Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 385: miracle!

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To these Eldia soldiers, Wan Jun is undoubtedly the real god.

The power Wan Jun showed just now is not something that an ordinary person can do. Even the most powerful members of the survey corps within the city walls could not easily kill a giant.

Besides, this guy can fly...


After hearing the news, Commander Pixis stood not far away, staring at Wan Jun with a frown. The name of God is undoubtedly unreliable to Pixis. If there is really a God, how could their human beings be trapped in this city wall?

However, Wan Jun's performance did not allow Pixis to refute immediately. Although he did not see Wan Jun kill the five-meter giant, the various elements gathered in Wan Jun's hands now made Pixis This is definitely not an ordinary person.

Compared to Pixis' calmness, the garrison corps officer who hurried to his side looked at Wan Jun's direction and said anxiously, "Commander Pixis, what should we do?"



Just when Pixis was about to speak, there was a sudden loud noise at the city gate on the other side of the Trost Region where they were located.

"It's a giant!"

"That giant is even taller than the city wall!"

When everyone heard the loud noise and looked at it, the second line of defense of mankind, the city gate of the Wall of Rose had been directly broken open by the super giant.

This is the disaster that mankind has encountered once again after the Wall of Mary was broken. If this gate is not blocked, then mankind is likely to usher in the end. The last Hina Wall can't hold all the humans at all, and the food issue alone will make humans fight within themselves.

"Quick! Don't let Tolost's walls be destroyed! He must be stopped!"

Pixis' expression was even more excited than when he met Wan Jun just now, because the last time the Higanshina district was destroyed was two giants breaking the wall one after another. If this time is in the same order, then it is very likely that The Wall of Cyprus is also threatened by the armored giant.

It was because of this that Pixis roared loudly. This time, mankind has no way out.

"Tolost? That means this is the second wall?"

After Wan Jun heard Pixis' words, he already had some understanding of his position. The position he was in just now was not outside the first wall, Maria's Wall, but in the area between Maria and Rose's Wall, occupied by giants.

"It seems that the plot is just in time." For Wan Jun, after the time is determined, everything will be easier to handle.

Wan Jun, who is familiar with the plot, smiled slightly. In addition to the hometown trio, Jike, the giant of the ape, should have already landed on the island, or was about to land on the island. Since Marai has set his sights on this island, Wan Jun can also use the Eldia giant clan to help him complete his rule over the entire world.

The force of the giant world is not high, but the giants in the wall can already level the world.

Of course, Wan Jun's purpose is not to destroy the world, but to conquer the world. As long as these giants can shock and deter other countries in the world, Wan Jun's goal will be achieved.

Like the new navy of Dressrosa in the world of pirates, the giants of Eldia will become their spokespersons in this giant world.

After making up his mind, Wan Jun was not idle either. When Pixis and others were running towards the city gate, Wan Jun also jumped and jumped to the entrance of the cave in Trost.

"Giants! Giants are in!"

"Damn, the city wall was smashed open by that super giant again."


The residents of the Trost Region had already begun to flee at this time. Ordinary people had no resistance at all to those giants who were tall, strong, and aggressive.

Contrary to these residents, it was Wan Jun who was flying in the air. He went against the flow of people and flew in the direction of the city gate.

For Wan Jun in the air, both the residents of Tolos District running on the street below, and the new recruits of the training corps all saw Wan Jun's figure.

"Who is that? A giant? How can he fly in the sky?" Amin said with a dull face, looking at Wan Jun who was advancing at a high speed.

Not only Amin, but other recruits were also shocked by your scene. The man obviously did not have any maneuvering device, and the trajectory of the operation was completely different from the maneuvering device.

After Amin finished speaking, Connie, who has never used his mind very much, also answered: "It's not really a giant, is it?"

"Can I eat it?" Sasha tilted his head and said to Wan Jun, who had become a small dot.

"Yes, can't?" Connie and Sasha discussed what to eat for some reason.

Alan on the side saw that the two of them were talking more and more outrageous, and said quickly: "Okay, don't care who that person is, we should deal with those giants!"

Alan, who has always been disgusted by giants, will of course not flinch at such a time. His hometown, Higanshina District, was destroyed in this way, and in that catastrophe, his mother was also buried in Higanshina, so in any case, he had the obligation to destroy the giants.

However, compared to the excited Allen, Reiner and Ani, who were standing in the distance, were a little worried about their plans.

"What the **** is that guy? Is it the reinforcements sent by Marais?" Reiner, who had never seen Wan Jun on Paraty Island, whispered, he didn't want anything wrong at the critical moment of the plan.

Ani, who was beside him, didn't pick up Reina's words. He just calmly looked at the direction Wan Jun was going, the gate of Tolost City.

"Do you want to continue?" When Wan Jun arrived at the gate of the city, Ani turned his head and said to Reina, the titular 'leader'.


"Fire Escape, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!"

Just as Reiner was about to answer, Wan Jun's voice suddenly came from the city gate. After the voice ended, a burst of fire suddenly lit up in the direction of the city gate. After the fire disappeared, the giant who had just squeezed into the Trost One by one was burnt black.

"What kind of monster is this?" Reiner, who saw this scene, was stunned. If he could understand things like mobile devices, Wan Jun, who could set fire, couldn't figure it out.

Wan Jun, who is at the gate of the city, of course knows that everyone's eyes are focused on him at this time, and his purpose at this time is to show his 'miracle' to these Eldians.

"The power is still too small, it just burns the surface of these giants black." Wan Jun was also a little dissatisfied with the technique of Fengxian Fire that he cast. can't compare.

Although Wan Jun felt that the ninjutsu he used was less powerful, this was something he could never imagine from the soldiers of the regiment stationed on the city wall or roof next to him.

A person can actually summon flames out of thin air and burn these giants to pitch black. If all human beings are like this, then why worry about the threats of these giants.

"Compared to fire, the ability of frozen fruit seems to be more practical." To deal with such a giant that can quickly regenerate, the damage of fire and lightning obviously cannot directly kill the giant. Therefore, frozen fruits, sand fruits, and ninjutsu, which can limit the actions of giants, are very useful.

As long as Wan Jun had a slit in the back of his neck when he was controlling the giants, then these giants would have completely become lambs to be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Wan Jun also acted directly. Facing the giants who kept squeezing in from the broken city gate, Wan Jun directly used the frozen fruit's big move, "Ice Age!"

When Wan Jun's voice sounded, the ice quickly spread from Wan Jun's front, and in a short while, it directly blocked all the city gates of Tolos District.

Before the city gate was sealed, the giants who poured into the Trost Region also became ice sculptures, standing near the city gate.


Wan Jun landed on the shoulder of a frozen 10-meter giant, and with a slight push of his right hand, the 'ice sculpture' began to crack from the back of his neck until it fell to the ground.


When the giant's neck was removed, his body instantly burst into scorching coldness, and the entire block of ice also cracked and fell to the ground.

"Giant, is this solved?" The soldiers of the garrisoned corps on the city wall couldn't believe their eyes. They have always been difficult to deal with, and the giant who has threatened mankind for hundreds of thousands of years was killed by the mysterious man. ?

"Is it really God?"

The faith of most of the garrison soldiers began to waver, and even their commander, Pixis, had the same thought in his mind.

If mankind really had such a god, mankind would not need to be trapped in walls at all.

"call out."

Because Wan Jun remained in place, Pixis didn't want to waste this great opportunity. Although he was already very old, he still jumped off the city wall and came to Wan Jun's side using a three-dimensional mobile device.

Standing on the frozen shoulders of the giant, Pixis' head was still shaking, "I don't know what this... Your Majesty is called?"

Since it has been determined that the other party is a god, the proper title must be given. Even if Pixis does not believe in these gods and ghosts, Wan Jun's help to mankind is undoubtedly huge. If Wan Jun can be kept in the human world with a **** position, it will be of great benefit to all mankind. Said it was a blessing.

"Hmm." Although he was ready to pretend to be a god, Wan Jun didn't think about his **** position in advance. But the pause was only temporary. After Wan Jun thought for a while, he said to Pixis, "Just call me God King Uranos. The name is just an appearance, it doesn't matter. I am in charge of the sky and the sky. Ocean, this is the first time I have set foot on land, but things don't seem to be very good on land."

Wan Jun borrowed the name of Uranus, the king of the pirates. Compared with the sea king Poseidon and Hades, the king of the underworld, these four-character kings seem to be higher.

"Your Majesty the King of God, you can see that the world is filled with giants, and there is only this piece of land left for human beings." Pixis pointed to the land behind the city wall and said to Wan Jun.

In Pixis' cognition, human beings are only these people in the city walls. He doesn't know that these giants are the blockade of the Eldians by the Marai Empire, and they are also the kings of the Eldians themselves. single-handedly.

"This world is more than the humans in this city wall." Wan Jun smiled and said to Pixis, "This world is still very big, but giants are indeed a trouble."


Before Wan Jun finished speaking, a black figure suddenly rushed over from the direction of the Wall of Rose. The black figure was extremely fast, and with endless killing intent, rammed directly towards Wan Jun.


Wan Jun stretched out his hand, and the ability of the Gravity Fruit was also released.

The Survey Corps commander Levi, who was still flying quickly in mid-air, was instantly pulled to the ground by gravity, but because Wan Jun didn't use his full strength, the Survey Corps commander didn't suffer much damage.

"Levi, this is the crown of the God King, don't be unreasonable!"

Pixis was afraid that Levi, who stood up again, would continue to move rough, so he quickly jumped off the shoulders of the frozen giant and jumped in Levi's direction.

"God King? Commander Pixis, what are you talking about?" The reason Levi attacked Wan Jun just now was because the area was too weird, and Wan Jun was still standing on the shoulders of the frozen giant. Therefore, Levi identified Wan Jun as an enemy for the first time.

But what Levi didn't expect was that Wan Jun's ability was so bizarre, he just stretched out a finger and pulled himself, who was still moving three-dimensionally, to the ground.

"Levi, I'll explain to you later, don't annoy this Your Excellency first." Of course Pixis, who witnessed Wan Jun's miracle, certainly didn't want Levi and Wan Jun to have any conflict. Levi can be regarded as a human being. The strongest soldier, but Wan Jun is the hope for the future of the entire human race.

At least, that's what UU reading www.uukanshu.com thinks of Pixis.

"What the **** are you talking about, what's going on with these ices?" Although Levi was still a little puzzled, he still retracted the two knives into their sheaths.

Seeing that Levi was no longer excited, Pixis explained to the soldier: "These are masterpieces under the crown of the God King. He froze all the giants here."

"What?" Levi couldn't believe what Pixis said. This is ice, how could it be made out of thin air?

Pixis also understood Levi's thoughts very well. Before he came to Tolos, he didn't dare to go into detail about what the soldiers reported to him.

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes." Pixis walked to Levi and whispered, "All the soldiers here have seen it, the one who sealed the giant at the city gate with ice. , and he completely blocked the city gate."

"Really?" Levi's eyes narrowed, if it was true, it would be too fantastic.

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