Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 384: Giant world

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The inadvertent movements of the two made the distance between their heads very small. And when Terumi Mei realized this scene, she put her toes on the toes, and the two instantly completed a close contact.

"Hey, I'm leaving first, and I'll see you next time."

Terumi Mei tapped her lips with her hand, then walked out of Wan Jun's yard with a smile.

Wan Jun, who hasn't recovered yet, looked at the direction of the courtyard gate, and he was taken advantage of in a confused way? However, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being taken advantage of?

Wan Jun laughed, turned and walked towards his room. Although Terumi Mei said that he would come to him next time, Wan Jun was going to the world of giants soon.

Before the Pirate World was completely conquered, the only place Wan Jun could go was the slightly weaker World of Giants.

"Can you enter the gate of the plane of the giant world?"

As soon as he returned to his room, Wan Jun began to inquire about the Hokage warehouse.

"You can already enter, Your Excellency Administrator."

The efficiency of the warehouse is still very high. It has already parsed all the information about the gate of the giant world. "If you go to the giant world, you will not be able to use too many abilities. In order to ensure the transmission of energy, you can use the ability will be further reduced.”

For the stability of the transmission, the warehouse reduced the transmission energy so that Wan Jun could have excess energy to stabilize the gate of the plane when he was in the giant world.

"Okay, let me go."

For Wan Jun, as long as his strength can become the strongest fighting force in the giant world, his safety is still guaranteed.

"Okay, Your Excellency Administrator, it's ready for you now."

Under the preparation of the warehouse, the portal of the giant world was quickly released by it. Wan Jun, who was already very familiar with the planes, walked directly into the portal and headed for the unknown world of giants.

The time for the warehouse transfer is very short. When Wan Jun entered the portal, the picture he saw changed from his room to a tall city wall.

"Sure enough."

Wan Jun raised his head and looked at the towering city wall in the distance. The Eldians in the city don't know yet. In these nearly 50-meter-high city walls, there are their ancestors, and those who have become unsullied giants of the Eldians.


Because Wan Jun's position is still some distance from the city wall, his current position is the giant's territory.

After discovering Wan Jun's food, a five-meter-tall giant rushed towards Wan Jun at full speed.

"Just let me try to play a few layers of strength in this giant world." Wan Jun looked at the five-meter-level giant who was constantly approaching, and suddenly put his hands on his chest, "Huo Dun·hao fireball technique!"


When he saw Wan Jun's flamboyant fireball, the giant stopped briefly, but Wan Jun's temptation for him still exceeded the threat posed by the fireball to him. After a pause, he didn't even dodge, he just went He slammed into Hao Fireball.

The fireball used by Wan Jun is much smaller than the fireball he used in Naruto World or Pirate World, but this is Ninjutsu after all. When the giant's body touches the fireball, the whole body is blown up. Gotta step back.

"Is the power so small?"

Wan Jun shook his head slightly when he saw that the giant was only blown backwards without hurting the root. Such strength really made Wan Jun not used to it.

"Ow!" Although a big hole was punched in the chest of the giant who was knocked down by the fireball, he got up without fear of death and charged towards Wan Jun again.

"Ice pick."

Wan Jun didn't want to waste too much time on a five-meter giant. The frozen fruit ability from the world of pirates was directly released by Wan Jun, and the giant who was still running was directly frozen in place.

Although Wan Jun's strength has been weakened a lot, it is not something that giants can resist. He didn't have the slightest interest in these ordinary giants. At this time, the situation inside the wall was what Wan Jun cared about the most.

What Wan Jun wants to know most now is what era the world is in. If it was before Alan and others were born, it would have lost a lot of fun for Wan Jun.

After Wan Jun, who has the ability of gravity fruit, froze the giant, the whole person floated directly in the air and flew towards the outermost city wall 'Wall of Maria'.

Because Wan Jun was too high-profile, the members of the garrisoned corps immediately discovered Wan Jun who was fighting the giant.

When Wan Jun knocked down the giant with a fireball, the entire garrison corps was stunned, "Is that a human?"

But the things that shocked the garrison corps were far more than that. The frozen fruit after that froze the giant directly in place, and the gravity fruit made Wan Jun fly towards the city wall. These two things are even more impressive than the fireball. Members were shocked.

"Notify Commander Pixis!"

When Wan Jun was about to approach the city wall, a leading officer also shouted loudly. Wan Jun, who appeared at this time, is extremely unfamiliar to the Eldians. Although the other party will be attacking the giant, it cannot be confirmed whether this person is equally aggressive to humans.

It is precisely because of this thought that the soldiers stationed in the corps suddenly became nervous. After the officer asked his soldiers to inform Pixis, the remaining soldiers quickly adjusted the firing range of the artillery and aimed at Wan Jun in front.

But because Wan Jun's speed was too fast, before the soldiers could adjust their shooting circles, Wan Jun had already flown over them.

"Everyone, have you eaten lunch?" Wan Jun, who was floating on the city wall, smiled slightly and asked a question that surprised all the soldiers in the garrison.


Faced with this question~www.readwn.com~ these soldiers were stunned for a moment, then took out their weapons and aimed them at Wan Jun who was standing in front of them.

"You... who are you!"

For the very mysterious Wan Jun, these soldiers are still very afraid. After all, the ability to play Wan Jun is something they have never seen before. If the fear of giants has been understood by humans, the fear of Wan Jun is unknown.

A person who can use 'magic' is out of tune with humans like them.

"I, I'm a god, do you think it's like that?" When Wan Jun said this, his right hand was raised directly, and flames, lightning, and gravel appeared in his hands at the same time.

This scene, whether it was the soldiers stationed in the corps, or the Pixis who just arrived, all widened their eyes.

"God? Is it really a god?" If Wan Jun's words were said by the residents in the city wall, the people stationed in the corps would definitely not believe it, but now the person who said this is with three elements spinning in his hand Wan Jun.

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