Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 155: Don Quixote and Don Quixote

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Monet seemed to have known that Wanxiu would say such things, so after Wanxiu finished speaking, she also smiled and said, "Master Wanxiu, of course you can take away the devil fruits and weapons. Even Dresrosa, It will be easy for you to take it down."

Seeing that Monet suddenly said this, Wan Xiu didn't know what the Don Quixote family was going to say, so Wan Xiu didn't interrupt, but asked Monet to continue speaking.

When Monet saw this, he continued: "In addition to what I just said, the young master can also provide you with some special information."

"Oh? Special intelligence?" When Monet was talking about intelligence, Wan Xiu looked at this member of the Don Quixote family with interest and continued, "Is it about the Dragonites or the world government?"

Before being taken away from Mariejoa by his father, Doflamingo was a "noble dragon man", and as a nobleman in the world, he might really know some information that ordinary people don't know.

Monet smiled slightly and said softly: "Master Wanxiu seems to know some things about the young master, yes, it's information about the world government and the Tianlong people."

"How about it, is Master Wanxiu interested?"

For Monet, coming to Wanxiu to negotiate is about the survival of the Don Quixote family.

If Wan Xiu refuses to cooperate, then the Don Quixote family that occupied Dresrosa will probably die out.

After all, before this, Wan Xiu's strength was too strong.

Although Doflamingo has started to build the "birdcage" in Dresrosa, the construction of the "birdcage" has just begun. Not to mention that for a large pirate like Wanxiu, it is a mission of the level of the Three Plagues It may be impossible to prevent it.

Therefore, when Wan Xiu came to the sea off Dres Rosa, Doflamingo sent Monet to negotiate with Wan Xiu.

However, after Monet finished speaking, Wan Xiu pointed his finger at Dover, who was next to him in black, and said, "I also have a ‘Tianyacha’. I have all the information you want to provide."

Although Wan Xiu said this, it was half-truth.

Although the Dover on his ship had similar backgrounds, they lived in a very different world.

The power of each world and the state of the world government are extremely different, just like the parallel world No. 2 that Wan Xiu has visited before, where the world government can even release the ancient weapon ‘Pluto’.

And because of these differences, even if the two Doflamingo's life experiences are similar, the information they hold is definitely different.

After Wan Xiu finished speaking, Monet turned his head and took a look at Doflamingo's direction again.

This guy in my black clothes and black mirror, who looks similar to the young master, really has the same memory and intelligence?

Although Monet himself expressed very suspicion, Wan Xiu was too relaxed when he spoke, and the Don Quixote family did not take the initiative.

Therefore, even if what Wan Xiu said may be false, Monet could only quickly say: "Master Wan Xiu, you must know that the Don Quixote family really wants to cooperate with you."

"Even if your pirate group is extremely powerful, it can defeat all the pirates in the new world, but then? How do you control this new world?"

Because Wanxiu, the pirate ship, is getting closer and closer to Dresrosa, Monet's speech speed is gradually increasing. She must pave the way for the Don Quixote family before Wanxiu and Kaido fight. .

Even if he continued speaking, he might anger the great pirate Wanxiu, but for the sake of her young master, Monet was still willing to do so.

"I can use Murloc to control the new world, I can use the Charlotte family, and even work with Whitebeard. Why should I use the Don Quixote family?"

After Wan Xiu finished speaking, he turned around, no longer looking at Monet, but facing the wharf of Dresrosa, observing the movement of the beasts and pirates on the wharf.

Seeing that Wan Xiu didn't want to take care of herself, Monet was a little anxious, and she hurried forward two steps, preparing to approach Wan Xiu, and then strive for a chance to cooperate.

But just as Monet was about to walk behind Wan Xiu, a ball of glutinous rice suddenly appeared on the deck, wrapping Monet's whole person in it.

And it was Kata Kuri under Wan Xiu that held Monet in place.

After restraining Monet, he said, "Lady of the Don Quixote family, since you can't cooperate, you should leave."

"Master Wanxiu!" Even though he was tied to the deck by the glutinous rice dumplings of Kata Kuri, Monet still didn't want to give up.

"Go back, you said to Doflamingo, let him stay in Dresrosa's palace. After I solve Kaido, I will go to the palace to find him. At that time, we will discuss whether we will cooperate. Chance." Wan Xiu said to Monet without looking back.

After speaking, Wan Xiu took two steps forward and walked to the bow of the deck.


When Wan Xiu said those words, Monet was finally relieved. No matter what, Wan Xiu finally gave the Don Quixote family a chance.

Although this opportunity will bring luck or disaster to the Don Quixote family, for Monet herself, the heart she has been hanging on can finally calm down a bit.

And when Wan Xiu said that, Kata Kuri had also loosened the glutinous rice dumplings under Monet's feet. This member of the Don Quixote family is finally able to move freely.

"Let's go, Buffalo, let's go back." Monet briskly walked around and turned around the fruit ability Buffalo, said.

Buffalo has been watching the conversation between Monet and Wanxiu with trepidation, only to see that the conversation is finally over, he can be considered relieved, "Okay~www.readwn.com~ After finishing speaking, this one turns The fruit-powered person carried Monet and returned to Dresrosa.

When Monet and the two left, Luo Xindi, who had been watching and didn't say anything about how to participate, walked to Wanxiu's side and said, "Is the captain planning to cooperate with them?"

Luo Nandi said of them, of course, it was Monet who had just arrived on the deck, and the Don Quixote family she represented.

Before coming to the new world, Luo Xindi already knew what the Don Quixote family did in this world.

Rosandy's parents in this world were also killed by Dover, and even Rosandy in this world was also killed by Dover. Such an act made Luo Xindi dislike Dover in the main world.

"I'll leave this to Dover, of course, and you." Wan Xiu turned his head and said to Luo Nandi.

Wan Xiu mentioned that Dover and Luo Xindi were both members of the Don Quixote family, so after fighting with the Beast Pirates, Wan Xiu was going to hand over Dresrosa to the two brothers.

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