Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 112: Lord of the 3 Army-Polusalino (1/6)

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A piece of historical text has been shortened by a full 25 days, and Wan Xiu is now copying and reshaping a Pirate King in only 25 days.

Because of this, Huang Yuan, who was still in the countdown, immediately completed the copying time, fast forwarding to the time of direct reshaping.

While Nicole Robin was still studying the text in the historical text, Wan Xiu sat cross-legged on the ground and contacted the voice of the warehouse.

‘Can I copy it directly now? ’

Just after Wan Xiu contacted the warehouse in his consciousness, the ethereal voice immediately responded: "Yes, sir."

"Then copy it directly, but it's better to be concealed when the character comes out."

Now Wan Xiu is not only his crew, but also the king of the fisherman island Neptune. He doesn't want the yellow ape Polusalino who is about to be awakened to scare the king.

"Okay, sir."

After the ethereal voice responded, he began to report to Wan Xiu about the latest information about the One Piece.

‘The copy of the consciousness is completed and is being reshaped...’

‘Name: Polusalino (Lord of the Armed Forces) (23 years old). ’

‘Strength: S. ’

‘Belonging: 198 universe. ’

‘Porusalino met Dorag at the Navy’s boot camp. Although the two of them were not very compatible, they unexpectedly became friends.

After officially becoming a navy, Long saw the darkness in this world, and wanted to change the world, he invited Polusalino to join him in a revolutionary cause.

After repeated thinking, Polusalino chose the revolutionary line of agreeing to join Dorag.

However, after Polusalino agreed, Dorag kept him in the navy headquarters, wanting it to monitor the naval headquarters' movements.

In this way, Polusalino began his undercover career.

As a comrade of the hidden revolutionary army, Polusalino usually gives a 20% discount to the execution of the mission. Therefore, whether it is his teacher Zefa or his boss, Warring States, he feels that this genius navy is too loose. some.

But even so, Polusalino, who has grown rapidly, was quickly promoted to the position of lieutenant general.

With the promotion of the general and the refusing to be promoted to general, Polusalino, one of the alternate generals, was also promoted to the position of general.

Due to Polusalino's internal cause of Dorag's revolutionary army, in the suppression led by the Yellow Ape, although Dorag basically ended in failure, his strength was preserved.

However, although the navy did not thoroughly suppress the revolutionary army, it must win every battle when facing the new world pirates.

Kong, Warring States, Karp, Zefa, Yellow Ape, Red Dog, Green Pheasant, Jhin, Magellan...

These momentary heroes are in the navy camp at the same time, making the navy of this era the strongest one.

But the long battle still caused a lot of wastage to the navy. For example, Jhin, who was transferred from the Great Undersea Prison to the Qing Suppression Unit, was killed by Kaido when he was with the Beast Pirate Group.

For example, when the Sengoku and Kong teamed up to deal with the White Beard and Roger's coalition forces, they were both wounded, while the green pheasant and the red dog were in the quagmire of fighting with the Aunt Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates.

In contrast, Huang Yuan's luck is much better. The most undisciplined he encountered the Locke Pirates group that had fallen apart. With the help of Dorag, Lockes was successfully captured by the Yellow Ape and into the Great Undersea Prison.

Just half a year after Sengoku Yukong was seriously injured, the world government decided to re-select the admiral because of the sharp drop in the Sengoku strength.

Huang Yuan was promoted to Marshal of the Navy by the Warring States Period because of his merits in fighting the Revolutionary Army and defeating the Rocks Pirates.

As a member of the Revolutionary Army, Polusalino himself felt that becoming a navy marshal was a very magical thing.

In spite of this, Polusalino still performed the duties of the admiral of the admiral ‘due diligently’. During his ten years as a marshal, the territory of the revolutionary army has grown bigger and bigger.

The world government never imagined that the enemy was in its own navy.

However, after retreating from the position of marshal, Huang Yuan also left the navy camp directly and resolutely joined the pirate group led by Bartholomew Xiong.

Of course, with Huang Yuan's qualifications, he was elected as the leader of the Pirate Group after joining.

It is unforgivable for the world government to think that the retired marine marshal will join the pirate camp. Under the command of the world government, the navy began to attack the pirate regiment led by Polusalino in the New World.

And this is exactly what Dorag wanted.

Dorag, who had united the Four Emperor Shanks and Four Emperor Ace of the New World, directly led the coalition forces to ambush the main navy fleet, and destroyed the entire naval fleet on its way to conquer the Yellow Ape.

The world has since entered a different path. Polusalino, who paid the most and was constantly vilified by the world government, was taken to the throne by Dorag.

Polusalino, who believes in sloppiness, never imagined that he could become a marshal of the navy and also sit on the throne of the Shanghai Pirates and Revolutionary Army. ’

"Marshal of the Navy? Revolutionary Army? Pirates?"

Wan Xiu didn't know how to evaluate the Polusalino who was about to be copied.

From the introduction, this is completely a legend.

Being able to wander among the three camps, and also sitting in the highest position in the three camps, in addition to strength, this Porussalino's luck is definitely full.

However, it is a bit regrettable that the Polusalino copied by Wan Xiu is only at the age of 23, and neither strength nor status is at the peak.

Of course, even if Polusalino is 23, his strength is equal to that of a general.

After so many characters who have been copied and reshaped ~www.readwn.com~ Wan Xiu also has a general understanding of the specific situation of the strength introduction column.

S- is the strength of alternate generals or quasi generals, and S-level is basically the strength that can serve as generals, while SS is beyond the existence of ordinary generals. It is possible that the peak of the four emperors and generals is at this level.

In any case, this Porussalino already has super strength, and he is still young, only twenty-three years old, and there is still a lot of room for growth. At least from the introduction, he is definitely not limited to S's strength.

"The remodelers have entered the main world and are approaching you."

Since Wanxiu had previously reminded the warehouse not to reshape it nearby, the reshaping of this king was placed in a place out of sight of Neptune.

"Who?" Just when the voice in the warehouse fell, Neptune, the King of the Murloc Island, seemed to have discovered something. He raised the trident in his hand and pointed in the direction of the historical text.

When Wan Xiu looked in the direction pointed by the trident in Neptune's hand, the whole person was taken aback, "Wait, long hair? What's the matter?"

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