Wylla smiled making running gestures with her fingers once again. She then waved bye towards them, turned towards the Ganglyrot and winced as the cold briar bloodrose curse sent another round of cold painful pricks up and down her right arm and back shoulder.

Just then a rather large group of Kavi and spidolls arrived from the village via the pathway where they halted to get their bearings. With the Witch nowhere in sight, there was no one to give orders!

Up until this point, the Kavi and spidolls had just been joining whatever scuffle they deemed to be the biggest threat which fortunately for Wylla put her way down on the threat list.

But her good luck seemed to be at an end for in this large battle group were half a dozen mounted Kavi, one of which wore a bloodrose headdress who was looking over the battlefield with discerning eyes... which were now focused on the trio of freed spriggankin and a distracted Wylla who was rubbing her right arm trying to soothe the painful pricks.

“Kavi, Nor Atun Leth Atuk! KAVI!” The mounted Kavi Head Hunter shouted, not only getting the attention of his battlegroup but also Wylla's as her head turned towards their direction.

“Yikes! Not good... looks like break time is over,” Wylla said as she shifted into her butterfly form and quickly fluttered over to the last cage. She held the rod up as she glanced at the riled up swamp beast caged within... one that made her skin crawl... one that she would rather not release but due to the large group heading her way left her with little choice:

[ The Eldrytch Gator is a unique Rank 1, Tier 0, Level 0, Stars 4 dark oryn fused gator. Its thick hide reminds one of dark gray storm clouds swirling with deep purple hues. Extending out of its long ridged back are dark wet shadowy tentacles; the smaller ones ending in round eyeballs while the larger one's tips split open into three flap mouths lined with slightly hooked thorn teeth. They attack with teeth, tail strikes, and shadow void tentacle skills... it's best not to stick around these cruel and ornery beasts when freed Wylla. ]

“Yup, yup... I'm definitely not sticking around and playing with Mr. Tentacles!” Wylla said with a shiver as she finished reading the last line in the InfoBox description.


Wylla fluttered back and forth dodging thorn darts, waiting for the right moment...


Wylla has completed her first quest setting the cute and fluffy spriggankin free, gaining a Tier Up! and getting closer to Rank 1! And with the Witch busy in her hut with a hungry rampaging Garlim... It's time to Release the Ganglyrot!

Coming up next Chapter 35: Release the Ganglyrot!

Side Note: Just wanted to say thanks and share a great little piece of Furbee fanart by Tareksaeed:

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