Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 111: Huang Yuan, remodeling completed (Saturday/Saturday)

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Among the information Wanxiu knew, Pluto was a design drawing.

The world government has existed for eight hundred years, and it is impossible to know nothing about Pluto. More importantly, the world government probably owned Pluto eight hundred years ago.

Therefore, whether it is Uranus or Pluto, it is very likely that it will exist in the hands of the world government.

Just when Wan Xiu was thinking about the mysterious Mary Gioia on the Red Earth Continent, when Princess White Star was also taken to the banquet hall by Shark Star, White Star, who was less than ten years old, appeared timidly at the entrance of the hall.

However, although Bai Xing is only ten years old, she is already very huge.

Compared with the brother Shark next to him, Bai Xing was already a giant.

‘Who would have thought that such a shy mermaid princess would be the legendary ancient weapon Poseidon? ’

In the world's imagination, the Sea King should be a huge weapon, capable of destroying the existence of heaven and earth in one blow.

The reality is that Poseidon, the sea king, is the princess of the murloc family and a living mermaid.

"This is my daughter, Bai Xing." After Bai Xing came to Neptune, the King of Murloc Island took a pitying look at his daughter. The experience in the past three years has made his daughter extremely afraid of contact with the outside world. If it weren't for Wanxiu's help this time, his daughter Bai Xing would not know when she would be able to get out of the hard shell island.

After introducing his daughter, Neptune said to Wan Xiu again: "I also want to thank Your Excellency Wan Xiu for freeing the White Star from the hard shell tower."

"If it weren't for Your Excellency Wanxiu, we wouldn't find the damned criminal at all."

Speaking of the Van De Duncan IX who attacked the palace with the ability to target fruit for three years, Neptune gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Father." Just after Neptune said, Bai Xing speeded up and came to Neptune's side.

After arriving close to Neptune, Bai Xing threw himself into his father's arms, then poked his head out, looking shyly in Wan Xiu's direction, "Thanks, thank you Wan Xiu."

Facing Bai Xing's thanks, Wan Xiu smiled and nodded, as a response to the mermaid princess.

After everyone gathered, as the master of the palace and the king of Fishman Island, Neptune announced the beginning of the banquet.

To everyone in the palace, today's banquet is very special.

Not only because of the presence of a powerful pirate group like Wanxiu, but the most important thing is that Princess White Star walked out of the hard shell tower and ended three years of trapped life. This is a happy event for anyone in the palace.

After drinking for three rounds, when Karp and others were still eating Hesai with their stomachs open, Wan Xiu walked over to Neptune and sat down.

Neptune saw that Wan Xiu had specifically walked to his side, knowing that the other party must have something to ask himself, so he lowered his head and put his head to Wan Xiu's side, and said, "Is there anything wrong with Wan Xiu?"

After Wan Xiu drank the wine in his hand, he said to Neptune: "I heard there is a historical text in Murloc Island?"

After hearing these four words in the text of history, Neptune paused obviously.

In this world, although the historical text is an open secret, it is basically not talked about in public.

Although the murlocs are far away from the sea and far from the world government, they are also very secretive about the text of history.

But after all, Wan Xiu just helped Neptune rescue his daughter from the hard shell tower, so after a short period of thought, Neptune nodded and said, "Yes, there is indeed a piece on our Murloc Island. Historical text."

"However, it should be regarded as a very special piece of historical text."

After eight hundred years of inheritance, the detailed information of the historical text has been gradually lost. But although Neptune was not particularly clear about the specific content of the historical text of the Murloc Island, he still knew the general information.

"How special is it?" Wan Xiu put down his glass and asked Neptune.

"That is Joey Boy's apology, his book of repentance, an article to apologize for breaching the agreement with Murloc Island."

Neptune raised his head, recalling what his father had told him about that piece of historical text.

"Can I go and see it?" Wan Xiu doesn't really value the information in the historical text. What he cares about is the 25-day warehouse character copy that the historical text can provide him to shorten the time for reshaping.

A full 25 days of shortening allowed Wan Xiu to immediately reshape the copy of the next King Huang Yuan.

"Of course." Neptune, who has already told Wan Xiu's historical text information, will of course not hide it anymore. Since they have already told it, it's okay to let the other party look at it.

Just when Neptune got up and prepared to take Wan Xiu to see the historical text of Murloc Island, Nicole Robin didn't know when he also got behind Wan Xiu and put his hand on Wan Xiu's body and said, " Can I go and see it too?"

"Let's go, you are of course indispensable to read the text of the history." As the only member of the pirate group Wan Xiu who can read the text of the history, Wan Xiu certainly did not forget Nicole Robin.

Of course, besides Nicole Robin, another Guangyue Mitian who could understand the text of history was also called by Wan Xiu.

However, Karp, Kata Kuri and others are not very interested in the historical text. Compared to looking at the text on the stone, the food and wine in the banquet hall are more fragrant.

The place where the royal family of Fishman Island stores the historical text is still very hidden. This is also because the historical text has been banned by the world government.

When the three were taken to the place where the historical text was placed, Neptune, who was walking in the front, pointed to a large block of stone in front and said, "This is the historical text."

"Can you understand the content?" Neptune heard the conversation between Wan Xiu and Nicole Robin just now ~www.readwn.com~ that's why he asked.

As the current king of the royal family of Murloc Island, Neptune also wanted to know the content of the stone. After all, as the guardian of this piece of historical text, I don't know the content is still a bit embarrassing.

"Of course, and two of them."

After Wanxiu finished talking to Neptune, he turned around and said to Nicole Robin and Mitsuki Mita: "I will leave it to you two for the historical text."

"Okay." After the two responded, they approached the historical text of the Murloc Island one after another to study the apology written by Joey Boye eight hundred years ago.

And Wanxiu, of course, has a more important task to do.

‘The text of the history has been found and is being copied...’

‘The copying of the historical text has been completed, and the reshaping time of Polusalino’s copy has been shortened by 25 days. ’

‘The reshaping of Polusalino has been completed. ’

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