Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 35: Release the Ganglyrot!

Book 1, Volume 4
Chapter 35

Wylla fluttered back and forth dodging thorn darts, waiting for the right moment, for the crowd of Kavi and spidolls to get almost within melee range... and then WHACK!

Thwump the broken padlock hit the dirt ground, the cage opened and the big growling Eldrytch Gator scurried out, charging at the pile of foes as it turned its large body sideways unleashing a battering barrage of Shadow Tail Slaps; Sending some of the too slow to react Kavi and spidoll's flying.

The Eldrytch Gator's side faced the coming onslaught of Kavi and spidolls like a raging battleship at war as its eyeball tipped tentacles released volleys of Dark Void Orbs lighting the night air with round glowing streaks of shadowy purple.

Those Kavi and spidolls that were lucky enough to make it past the dark painful volley were met with Dark Tentacle Lashes; Slamming, battering and sometimes taking Shadowy Bites out of their bodies.

Kavi shrieked, spidolls skree'd, and the Eldrytch Gator growled as each side landed strikes... with the more powerful strikes being launched by the large gator.

As for Wylla, her small body was lost amidst the dust, lights, and chaos of battle as the Kavi Head Hunter continued to shout out orders.

Staying low, Wylla took a glance back, happy to see that the spriggankin trio was disappearing into the swampy forest, as she circled past the Eldrytch Gator's battle ring and, sneaky as a mouse, entered the pile of swarming foes that surrounded the Ganglyrot.

Unfortunately, being sneaky didn't last long as she was soon spotted by the enemy... Wylla switched to battle mode, SnapDragon kicking, thorny rod swinging, and wings fluttering her way to the big wooden stake. Her antennae pulsed increasing her awareness of those around her as a discordant calliope of battle noises flowed into her ears.


Wylla's heart beat rapidly, her wings flapped as she dodged to the left. 3 darts flew past where she had just been standing. Whump! She winced as a spidoll jumped into her turning hip causing her skin to darken in color and balance to falter for a breath or two.

Regaining control of her body, she lifted her rod up high and ran straight at a surprised Kavi that was standing in her path as it flailed its weapon about in panic, leaving two jumping spidolls behind her.

Just as it seemed that the mean butterfly girl was about to pound him with that scary thorn rod, the girl jumped to the side passing him by with flapping wings as he let out a “Whew!” in relief followed quickly by a “OOOFF!” as the pair of jumping spidolls slammed into his body, sending all three of them rolling to the ground in a tangle of limbs, curses, and skrees!

Finally reaching the large wooden stake, Wylla brought her rod slamming down hard BAM! A small cluster of splinters flew up into the air from the impact as the royal spider lotus bit into the hardwood with its thorny fangs once again, leaving another pair of puncture marks behind.

Wylla smiled as she noticed small crack lines forming around the first set of puncture wounds. She once again raised her rod high into the air.


The sounds around her got louder as the Kavi seemed to have figured out what the little butterfly girl was trying to do... and it was something they definitely did not want her to do.


A larger cluster of splinters flew up into the air as more cracks began to take shape, spreading out like webs. The sound caught the Ganglyrot's attention as it stared at the little butterfly girl. Its blood-red eyes watched as the dodging butterfly girl once again brought her flowery rod down hard on the stake.


More splinters flew into the air and crack lines deepened causing the little girl's face to glow as her lips curled upwards.

“KAVI! NOC TER ARYN TOC! KAVI!” The Kavi Head Hunter shouted out from near the Ganglyrot, pointing at Wylla.

Just then 3 spidolls jumped and 2 Kavi dove at Wylla.

Wylla spun to her right then grunted as 2 of the spidolls hit her in quick succession wrapping their legs around her legs restricting her movements as the other diving foes missed, landing on the ground. Wylla quickly lifted her rod and brought it swinging down as her wings beat furiously keeping her upright.



The big wooden stake cracked! Greatly weakening. Seizing the moment, the Ganglyrot grabbed the big vine chain with both hands, gave a great tug, and SNAP! The top of the wooden stake broke apart, freeing him!

He let out a loud trombone ROAR and with vine chain in hand, began to swing it around, slamming Kavi and spidolls alike.

[ Ding! ] “Ouch!” Wylla cried out in pain as one of the spidolls bit her thigh and the other scratched her calf, turning what should have been her celebration cry into one of pain.

“Grrr! Bad Spidys!” Wylla complained as she brought the butt of her rod down hard, in quick succession, onto the heads of the two spidolls holding onto her legs.

Both spidolls loosened their grips, and before they could stop seeing stars circling their heads, they were flung at a spear thrusting Kavi by a dodging Wylla.

Happy with herself, Wylla started humming and dancing about bashing Kavi and spidolls alike with SnapDragon Kicks and Rod Strikes. With so many foes around the key was to keep moving, not letting her foes surround her and get a bead on her with their darts, strikes, and jumps.

After clearing the area around herself, Wylla took a small moment to read her message: [ Congratulations Wylla you have completed the event quest Unchained in the Night! with over 10 minutes to spare and you have Tierd Up again! Yay! Just two more Tiers to go and you'll hit Rank 1. ;)

You have also unlocked the next part of the event quest: Beauty and the Beast Thanks to the Witch's brew, the Ganglyrot's heart has turned bestial and needs mending. Find some way to mend the Ganglyrot's heart so that he won't be consumed with bestial urges... hmm... maybe we should reword that part... Anyways, on to the Rewards: 500 XP, 50 lyr, and the Gift of Friendship. Time Limit: Must complete before leaving Havenscent Meadows. Do You Accept: Y/N?]

“Yes!” Wylla said accepting the next part of the quest, relieved by the Time Limit shown. Just one more task to add to her to-do list before leaving the starter area.

Wylla zig-zagged her way to the side of the cauldron in the center of the courtyard to get a better view of the battles around her:

There were lots of injured Kavi and spidoll bodies littering the ground making light pained noises and slowly rolling about holding the parts of their bodies that hurt. A small amount of them wasn't moving at all anymore, either knocked out or dead.

As for her “Allies” the Moon and Sun Serpris were near each other still putting up one heck of a fight as their bodies showed broken scales and thorns and cuts but they still held their foes at bay.

The Ganglyrot's energy seemed to have been renewed now that it was freed from the wooden stake and was happily using the chain that bound him as a powerful weapon. Most of his wounds were on his lower body and around his torn body harness but his anger kept him fighting as his eyes searched the battlefield for his most hated target... the Witch.

The Eldrytch Gator was now near the edge of the courtyard surrounded by Kavi, spidolls, and mounted Kavi hunters that were throwing thorny vine nets with small glowing sigils over it... not that Wylla cared about that creepy nightmarish beastie, she just wanted it to keep the enemies busy.

As for the Garlim...


The side of the Witch's hut exploded out in a shower of debris and smoke as a large bean bag shaped beast went shooting out, disappearing into the dark swampy forest.

Everyone stopped at that moment and turned towards the hut as they heard a fit of coughing and then saw a smoky and battered-looking Witch with unkempt lumpy dreadlocks, ripped clothing, and raging blood-red eyes walk out slowly.

The Witch stepped out of the ring of debris and into the courtyard, steadying herself with her staff. She took a look around her once lovely but now war-torn courtyard. She saw the bodies of her Kavi and spidolls lying on the ground, noticed the battered bodies of her enemies, and gazed at the Ganglyrot... What should have been her moment of greatest joy had been turned upside down all because of that... (her furious eyes falling onto Wylla) that little cursed butterfly girl... and now was the time to make her PAY!


The Witch is Back and Looking to Rain down a World of Pain on Wylla! Taking a look around Wylla must decide Is it time Fight... or Flee? Coming up next Chapter 36: Dared to Fight!

Side Note: This chapter is a day early but the next one will (hopefully) be released on Monday as usual... much to do this Month due to holidays and birthdays so release schedule will see some fluctuations but I'll do my be to keep them coming.

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