Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 111 The method of controlling the locust plague! The plan must not be affected!

Chapter 111

As more and more people can accept this dry stir-frying locust, the atmosphere of the whole banquet gradually becomes normal.

Especially after trying the new wine from Xianyang Palace, all the officials below are full of praise.

Coupled with the chime music and dance, the atmosphere of the feast was extremely warm.

"Tuo'er, your move is quite meaningful." Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Tuo with a smile, as if "I know everything".

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly, picked up the locusts and threw them into his mouth, and said: "Father Huang's eyes are like a torch, and today's events will be spread throughout Da Qin in the newspapers soon."

"Locusts are delicious and edible, and are rich in nutrients to nourish the body, which is not worse than the "827" of ordinary meat.

"Even the emperor feasted his ministers, and set it as a banquet dish.

"Father, you said that after the people of Daqin saw it..." Zhao Tuo didn't say any more.

The rest is left to Ying Zheng to conjecture.

Looking at Ying Zheng at this time, after hearing Zhao Tuo's thoughts, the whole person was stunned.


Now the people all over the world respect Xianyang Palace.

In particular, those squires, nobles, and famous families, one by one, are eager to imitate the actions of Xianyang Palace, and take it as a tolerance.

This is now a feast of ministers, and the dish has a locust.

It is estimated that eating locusts will soon be accepted by the nobles and the common people.

Thinking of the huge changes this will bring to Da Qin, even Ying Zheng's breathing can't help being a little heavy.

This matter, in a small way, is nothing more than the same food on the table of the common people.

Speaking of which... this is enough to completely affect the future of Da Qin!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng said with a serious face: "Tuo'er, after the banquet is over, I will call Feng Xiang, Li and others to discuss the matter in detail!"

"Don't worry, Father, I have already arranged everything, and I will come after the banquet is over.


Food and wine, singing and dancing.

The hilarity is not until the sun sets in the west, and this is the end of the show.

The officials dispersed, leaving only the front of the Qilin Hall in a mess.

On the other hand, Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng also moved to Zhao Tuo's bedroom.

Naturally, Feng Quji, Li Si, Meng Yi and others were accompanying him.

"Everyone, first drink some tea to dissolve the bar.""

Zhao Tuo waved his hand, and the maids in the palace served hot tea to everyone.

The matter discussed in a meeting is related to the grain output of a county and whether its own plan can be carried out as scheduled, so it cannot be delayed, let alone careless.

After the cup of tea, everyone's sense of drinking faded slightly, and Zhao Tuo also entered the topic.

"I believe everyone should be able to guess that the dried locusts at the banquet today have other intentions, right?

Everyone nodded.

"Meng Shangqing, record this matter, and put it on the headline of the next Qin newspaper.""

Newspapers... Headlines...

Meng Yi and the others were shocked. Could it be that...

"Presumably all of you Aiqing have already guessed something."

Zhao Tuo took a sip of the hot tea and explained his plan.

"Now that the Julu locust plague has begun to emerge, if there is no accident, it will become a disaster within a month, endangering Julu and the surrounding Hengshan, Handan and other counties.

"Moreover, once these locust plagues take shape, they will also threaten the special crops that we have arranged in various counties and counties, and affect the progress of these crops in the whole of Daqin."

"In a big way, once this locust plague is not handled properly, it will even threaten the pace of my Daqin rise."

"Therefore, this locust plague must be managed by all means.

Ying Zheng and others nodded.

They already knew everything about Zhao Tuo's secret popularization of special crops.

I also know the changes this will bring to Daqin.

Therefore, this locust plague must be cured.


"Your Majesty, I have a few questions, and I hope Your Majesty will clear up your doubts." Li Si stood up and asked solemnly:

"First of all, these locusts are pests, and they eat them often... is it really okay? 99

"Secondly, but relying on eating, the minister thought that this hidden danger could not be completely eliminated.35

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.


Li Si is still the same Li Si.

He dared to ask such a sharp question with a skeptical attitude.

But this is a good thing, after all, there must be two such people by the emperor's side...

"These two questions, I can answer you." Zhao Tuo explained aloud:

"First of all, locusts are indeed edible and nutritious, provided these locusts don't swarm."

"Once a locust plague is formed, these locusts will carry poison in their bodies, which is the main reason why it is necessary to kill the locust plague before it takes shape."9

"And if you want to completely control the locust plague, of course you can't just rely on eating..."

Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously.

"This time I asked you to come here to arrange 1.0 other methods to control the locust plague besides eating!

It wasn't until late at night that everyone left in a hurry.

The next thing, the level of complexity and urgency, was enough for them to sleep tonight.

Especially Meng Yi.

This time, what was published in the newspaper was not only about eating locusts at the Xianyang Palace feast, but also had to create a new section, and rush out this issue of the newspaper.

Now they are in a race against time.

If they win, the special crops of all counties in Daqin will usher in a bumper harvest, and Daqin will no longer be threatened by locust plagues in the future.

Lost... Da Qin's rise was delayed.

This one is really not small to play....

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