Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 393: Extraordinary combat power

As soon as Wan Jun finished speaking, Magath felt the pressure on his body increased sharply, and he fell to the ground instantly.

"what is this?"

Magath looked at his back in horror, but there was no one behind him, that is to say, his fall was not artificially pushed down. And if it wasn't man-made, where did the pressure on him come from?

"This is the power of God."

Wan Jun said, raising his right hand slightly, and Magath, who was lying on the ground, felt lighter again, and suddenly hit the roof of the hut.

"Okay, I already know your choice. Since you are unwilling to cooperate, just be the same as the Marais Empire as a past existence."

After saying this, Wan Jun stood up directly and walked out of the hut.

When the others saw Wan Jun leaving, they quickly followed. And Ani and others who went to Paraty Island to perform a mission before glanced at Magat who was still on the roof and Jike who was sitting by the gate, and followed Wan Jun out of the room.

"Jick, who is this man?"

Magath, who was nailed to the roof, asked in the direction of Jike after everyone left.

"I don't know, but it must have a lot to do with the Eldians." Jike narrowed his eyes and said to Magath on the roof.

Although Jike said he didn't know, in his heart he had already thought of a person, a figure that only existed in legends. The devil in the legend of giants, or the girl who received the devil fruit.

And if it's what Gek thinks, then the world may be really helpless. Whether it's Gek's own plan, or the world's resistance to the Eldians, it won't succeed again.

Just when Jike and Magath were talking, the ground suddenly shook, and a strong light came from the door, followed by the sound of explosions and the heat wave caused by the giant's transformation.

"They started!"

Magath wanted to break free from Wan Jun's gravity and get off the roof, but Wan Jun's Devil Fruit ability was not something he could crack.

After repeated struggles, a hotter air wave suddenly hit, and the entire hut was destroyed in an instant, and Magat on the roof also became part of the hut and was blown out.

Geek, the giant beast in the house that was also controlled by the Gravity Fruit, also flew out with Magath, but compared to Magath, a mortal, Geek, an Eldian with the power of a giant, had a much better recovery ability. It is one of the best. When Magat fell to a street and was dying, Jike stood up with smoke all over his body.

After the beast giant glanced at Magath, who had not been saved, he turned his attention to the very center of the capital of Marais, which was also the gathering place of the high-level empire.

At this time, in the most prosperous part of Marais, five giants have appeared, including Reiner and Bertolt who once fought for the Marais Empire.

Due to the sudden appearance of these giants, the Marais in the capital instantly exploded. They have always used giants to attack other countries. This is the first time that giants have directly attacked the capital.

"Everything has changed." Jike knew that with his own strength, he could not change the status quo at all. Even if he completes the transformation, it is impossible for him to single out five giants.

And more importantly, even if he resists, the entire capital will be destroyed. And after the battle, the anger of the Marais would still be passed on to him.

"Change, let's change." Jike shook his head, turned and walked towards the periphery of the capital. He was no longer ready to fight for the Marais Empire, and leaving seemed to be a good choice.

But just when Jike took two steps, Wan Jun, who had just controlled him and Magath, appeared in front of him again, and this time, the other party was still floating directly in the air.

Just when Jike was stunned on the spot, Wan Jun in mid-air said directly: "Why, is the giant beast ready to leave?"

"Are you really a god? Eldia's god?" Jike was already a little suspicious at this time. Could it be that this person is really a god? The **** who turned the Eldians into giants?

"You can think so." Wan Jun used the ability of the Gravity Fruit to slowly descend, and said to Jike as he descended.

After hearing Wan Jun's confession, Jike, the Eldian royal family, was not happy at all. He wanted to make the Eldian people no longer continue, but the 'God' who suddenly appeared now is completely unhappy. disrupted his plans.

"If you are truly the **** of Eldia, why do you make the Eldians suffer so much?"

"We turned into giants, lost the ability to think, and could only be reduced to slaves."

"This is what you, as God, have been doing."

Jike knew that he couldn't leave, and he couldn't defeat the opponent, so he directly said the words in his mind.

"The ** of the Eldians comes from their own, not anyone's fault." After Wan Jun landed on the ground, he slowly walked in the direction of Jike, "It's the ** of your king, let you The Eldians became tools to conquer the world."

"Everything comes from yourselves, not anyone else."

Wan Jun's words are not unreasonable. After all, in the world line of the main world, the first-generation giant Ymir is an existence controlled by the Eldians. It was the first King Fritz who controlled Ymir to conquer the world, and it was he who let himself and Ymir's children devour Ymir's own flesh and blood and became the next generation of giants.

And after continuous reproduction, the entire Eldian tribe was eventually introduced into the 'road'. It is precisely because of such a process that the entire Eldian group informed the world and became the beginning of their suffering.

After Wan Jun finished saying this, Jike was also silent. In Jike's view, Wan Jun's words are right, just like the current Marais, aren't they constantly investing in the Unsullied Giants to fight for the victory of the war?

But even so, Jik will not join Wan Jun's camp, which is contrary to what he has always thought, and is not the path he wants the Eldians to take.

Therefore, after Wan Jun finished speaking, Jike did not show any intention to change, but directly bit his finger and turned into a giant of beasts.


After transforming into a giant of beasts, Jike screamed, and directly squeezed the hands of the giant he controlled and slammed it down. And his target, of course, is Wan Jun who is in front of Jike.


When the fist of the giant of the Geek beast hit Wan Jun accurately, a burst of smoke instantly rose on the ground, and the whole ground was smashed down by Geek's hammer.

However, just after the attack, Jike felt that the giant's hands he controlled seemed to be out of control.

"what happened?"

Geek has never encountered such a situation before. Could it be that the attack just now didn't work?

Just when Jike was still thinking, a figure suddenly flew out of the smoke on the ground and flew straight to Jike's head.

"It really didn't work! Wait, what..." Jike, who was suddenly startled, wanted to withdraw his hands from Wan Jun's attack, but when he raised his hands in front of him as a defensive gesture At that time, he found that the hands of his giant body were already missing a section.


Just when Jike was still thinking, Wan Jun directly attacked the neck of the giant beast, and directly bombarded Jike hidden at the back of the giant's neck.

After killing the giant beast with just one blow, Wan Jun took Jike into the air together, admiring the destruction of the center of the capital by the five giants below.

"Look, how fragile Malai is." Wan Jun said to the giant beast, holding Ji Ke's neck in one hand.

At this time, the battle below was completely one-sided, and the cooperation of the five giants was not something that the Marais soldiers who had just reacted to could resist. They, who had not received any information before, did not have time to deploy heavy firepower, nor were they able to set up a siege net, so they could only allow these five giants to destroy the capital.

"For the giants, Marai is indeed very vulnerable, but this is also the original sin of the Eldians." Jike's words were no longer angry, and it seemed that everything had nothing to do with him. "Such a battle will only Make the world hate the Eldians even more."

"So what? As long as they can live better under the control of the Eldians, these people will forget the past." Wan Jun glanced at Jike and said, "People's memories are short-lived, Especially with a long history."

"The Eldians can forget their glorious past and are willing to live in the refugee camps, so what can't the Marais do? And to meet their future, it's not the life of the refugee camps."

"As long as the Eldians regain control of the world, the world will be different from before."

Just as Wan Jun was talking, there was a sudden change in the giant battlefield below. The giant Eldia, which had been advancing extremely smoothly, was suddenly blocked.

Ymir, the giant of E, who was blocking the killing of the gods and Buddhas just now, was instantly stabbed into the air by a huge 'bone spur', while the attacking giant Alan was directly shot by a giant who suddenly appeared in front of him. The giant hammer flew to the hammer.

"It's a good show, this is the real 'king' of your Marais, a complete Eldian." Wan Jun said to Jike after seeing the appearance of the Marais Warhammer Giant.

The current Marai Empire is said to be controlled by the Marais, but behind them, the uncrowned king of the empire, the owner of the Warhammer giant, and the Daiba family, one of the former nine giant families, controls everything.

Unbeknownst to all the Marais, they were still under the control of the Eldians from beginning to end.

Seeing that Jike did not reply, Wan Jun said to the beast giant again: "This is the first time you have seen this warhammer giant who just appeared."

"Warhammer Giant?"

Ji Ke squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the warhammer giant who was fighting five giants on the ground and said.

"It seems that you don't know much. Then I will tell you that there is not only one Warhammer giant." Just when Wan Jun finished saying this, behind the five giants of Eldia, one and Warhammer The giants who were as different as the giants also suddenly appeared and rushed towards the center of the battlefield of the giants.

After seeing the appearance of this Warhammer Giant, the Warhammer Giant on the Marais Empire was obviously stunned. To this member of the Dyba family, he didn't know there was another Warhammer giant.

But just when she hesitated, Eldia's warhammer giant Willy Deba had already smashed the giant she controlled with a hammer.

"Boom!" Willie Deba's attack hit the giant Marais' shoulders with precision, directly cutting off the combat power of the warhammer that had just beaten the two giants of Paraty Island.

And even if the entity of the giant was attacked, the members of the Daiba family who controlled the giant remotely did not suffer any substantial damage.

But at this time, the side of Paraty Island knew the news. When they saw that the body of the warhammer was actually incapacitated, the female giant Ani had already run towards the back of the giant warhammer.

'Does she know my body is here? ’

The hidden member of the Daiba family, the controller of the Warhammer Giant, before she could react, the crystallized 'husk' he transformed into was directly dug out by the female giant.

However, when the giantess Ani dug the warhammer giant from the ground, she did not rush to open the crystal. One is that he does not have this ability now, and the other is that the crystallized shell cannot be solved by Ani.

But just when the female warhammer giant was wondering what the other party was doing, the other warhammer giant who had just smashed his body with a single blow walked to her and the female giant's side.

"Lilith, I didn't expect it to be you." After the warhammer giant from Paraty Island finished speaking, he directly canceled his giant transformation, revealing his true body.

"elder brother!"

The female warhammer giant in the crystallization is shocked~www.readwn.com~ For her, there is only one warhammer giant, and that is herself. And how could his brother Willy Deba be also a Warhammer giant?

"Lilith." Willy Deba, who was called out by the female warhammer giant, smiled, "Give it up, not only the Marais, but the whole world can't be your opponent."

Willy Deba, who has become accustomed to the title of Your Majesty, unconsciously brought the word Majesty when he spoke to the female warhammer giant Lilithdeba.

As soon as Willy Daiba's words were finished, the female warhammer giant who lifted the crystallized because of Willy's appearance said loudly: "No, you are not a brother, you are fake!"

The reason why the female warhammer giant Lilith said this was because he found his real brother, Willy Deba in the main world, near the battlefield.

For Lilith, she immediately discovered that something was wrong. This warhammer giant was probably a blind trick created by the Eldians on the opposite Paraty Island. And most likely, it came from the hand of the ancestor giant, the ultimate killer of the king inside the wall.

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