Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 66: The Epilogue (of Book 1 Part 13)

Book 1, The End

Chapter 66

“Ahahaha... okay, okay. Play time's over,” Wylla said, still smiling as her upper body rose up off the ground coming to a sitting position, surrounded by her fluffy cuties. “Ah, it's time to get going. To follow the yellow brick road to Abrynth...”


“I know... I know... it's not yellow... that was just an expression... I think? Either way,” Wylla rose up to her feet. “It's time to hit the road jacks... and see what there is to see at the end of the tunnel's rainbow.”

Of course, her cuties all tilted their heads wondering what rainbows? But chose not to question the point and followed along. After all, maybe she hit her head a little harder than they thought during the fight... so hit the road they did.

And since this was a road trip to a new world... Tundri offered Wylla a snack.

A wonderfully fragrant wax orb filled with all-natural delicious goodness type snack, that he found on the guardian's mound; That used to be Flowers throne and became Yabi's sprout-place.

“Ah! Is this what I think it is!?!” Wylla asked, holding the golden orb in front of her wide-open eyes. Closing her eyes, she took a small bite, and lost herself in a moment of pure silky sweet bliss!

“Mmm, It's so... gooood! Such a delicious Furbee Honey Orb... but where ever did you get it?”

Tundri 'Wah'd' letting Wylla know that he gathered over a dozen of them when he went to find Yabi... while she was busy skinning Flowers. He saw them all, just sitting there, so he decided to collect them.

And to her great joy, put them away within the pantry.

“Ah, make sure you lock the pantry up Tundri!” Wylla said with a little too much enthusiasm as a bit of honey dribbled down from the corner of her lip. Tundri 'Wah'd' mirthfully in compliance.

“Pah-roo!” Yabi trumpeted, reaching out to Wylla's hand with her long curious trunk.

Smiling, and comforted in the knowledge that there was more in the pantry, Wylla gave Yabi a piece of her precious furbee honey orb... which Yabi graciously accepted. She let out a very happy “Pah-roo!” as she ate her tasty morsel.

“Ah, it looks like I just created a furbee honey foodie!” Chuckling, she looked up at Ceri, and not wanting to leave her out, Wylla also gave a piece to her. Who also happily accepted the treat and ate it with a more than satisfied tootle.

As for Tundri, he declined. Apparently he 'Wah'd' that he doesn't eat... Doesn't eat, doesn't sleep. Ah, he's like the ultimate transformer survivor! Wylla chuckled to herself again.

After that intense battle, it felt good to laugh and be a bit silly.

So with a very happy Wylla, and her growing team of fluffy angels... they continued on down the long winding tunnel with Tundri's soft glowing 'balloons' lighting the way, leaving the Guardian Lair behind.

When suddenly, in the lair they just left moments ago, something sprouted atop the guardian's mound. Growing bigger and bigger... and bigger, until finally, a small roar rang out.


Havenscent's new guardian had arrived! A cutely fierce Saberthorn Syltiger! (Since apparently the last shaggy long trunked 'Pah-roo' trumpeting pygmy newsprout one... had very recently been taken.)

The little long-toothed flowery prince made himself comfortable atop his mound, ready to guard the way out of the soon to be busy Havenscent Meadows starting zone.

After all, with Wylla's victory and exit out of the Guardian's Lair, the rare Sylven race had officially become unlocked for the lucky chosen few players. But just because there would soon be new Sylvens in Abrynth, didn't change the fact that Wylla was not only the first one but also the only unique one!

Meanwhile, on and on Wylla and her fluffy angels walked in this ever-winding tunnel, that seemed to have no end. When a “Are we there yet?” and “Will we ever reach the end?” muttering Wylla heard the sound of water crashing and saw a soft bluish light up ahead, lighting the way out.

“Ah, yes! Finally, the way out... and of course there'd be water falling over the entrance...”

Closer and closer they walked towards the light, the air around them swirling, lightly humming and vibrating, becoming thicker as it brushes up against their bodies with tingling touches. There was no pain, just playful little jolts, urging them on... so on they marched; Until they reached near the exit, stepping forward through the energized air like walking through a cool silky veil and coming out the other side into a new world.

The world of Abrynth.

Wylla looked back, “Ah, just as I thought... it was a one-way trip. No going back to Havenscent Meadows. It's a good thing we collected so much before leaving.”

Yup, the tunnel behind them had sealed in stone. Turning the tunnel they were once in into a short misty cave. Still, this isn't a bad hideout. I should mark it down on my map in case of an emergency. One never knows when one will need it... so it's best to be prepared.

Happy that they were at the end of their journey, well at least the one to reach Abrynth, they made they're way carefully out of the tunnel and followed another underwater stone pathway to the soft sandy riverbank under the full moon's light.

“Looks like we made it to Abrynth,” Wylla said, her eyes getting misty. Taking a quick glance around, at the flowing river and the shadowy forest, she clenched her fists, breathing in and out to calm her heart. “This is it. The end... for now. I hope.”

Her cuties looked at her with worried confusion and sang out. They couldn't understand why the emotions she was emitting were so sad and uncertain.

After all, isn't this where she wanted to come too? As such, shouldn't she be happy right now?

Ah, I'm making them worried! Calm down Wylla... everything is going to work out just fine. You're just going to pop on over to Earth, have a nice little chat with a certain 'somebody', get your... no... my Pen... Pen... back, and hop right back here to finish Ceri's and Tundri's quest, make Yabi my familiar, help Nyra get her familiar, and help the Spriggankin find a new place to grow their village before heading out to the starting city of Elmrise to meet up with all my family and friends.

Easy... peasy! What could go wrong?

While Wylla was distracted in thought, an odd occurrence was happening atop the cliff from which the waterfall fell. A ghostly palace-like structure, shining under the light of the full moon, began fading away.

While in the forested tree line near them... odd shadows were lurking, looking their way... whispering...

“Everything is alright. No worries,” Wylla said, steadying her voice and speaking gently while looking at her fluffy angels. “I just need to go somewhere for a bit using... magic. Once I'm done doing what needs to be done, I'll come right back so we can continue on our journey! So until then, you can wait for me in the cave, safe and sound, hidden by the waterfall... okay?”

“Tootle-tu!” Ceri piped with a nuzzle.

“Wah-wah...” Tundri tromboned with a gentle back pat.

“Pah-roo!” Yabi trumpeted with a soft head butt to her thigh. Which Wylla responded to by patting her soft shaggy head.

Finished with her goodbyes, Wylla summoned her Druwytch Grimoire and opened it up to the menu page. With fluttering stomach and fast-beating heart, she reached over with a shaky hand, getting closer and closer and finally, after all this time, “Love you all” and pushed the now active... Logout Button.

… … …

… …


Looks like Wylla has done it. Despite the sadness in her heart and the fluttering in her belly... she went ahead and hit the Logout button! But did she raise a flag before doing so? Find out soon in Chapter 67: The Epilogue (of Book 1 Part 2/3)... which is half a page from being finished and will be released tomorrow!

Major Side Note: Well, this was supposed to be the last chapter in which Wylla simply said her byes to her cuties, hit the Logout button, went through a little something-something before having a nice fun chat with a certain playful Goddess...

But then I had a thought, a most wonderful thought that not only had hinted at the troubles to come in Book 2 but also ended with a very big Reveal! And I'm not talking about the Michael/Wylla reveal... No, I'm talking about a certain playful Goddess's reveal. So... indulge me if you will (please) because by the end of this 3 part epilogue there will be plenty of surprises to be had...  and bonus Sneak Peeks as well.

And the first one is here right now (just look below)... thanks to my niece (young budding illustrator Kaylin Marroquin) who sent me a colored in Syldrake Wylla sketch! Also, she's working on sketches of Ceri, Tundri, and Yabi! I'll post them when I get them.

In addition, I'm right on track to have the whole epilogue (all 3 parts) done and published by Friday with part 1 right now, part 2 tomorrow, and the big part 3 with all the bonus Sneak Peeks on Friday. So sit right back... and enjoy the show!

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