Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 143: Navy vs Redhead

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For Wan Xiu, getting the Fruit of the Shake can greatly increase his strength.

You know, this is equivalent to the devil fruit ability of Whitebeard, not a simple devil fruit.

"Father, are we here to help Red Hair regain their crew?"

While Wan Xiu was still studying the rewards prompted by the warehouse, Marco's voice rang again.

The White Beard Pirates in this parallel world did not intersect with Ace, and the opponent was picked up by Shanks after entering the great route.

Because of this, the Whitebeard Pirates had never even seen Ace, a young man trained by Shanks.

"Before Shanks just said to give him a face to prevent the Golden Lion and the aunt from attacking, but we don't need to follow it, right?"

Marco felt that there was no need to come to Malin Vatican this time. After all, this was a matter for the Red Hair and Navy Headquarters, and their White Beard Pirates didn't need to intervene at all.

Of course Wan Xiu didn't know why White Beard would follow, but facing Marko's question, Wan Xiu replied, "Because of Ace's father."

"His father?" At this time, neither the Navy nor Red Hair had announced Ace's identity, so even Marco did not know Ace's identity.

"It's Roger, Goldor Roger." Wan Xiu controlled Baibeard's body and looked down at Marco beside him.

"Roger's son?!"

Marco was stunned when he heard his father's words. He had never heard that Roger had children.

But my father said so, and Ace's identity is basically solid.

In fact, that was what Wan Xiu said, he didn't know the reason why Baibeard came with him. Wan Xiu, who only controlled Baibeard's body for a short time, simply explained it for his sons.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just when Wan Xiu was about to explain, there was a huge roar in the direction of Malin Fando.

"It's a shelling. It seems that the two sides are already at war." After Marco heard the loud noise, he also turned his gaze away from his father and turned to the direction of Malin Vando.

"Father, shall we directly intervene in the battlefield?"

Now that the Whitebeard Pirates have all come to the sea outside of Marine Headquarters, Malin Fandor, of course they can't just watch the battle. Whether it is directly involved in the war or as a third-party mediator, it is the option of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Get closer and see how they are playing first." Wan Xiu didn't make a decision right away, but let the crew of the White Beard Pirate Group continue to drive towards Malin Vando.

Although he had a warehouse mission, Wan Xiu was not eager to participate in the war. After all, his mission did not have a punishment mechanism, and the emotion of completing the mission was not broken, so it is okay to look at the situation before acting.

Under the command of Wanxiu, the flagship of the White Beard Pirate Ship "Mobile" also gradually approached Marine Headquarters, Marin Vando.

At this time, on Malin Vandor Island, the red-haired pirate group that entered the harbor was being fired by dozens of cannons from the navy.

However, since Shanks was the Emperor of the Sea, these ordinary artillery attacks would certainly not have any effect on him. When the dozens of shells were about to fall on the red-haired pirate ship, a burst of sword light suddenly appeared on the deck of the pirate ship, and after the sword light, the dozens of shells suddenly shattered into several pieces in the air. Then it fell straight towards the sea and sucked.

After solving the threat of the shells, several gunmen on the Red-haired Pirate Ship also raised their long spears, aimed directly at the three generals under Xingtai and shot them.

For the people of the Red-haired Pirates, only the three generals and Lieutenant General Karp and others who can threaten their existence on Malin Vando are.

Therefore, under the command of Ben Beckman, the gunmen did not care about the navy soldiers on the dock at all, but pointed directly at the opponent's core figures.

And when the Redhead Pirates began to counterattack, Wan Xiu had already seen the appearance of the three navy generals. But what is different from the main world is that the three generals here are somewhat different.

"Hey, that's Dorag?" Wan Xiu asked in confusion after staring at the general in the middle of Xingtai, who was wearing a blue coat.

‘This Dorag has not rebelled against the navy to form his own revolutionary army in this world, but has risen all the way to the position of general. ’

‘But for Karp, this is a good thing. ’

In Wanxiu's mind, Karp must be very happy that the Monqi family can serve as the navy from beginning to end. But I don’t know if his grandson Lu Fei has joined the navy camp like his father.

‘Ace here can join the Red-haired Pirates, and the red-haired Shanks looks like he has both hands. Luffy in the East China Sea probably has no contact with Ace and Shanks. ’

‘Without the push of these two people, Luffy’s One Piece route may not really be able to go on. ’

When Wan Xianxian was thinking about it, the three generals facing the red-haired pirate group's sniping had also stood up, ready to block the opponent's attack.

Among the three generals, with the exception of Dorag, who made Wan Xiu a little surprised, the general on the left of Dorag was the yellow ape, the red dog on the right, and the green pheasant was unexpectedly not appointed as a general.

Or many Rager accidentally stayed behind, so that the green pheasant failed to complete the promotion of general. But even so, if the green pheasant is still in the naval camp, it is at least the alternate general position. In this way, it is definitely not good news for the Redhead Pirates.


The bullets fired from the deck of the Red-Haired Pirates were about to shoot at the three generals ~ www.readwn.com~ a barrier composed of magma suddenly appeared, stopping these bullets directly.

After stopping the red-haired pirate group's sniper, Dorag directly jumped down from Xingtai and landed on the pier.

"Shanks, no one can stop this execution." Dorag looked at Shanks on the dock and said, "Even you, the emperor of the sea, can't do it."

Shanks didn't care about Dorag's words, "Really? Then I have to see if it works."

After speaking, Shanks kicked his feet directly, and the whole person ran straight from the dock from the dock from the deck.

At the same time that Shanks attacked Dorag, on the flagship of the White Beard Pirate Ship "Mobile", Marco was holding his arms around his chest, watching the battle that has been rare in recent years, "Navy Headquarters This time the lineup is very strong, and the Red-Haired Pirates may be deflated in Malinfan."

"Three generals, one marshal, one Karp, and several alternate generals. The navy will make an all-out effort. This cannot be solved by a single pirate regiment." Wanxiu also knows that the navy is powerful. Of course, the navy headquarters with several general-level combat capabilities is a well-deserved king.

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