Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 394: Conquest of the Giant World

Thinking of the female warhammer giant here, she shot directly, and she controlled the giant hammer in her hand and smashed it towards the 'fake' Willy Daiba.

Because she felt that she had seen through the opponent's trick, the female warhammer giant used a very powerful force, intending to smash the entire environment with one hammer.

But what she didn't expect was that when the huge warhammer she was swinging was still in the air, the position of Willy Deba, who was facing the female warhammer giant, suddenly burst into light.

As a warhammer giant, Lilith certainly knows what this light means. It will only be the light emitted by the giant when it transforms, and the guy who pretends to be her brother on the opposite side is a wise giant.

"Could it be that the other party is the ancestor giant?"

With this idea in mind, the female warhammer giant's hands are also working harder. It would be best if the ancestor giant could be solved directly here.

However, before his giant hammer landed, he stretched out the giant hammer exactly like hers from the place where Willy Deba transformed into, blocking the attack of the female warhammer giant.


The female warhammer giant was shocked when she saw the giant in the smoke appear. Because the appearance of the other party is too similar to the warhammer giant he controls, the same weapon, similar takeaway, Lilith Debak never thought that such a situation would occur.

"Who is this?!"

While the female warhammer giant was still thinking, Willy Deba had already put her warhammer aside, and the right hand of the giant body used the unique ability of the warhammer giant to create a bow and crossbow.


The female warhammer giant who saw this scene wanted to control her giant body to avoid Willy Daiba's attack, but unfortunately, Willy Daiba's attack was too fast, and Lilith Daiba didn't have time. When dodging, the crossbow arrow had already hit the giant's right shoulder, knocking back the body of the female warhammer giant.

After injuring the female warhammer's body, Willy Daiba immediately retracted the warhammer in his hand and smashed it horizontally towards the opposite giant.

"Boom!" Willy Deba's warhammer giant succeeded in this blow again, and the body of the female warhammer giant was directly knocked to the ground by Willy Deba.

"It's time to end the battle." Willy Daiba looked at the female warhammer giant who fell to the ground, his eyes narrowed. As Willy Daiba raised his right hand, the giants of E who were waiting behind him swarmed up and rushed in the direction of the female warhammer giant.

The giants on Wan Jun's side all know the weakness of the warhammer giant. The control of the warhammer giant is not on the back of the giant's neck, but hidden on the side of the battlefield, and controls the movements of the warhammer giant through remote control.

Knowing this, the giants of E and the giants of armor and others directly crossed the body of the female warhammer giant and went straight to the square behind.

Through the search of several giants, the position of the female warhammer giant was quickly found by everyone. However, because the female warhammer giant Lilith Deba is covered with hardened crystals, everyone can't do anything to the female warhammer giant for the time being.

Willy Deba, who had changed back to a human appearance, walked in front of everyone at this time and looked at the female warhammer giant being held in the hands of the armored giant Rainer.

"Put her here, you can go ahead first." Willy Daiba, who was appointed by Wan Jun as the captain of the giant squad, let everyone leave, leaving him to stand alone in front of the hardened female warhammer giant.

"I know you can break the hardening directly, come out, my sister."

Willy Deba certainly knows the Warhammer Giant very well, not only because he is also the controller of the Warhammer Giant, but also because he is the patriarch of the Deba family.

As the Daiba family, a family that has always inherited the warhammer giant, they know more about the warhammer giant than anyone else, even the ancestor giant, the understanding of the warhammer giant cannot be higher than the Daiba family.


After Willy Deba finished speaking, the hardened Lilith Deba in front of him instantly released the hardened crystals on his body, revealing her true body.

Lilith Deba, who was wearing a maid outfit, looked at Willy Deba with a burning gaze, and said, "Are you really my brother?"

"If it's a replacement, of course I'm Willy Daiba." Willy Daiba smiled and walked slowly towards Lilith, "Starting today, the Daiba family will usher in a change."

When Willy Daiba said this, his eyes were still in the direction of the Daiba family. At this time, Ymir, the giant of E, who was in charge of that direction, was throwing a person who looked exactly like Willy Daiba into himself. in the mouth.

Everything is under the control of Willy Daiba, who was awakened from a parallel world, which is why Wan Jun made him responsible for the Marais Empire strategy.

With the addition of Willy Daiba, Wan Jun no longer has to give any instructions on some details. And as long as they control all the commanding giants, it is only a matter of time before the Eldians of Paraty Island will control the world with Willydiaba's command alone.

"Maybe I can leave now."

After watching Willy Daiba's battle in midair, Wan Jun has already given birth to the idea of ​​returning to the Naruto world. After all, in the Naruto world, the characters he can awaken are even more powerful. Anyway, the conquest of this giant world no longer requires Wan Jun's too much participation, so it's better to just hand it over to Willy Daiba to control it.

However, before leaving the giant world, Wan Jun was preparing to surprise these Marais.

"It's time for me to show up."

After the giants on Paraty Island stabilized the situation in the Malay capital, Wan Jun also instantly used the Devil Fruit ability from the world of pirates.


Wan Jun, who came to the middle of the Malay capital, directly used the Thunder Devil Fruit ability belonging to Anilu.

After the giant Thor appeared, whether it was the giant on Paraty Island or the Marais in panic, they all looked straight at the sky, as if the world had stopped.

"Is this what you mean by the power of God?"

Jike Yeager, who was lying on the roof of a building at the moment, looked at Thor, who was still growing in the sky, and said lightly.

This giant composed of thunder and lightning is even more frightening than ordinary giants. After all, the Marais have been familiar with the existence of giants for many years, but this Thor is something they have never seen before.

And when the Thor was no longer inflated, Wan Jun's voice came out from Thor, "From today, Marai will be included in the territory of God, whether it is Eldia or Marai, it will be Bathed in the radiance of God."


Along with Wan Jun's voice, the body composed of thunder and lightning also made the sound of thunder from time to time.

The sound of thunder directly woke the Marais who were still stunned, and they didn't quite understand what Wan Jun said. These Marais did not know some information about Paraty Island like Gek. The ordinary Marais who had been blocked before, thought that only the honorary Marais had rebelled when the battle just started.

But now it seems that this is not the case, the attack of the giants is not because of those honorable Marais, but from a god?

But is there really a god?

As the Marais who are in the period of industrial upheaval, they are not so interested in the mysterious things, which is obviously different from the Eldians on Paraty Island.

As for the Eldians inside the wall, as long as someone like Father Nick takes the lead, most Eldians will put their faith in Wan Jun.

However, what Wan Jun prepared was more than just the Thunder Fruit. In addition to the Devil Fruit, Wan Jun was more proficient in Ninjutsu from the Naruto world.

"Woodun, the birth of the wood world."

After Wan Jun's ninjutsu cast, a weakened version of the tree world was born in the eyes of a group of Marais and Eldians.

Since Wan Jun didn't need the birth of the wood world to control the enemy, the birth of the wood world he controlled was just spread evenly in every corner of the Malay capital, so that the grass and trees on the ground grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Starting today, the world will usher in a new life."

"The age of God will begin anew."

After hearing Wan Jun's words, the Marais and Eldians in the capital of Marais slowly slumped to the ground. Now they have no doubts about Wan Jun's words.

If the appearance of Thor is still related to giants, then these ever-growing vegetation directly shattered the last string in everyone's heart.

Maybe God really exists.

This was the thought of everyone present, and it was suddenly born in their hearts when they saw those flowers that did not belong to this season.

This expression of everyone is also what Wan Jun wants to see. In this way, some resistance to Willy Daiba's control of the Marais can be reduced.

However, what Wan Jun didn't expect was that his actions this time not only convinced the people of Malai to believe in the existence of God. Those foreign friends who were preparing to discuss with the Malays how to defend against the enemy in the Malay capital also saw Wan Jun's performance.

These people also believed in Wan Jun's power. Even if this man wasn't a god, he was a real **** in terms of strength.

After revealing his hand, Wan Jun did not stay in Thor's state for a long time. After all the Marais were crawling on the ground, he also lifted Thor and returned to the ground.

"Willie, how are you?"

Wan Jun was the first to find it, and it was Willy Daiba who was in charge of the attack.

"With your majesty's performance, I believe that our control of the Marais will be very easy." Willy Daiba said to Wan Jun with a smile.

Wan Jun nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. After controlling Marai, it is time to use troops against other countries. It's time to integrate these loose loneliness."

"With you here, I'm more at ease."

After praising Willy Daiba, Wan Juncai said again: "Then the whole world will be handed over to you for the time being."

As soon as Wan Jun said these words, Willy Daiba guessed what the other party was going to do: "Does your lord want to leave?"

"Yes, I'm leaving this world temporarily. This giant world will be handed over to you after that. If there is anything that can't end, just wait for me to come back."

Wan Jun, who had already made up his mind, patted Willy Daiba on the shoulder and said.

Willy Daiba sees that Wan Jun has made up his mind. Although he was a little reluctant, he finally nodded in agreement.

After the conversation between the two, the giants of armor and the others have begun to gather the residents of the capital city of Marai.

These people who have witnessed the miracles performed by Wan Jun have also resisted the giant's control less strongly.

The reason why the giants such as the Armored Giant brought everyone together is mainly to end the division of the Eldia and the Malays.

Of course, the current Marais will definitely not like the existence of the Eldians, but due to the performance of Wan Jun just now, these residents rarely resisted.

Willie Deba's method of division was to divide the Marais in two, giving half to the Eldians and half to the Marais.

Although the Marais was divided into two, no state was used to distinguish the two ethnic groups. In subsequent wars, Willie Deba will use the same method to settle other nations and allied nations.

Wan Jun, who has fully delegated power, will of course not advise Willy Daiba to change his approach. As long as the conquest can be completed, Wan Jun has no opinion.

After all, now on Willydaba's side, there is still a trump card, that is, those unsullied giants still on Paraty Island.

On the second day after capturing the Malay capital, Wan Jun, who chose to leave temporarily, was explaining some things to Willy Daiba.

"I will come again after I conquer the world of giants." Wan Jun looked at his agent in this world and said.

Willy Daiba bowed slightly and said to the powerful 'God': "Your Majesty, of course you can come anytime."

"By the way, have you estimated how long it will take to knock down the whole world?" Wan Jun asked Willy Daiba for an approximate time before leaving.

"In a week at most, the wise giants can take full control of all the kingdoms."

Willy Daiba is still very optimistic about the combat power of the Wisdom Giants~www.readwn.com~ The nine giants have come out together. Even if the Middle East United, which is equipped with weapons against giants, cannot defeat these nine giants.

"One week, very good, I look forward to your good news."

After saying this, Wan Jun directly summoned the door of the plane of the warehouse and stepped in.

Not far behind Willy Deba, a group of high-level leaders such as Eldia wisdom giants and Pixis who have not transformed also saw this scene. They did not get any news about Wan Jun's departure, so After seeing Wan Jun disappear directly, Pixis hurriedly came over.

"What about your majesty?" Pixis asked Willy Deba anxiously.

"Your Majesty has returned to the Kingdom of God. You can rest assured that His Majesty will come back soon. As long as the battle goes well, His Majesty will come back from the Kingdom of God in a week."

Willy Deba told Pixis the words he had thought up for a long time.


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