Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 142: Save the Pirate Ace!

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Although the warehouse said so, Wan Xiu felt that the strength of random characters would not be too bad.

After all, during the last Kata Kuri mission, the options for the three characters were all pretty good, and if you were lucky, you might be able to produce even more powerful characters.

"Just choose randomly." Wan Xiu said to the warehouse after thinking about it.

‘Okay, Your Excellency, we are drawing characters for you to play. ’

After Wan Xiu chose random, the warehouse also began to select candidates.

‘The warehouse has randomly selected three identities for you, please choose one of them to perform this task. ’

‘Magellan: Poisonous Fruit Ability, the director of the Advance City of the Great Undersea Prison. Because the Great Undersea Prison was destroyed, he was moving from the Great Undersea Prison to Malin Vando at this time to catch the pirates who escaped. ’

‘Bucky: The man with the ability to split the fruit, has just escaped from the Great Undersea Prison, and is being hunted by Magellan. ’

‘Edward Newgate: The fruit-shaking ability, the sea emperor of Parallel World No. 2 and the new world, but there is no intersection with the Ace of this world. ’

When Wan Xiu saw the unexpected task of Edward Newgate with the white beard in the character selection, he was immediately happy, "It seems that the choice this time is not wrong."

Although this white beard is in a different world, as long as he is called Edward Newgate, his strength will never be weak.

Moreover, Baibeard's introduction also contains information about the Emperor of the Sea. Since he can also be the emperor of Shanghai in Parallel World No. 2, then Baibeard should be at its peak at this time.

"Choose Edward Newgate directly." Since there is a white beard in the options, of course Wanxiu would not choose Magellan and Bucky.

Needless to say that Bucky was directly abandoned, my strength was not enough to change the battlefield in Wan Xiu's view. Although Bucky's luck was good, it was just luck.

In addition to Bucky, although Magellan is also good at strength, the side effects of the poisonous fruit are too strong, Wan Xiu doesn't want to experience the days spent in the toilet all day.

‘Okay, the character has been selected for you: Edward Newgate. ’

‘Will you enter Parallel World No. 2 immediately? ’

After asking questions in the warehouse, Wan Xiu first glanced at Dresrosa, who was still unoutlined. In two hours, the Pirate Ship should not be able to reach Tokushima.

After a simple calculation of the time, Wan Xiu said directly to the warehouse: "Go directly."

‘Okay, your sir, the preparation is complete for you, this mission will begin immediately. ’

As soon as Wan Xiu had finished talking about the warehouse in his consciousness, he felt the surrounding space fluctuate instantly. This fluctuation grew larger and larger as time progressed, and it finally stopped when Wan Xiu felt that the whole world was about to collapse.

When the surrounding space gradually stabilized and the pirate ship, the sky and the sea reappeared in Wan Xiu's field of vision, his identity had also changed.

"Father! Shanks is about to arrive at Malinfandu. It seems that he is really ready to rescue that "Fire Fist" Ace."

Just when Wan Xiu was still feeling a little dizzy, the pirate who thought the pineapple head had already leaned over to talk about another emperor at sea, the red-haired Shanks.

"Marco." After taking a look at the pineapple head, Wan Xiu directly called out the other party's name.

"What's the matter, daddy?" Marco called his name to Wan Xiu and asked quickly.

Wan Xiu just said something casually after regaining his sobriety. In fact, he didn't want to ask Marko. But now that the other party has already asked questions, Wan Xiu also combined the sentence Marko said just now and asked: "Are there any other people's movements?"

"The Golden Lion did nothing. He had always wanted to win over Roger before. Now that Roger's son has been arrested, he has not seized the opponent's territory in the new world because of the departure of the red hair."

"In addition to the Golden Lion, the Aunt Pirate Ship has some interest in Shanks’ territory. However, the Aunt Pirates may also want to see the victory of Marin Vando’s battle to determine whether to attack the Reds. Territory of hair."

After the warehouse had read the general situation, Wan Xiu knew the configuration of the four emperors of the new world.

It seems that this No. 2 world has not changed much in terms of power, except that the Golden Lion replaced Kaido.

However, although the influence of the Four Emperors has not changed much, as Wan Xiu had thought before, the pirate group that Ace of this world joined is not the white beard pirate group, but the red hair sea of ​​Shanks. Thieves.

After this change, the upcoming Marin Vando Top War has also become the Navy VS the Redhead Pirates.

"Where are we now?" In order to participate in this mission and successfully rescue Ace, Wan Xiu still has to find out where he is.

"We are about to reach Marin Fondo, too." Marco estimated the position and continued, "We are not far from the Redhead Pirates. After they are close to Marin Fondo for half an hour, we will be able to catch up. ."


Although Wan Xiu didn't know why the White Beard Pirate Group would follow the Red Hair Pirate Group to the sea outside Malin Fando, this way, it would save Wan Xiu a lot of effort.

"Father, will we join the battle then?" Marco asked after introducing Wan Xiu.

"Of course." After Wan Xiu controlled his white beard's body and nodded slightly, he stood up again and walked toward the bow of the ship~www.readwn.com~ and raised all the sails to catch up. "

Although Marco is expected to catch up with the Redhead Pirates in half an hour, half an hour is very deadly for a battle.

If this battle between the navy and the pirates ends quickly, then Wanxiu's mission will be ruined.

And just after Wan Xiu ordered the members of the White Beard Pirate Group to move forward with full sails, the warehouse's consciousness also contacted, "Your Excellency, the task of saving "Fire Fist" Ace has begun. ’

‘If your Excellency can rescue Ace intact, then you will be able to obtain the fruit-shaking ability equivalent to the strength of White Beard, and will not suffer the side effects of Devil Fruit. ’

‘If Ace survives, but his body parts are mutilated or severely injured, then you can only obtain 80% of the white beard equivalent of the power of shaking fruit, and will not suffer the side effects of the devil fruit. ’

‘If Ace is killed in battle, you will not receive any rewards. ’

"The ability to shake fruit? It's still the same as Baibeard. It seems that you have to work hard today."

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