Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 154: No one thinks Kaido can win

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What Guangyue Mitian said was not wrong. When Luo Xindi reminded Wanxiu, the people of the Don Quixote family who was in charge of the investigation on the island had already seen Wanxiu's Pirate Banner.

The member of the Don Quixote family was seeing the red-skinned skull eyes, and hurriedly ran towards Doflamingo and Kaido who were in the palace of Dres Rosa.

When Kaido and Doflamingo heard this man's words, Kaido, who was already half drunk, grabbed the mace beside him and stood up, "It's finally here."

With that said, Kaido dragged the huge mace and walked out of the palace.

Doflamingo, who was sitting on the main seat, raised his head and scanned Kaido, who was leaving, without intending to stop him.

When Kaido disappeared completely at the gate of the palace, Doflamingo grinned and said, "Whhhhhh, is the good show finally about to begin."

Although Doflamingo and Kaido are in a joint state, Doflamingo did not think that he could defeat the Pirates of Wanxiu with Kaido.

You know, Wanxiu defeated the navy continuously and defeated the sea emperor Shanks on the fisherman island.

The opponent's strength is so strong, it is not something that the Don Quixote family and the Beast Pirate Group can contend.

As a businessman, Doflamingo certainly knows how to bet. When failure was destined to come, Doflamingo also chose another path.

"Did Buffalo go?" Doflamingo said without looking back.

After the news of the arrival of Wanxiu in the current Palace of Dresrosa appeared, the leaders of the underground world such as Morgans followed Kaido out of the palace.

Some of them are ready to flee this place of right and wrong immediately, so as not to be affected by the fish.

Others chose to stay in Dresrosa to watch the battle of the Sea Emperor up close. The representative of this group is Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency.

As a journalist who regards ‘big news’ as life, Morgans will never miss this opportunity.

The title of this battle, Morgans, has already been thought out in advance, and it is called ‘The Beast Pirate Group, the second fallen emperor in the new world! ’

Although Morgans was in Dressrosa at this time and behind Kaido, he didn't think Kaido could win. He followed Kaido just to see how Kaido was defeated.

Kaido was known as "immortal" in the four seas and was arrested by the navy many times, each time he survived the execution, and successfully escaped from the navy.

But even so, Morgans also didn't think Kaido had any chance of winning.

Perhaps on this Dresrosa, apart from Kaido himself and his blind followers, no one believes Kaido can defeat Wanxiu.

As the owner of Dresrosa, Doflamingo certainly understands this fact.

Therefore, before Wanxiu came, Doflamingo had already sent his cronies, and Buffalo, who had the ability to turn fruit, took Monet to contact Wanxiu who was approaching.

Yes, before the battle came, Doflamingo sent someone to contact his opponent in advance, and he had already come to Wanxiu outside of Dresrosa.

"At this time, I should have boarded Wanxiu's ship." Behind Doflamingo, Torrepol said.

"If Wan Xiu didn't shoot him down directly, he should have been talking at this time?" Doflamingo pushed his glasses, stood up, and prepared to leave the palace to watch the battle between the two emperors outside the palace. Up.

Just as Doflamingo walked out of the palace, just as Torrepol said, Buffalo, who is capable of turning fruit, has hovered above the Pirate Ship Wanxiu with the grass-green hair of Monet. .

"Captain, do you want to beat him down?" Kata Kuri asked Wanxiu, looking at Buffalo in midair.

Buffalo, who was watched by Kata Kuri, did not dare to board the ship directly, but kept shouting down in mid-air.

Of course, Wan Xiu also saw Buffalo and Monet. At this time, Doflamingo sent these two people to his side, and his purpose was definitely not simple. However, the strength of Buffalo and Monet was just like that, even if they were put up, the two of them could not cause any harm to anyone on the deck.

Even the young Shanks has the ability to flash fruit, and against two people with no domineering devil fruit ability, it is basically able to win without injury. After all, elementalization is simply a hit against these pirates who are not domineering.

"Let them get down." Wan Xiu, who was about to hear what Doflamingo would say, directly beckoned Buffalo and Monet in the air, causing them to stop on the deck of the Pirate Ship.

"Wan...Master Wanxiu."

After boarding the ship, Buffalo glanced at the wolves and tigers around him, and said to Wan Xiu tremblingly.

Compared to the somewhat scared Buffalo, Monet seemed calmer. When facing the surrounding gaze, the envoy sent by Doflamingo even smiled at Wan Xiu.

"Let's talk about it, what did Doflamingo want you to do?" Wan Xiu looked at Monet and asked him.

Monet glanced at Dover in black and black mirror squatting on the railing on his left, and then replied to Wan Xiu: "Young Master wants to cooperate with Master Wan Xiu."

"Cooperate?" At this time, Wan Xiuke was just about to attack Dresrosa. Isn't it a bit too late for him to cooperate at this time?

"This cooperation does not seem to have much sincerity. Can you represent the Don Quixote family? And if we talk about cooperation at this time, the value seems to be small."

Monet seemed to be prepared for these words from Wanxiu~www.readwn.com~. When Wanxiu finished speaking, she directly replied: "My lord, when it comes to cooperation is valuable."

"Our Don Quixote family has mastered most of the underground transactions in the New World, whether it is weapons or devil fruits, they will flow through our hands."

"As long as the adults cooperate with us, in all subsequent transactions, the Don Quixote family will not earn Master Wanxiu a cent."

Although Monet was talking on the deck, the chips in it did not appeal to Wan Xiu.

When Monet wanted to continue speaking, Wan Xiu raised his hand to stop her, "These don't seem to be of any use to me, no matter whether it is a weapon or a devil fruit, I don't need it."

"Even if I want, I can take it from Dresrosa myself."

Wan Xiu's words were very straightforward, and the probability of winning the battle that was about to begin was extremely high. After defeating Kaido, what did the Don Quixote family on Dresrosa use to defend themselves?

As long as I boarded Deres Rosa, isn't everything on the island my own?

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