Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 65: Fluffy Treasures

Book1, Volume 6

Chapter 65

[ Yay! Congratulations Wylla! You did it! Just like I knew you could. I'm so proud of you Wylla and of your cuties Ceri and Tundri. I can hardly wait to meet them... Ah, that reminds me, don't forget to check for loot before you leave.

Also, once you enter the new passageway, it'll lead you out of the starter zone and into the magical World of Abrynth! A beautiful world created by my mother (aka your godmother!). ;)

Once there, features that were grayed out in your Druwytch Grimoire UI will become unlocked and ready to use like the friend list, AutoMap, and Logout button.

In addition, this means the end of our meeting like this so I wish you well Wylla. And I think I speak for everyone watching here and at home when I say 'We all look forward to seeing all your new upcoming Livestream Video adventures' which I'm sure there'll be plenty of.

After all, I can't tell you how many viewers that were watching your Livestream Guardian Battle with Flowers stopped, paused and rewound you getting your bum whipped. It's already been cut, edited, and uploaded as 'Whip it Good!' and is rocketing up the Top Livestream Vids of the Day chart! Yay! ]

“Aye, I have it set to loop!” “The look in her eyes and puff of her cheeks are super adorable...” “I'm framing it!” “Me too!” “That's my Wylla...” “No, she's mine...” “I'll fight you for her...” The voices raining down started to brawl as they faded away...

Wylla stood for a moment, a slight shiver running down her spine and the corner of her mouth twitching as she did her best to ignore the voices.

Sigh, Wylla shook her head, took a deep cleansing breath, brushed her hair away from her face, and looked about the ruins of the battlefield, sending her energy through the ground as all the broken and still standing pillars began to sink back into the ground... And a 'Wah-ing' Tundri came rushing towards her.

Smiling, Wylla walked up to Tundri as Ceri jumped off her shoulders returning to the air, and gave him a big hug as the water of his belly felt cool against her body, but surprisingly didn't make her wet.

Stepping back, looking at her big teddy yeti, she teased, “See, didn't I say no worries, we got this? Ahahaha... was there ever even a doubt?...”

“Tootle-tu-too!” Ceri chirped in, reminding her of a certain moment during the battle in which she was crouched by a pillar.

“That wasn't doubt Ceri... that was me just... just acting... yeah, acting for dramatic effect for the Livestream Viewers... all the great actors do it...”

Rolling their eyes, Ceri and Tundri silently signaled each other and launched a coordinated nuzzle attack stopping Wylla's muttering as their musical laughter rang out, echoing across the cavern as the trio rolled on the ground.

“Ahahaha... okay... okay. I give up... I surrender,” Wylla cried out, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks as she gasped for breath, rose up off the ground and dusted herself off. Her hand catching in the ripped hole on the side of her dress. Ah, I hope it repairs on its own over time... otherwise, it'll probably cost an arm and a leg to fix since its a divine ranked dress. Which reminds, my spear!

Wylla's eyes scanned the ground, spotting her spear lying near the cavern's wall; She rushed over and picked it up. Finding that it was undamaged, she sent it back into her core with a smile.

While she was doing that Tundri was busy gathering her pouches, cleaning them with the magical water from his body (something which took Wylla by happy surprise), and placed them in the mudroom section within. He then looked up towards the mound, head tilted as he saw something... growing? Curious, he began walking over.

“Okay, now that all my weapons are collected... time for some loot!” Wylla walked with a bounce in her steps as she made her way over to Flowers smoldering sprawled body; The scent of burnt honey and wood perfumed the air making her nose twitch and scrunch. Hmm... let's make this quick.

Happy that the game's filters censored out the true scene before her, Wylla reached down and touched Flowers body as a loot box popped up:

[ Would you like to dismantle Flowers? Y/N ]

Wylla thought for a moment before deciding yes since it would benefit her in materials and experience. She took out her dismantling knife and followed the holographic hands' movements...

About half an hour passed before she was finally done; A pile of claws, fangs, leathery barkskin, other odds and ends, and a fist-sized beast core lay on the ground next to her.

[ Would you like to loot Flowers? Y/N ]

“YES! Please.”

The loot box popped up with only one item in the list which Wylla found quite disappointing. After all, it was a long hard-fought battle in which she was badly hurt, nearly killed, and had her dress ruined... so the feeling was understandable.

That is until she read what the item was, and a great big smile bloomed on her face.

“Wow, this is... AWESOME!”

Wylla bounced up and down as she read, and re-read the item box description:

[ Havenscent Sylbiote of Metamorphosis A very rare and unique symbiotic flora lifeform which binds with the armor of the hosts choosing, enhancing its properties and more importantly, allowing the armor to change appearance to match any similarly slotted item which it has been given to consume.

The altered shapeshifted form will last for an amount of time depending on the energy used in the shapeshifting. Sylbiotes are Self Cleaning, Self Repairing in sunlight and/or with host's oryn energy.

Sylbiotes feed on the host's Oryn Energy and/or magical garments to survive and thrive. Becomes soulbound to the host upon usage. ]

[ Would you like to equip Havenscent Sylbiote of Metamorphosis at this time? Y/N ]

“Ah, YES please.”

[ Answer given and received. Please select the gear that you would like the Sylbiote to become: Briar Bloodrose Dress, Furbee Shorty Shorts... ]

“I choose Briar Bloodrose Dress!” Wylla shouted out, interrupting the listings.

[ Answer given and received. Are you sure you would like to... ]

“Yes! I'm absolutely sure. I choose my Briar Bloodrose Dress.”

[ Answer given and received. Initiating Process... ]

A golden-green cocoon of ribbony light wrapped around Wylla's dress as she felt the energy within her draining, flowing out of her body. The light began to pulse brighter and brighter forcing Wylla to close her eyes tightly.

[ Ding! Melding complete!... Soulbinding Complete. Ending Process. Congratulations you are now the proud new owner of Havenscent Sylbiote of Metamorphosis. May your journey together in both your worlds be long and fulfilling. ]

“Umm... thanks,” Wylla said, unsure what to make of that last part. Best just to think of it as a glitch. Yup... a glitch. And since that's the case, she turned her attention to her dress, a smile on her lips as she thought Yes, my dress is now repaired and looking better than ever!

More than happy with her new acquisition, Wylla shifted her attention to her holographic Druwytch Grimoire which floated out of her chest and opened to her gear section displaying the changes to her new and improved dress. Her eyes zeroing in on the stats which all increased by one: Int +4, Wis +4, Aura +6.

And newly added special feature:

Ying Yang Serpris Surprise: Summon forth a pair of Ying Yang Serpris which sprout out from the back of your armor launching a surprise ranged needle attack on your enemies. Each needle can be infused with your magic increasing the power and damage of each needle. Base Non-Infused Needle Damage: 1-2 points per needle. Cost Per Cast: 5 Oryn energy to summon. Plus cost of energy needed if and when you decide to infuse a needle attack. Duration: Can be summoned twice per day and lasts 30 minutes per summon.

So Sweet! But maybe they should be called Hentai Serpris instead of Ying Yang Wylla thought with a chuckle as she absentmindedly rubbed her bum that was thankfully no longer sore.

Taking a deep breath and shaking the memory from her mind Wylla turned around and watched as Ceri and Tundri made their way over to her from the direction of the mound.

Something good must have happened, I can feel the warm vibes they're radiating and hear Ceri's happy Tootles and Tundri's bassy Wahs and cheery Pah-roo trumpeting... “Wait, what? Pah-roo trumpeting... my cuties don't trumpet. Just where is that coming from?” Wylla squinted her eyes, spotting Ceri's energetic serpentine body flying from Tundri's shoulders down to... a very shaggy, long-nosed, six-legged pygmy sized newcomer... “Pah-roo!”

Wylla laughed as they neared her, eyes glowing, focused on the adorable new 'mofu-mofu' cutie shuffling between Ceri and Tundri as an infobox popped up:

[Newsprout Pygmy Flora SylMammoth - a shaggy (shades of green) spiln furred mammoth with six redwood trunk-like legs, small stubby thorn tusks, long leathery barkskin trunk, flower tipped tail, big round violet-pink eyes, big flappy leafy ears, and a short but stout body all topped with a springy violet-pink flower Ahoge in the center of her head newly sprouted in Havenscent Meadow's Guardian Lair... ]

“Ah! She's so cute! I must make her part of our family!” Wylla squealed as she rushed up to the adorably fluffy newcomer who watched her with big round eyes, trumpeting out a happy 'Pah-roo' greeting.

“Ahahaha, Hello baby! You're so cute! I'm so happy to meet you,” Wylla joyfully said as she knelt down by the little shaggy newcomer's side and wrapped her arms around the little beastie's neck area, burying her face in her soft fluffy fur as the little SylMammoth happily wrapped her trunk around Wylla, returning her hug.

“Ah, I'll take you home with us...” Wylla said, releasing the hug. "Would you like that? Would you like to be a part of our little family?” She asked with a big smile on her face.

“Pah-roo!” The little SylMammoth trumpeted out, nodding her head up and down excitedly.

“Yes!” Wylla rejoiced, jumping up to her feet and looking down at her new family member and soon to be second familiar. “Since you're going to be... no... not going to be... Since you're now a part of our family you're going to need a name... something fitting like Yabo... on second thought better not since I remember searching what that word means and your definitely not what that search result says.

Plus, it sounds more boyish... but what if we change the 'o' to an 'i'? Yabi... kind of like Bambi... Ooh, I like the sound of that... what do you think Yabi?”

“Pah-roooo!” A joyful Yabi lifted her trunk in the air and trumpeted as her six-legs stamped up and down in dance.

“Ahahaha! Ceri... Tundri come welcome your new sister Yabi to our family!”

The happy little family tootled, wah'd, laughed, and Pah-roo'd in 'mofu-mofu' celebration, enjoying each other's company as Wylla put off thinking about the uncertainties of her soon to come logout... showdown.


Yay! Wylla's 'mofu-mofu' party grows again as the shaggy and adorable Yabi joins her fluffy family! But will she be able to keep what she's worked so hard to get once she hits the Logout button and demands a gender fix? Find out in the final chapter of Book 1 Coming Up Next Chapter 66: The Epilogue (Cue the "Where do we go from here" Song!)

Side Note: The Epilogue is already half-written, just the front half needs re-writing... plus there's some bonus stuff I'm hoping will be ready so I'll shoot for publishing the last chapter by next Friday. Until then, Thank You for all your support... its been quite the fun ride. See you then... :)

P.S.S. Side Note: I was really torn between calling the new shaggy pygmy sylmammoth addition to the group: Elly (for el-e-phant) or Yabi but went with Yabi in the end because I found it to be more unique, cute sounding, and kind of reminded me of YOLO lol Also, you may have noticed that all three of Wylla's cuties end in 'i' ... Ceri, Tundri, and Yabi.

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