Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 112: Locusts? No, this is half a liang of m1y jumping all over the ground!

Chapter 112

"Lord! Good news! Good news!"

Stump waved the newspaper in his hand, and excitement was written all over his face.

As the only literate person in the village, although he is still young, he has already been entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the elder.

That is to read newspapers for everyone in the village.

Today's Daqin people are completely inseparable from this Qin newspaper.

The main reason is that the first two issues of Qin Bao not only taught them how to make a farming artifact.

It also describes some points that need to be paid attention to when farming.

Two months have passed now.

Looking at the dealers in the field, they are much more prosperous and stronger than in previous years, and the people also see it.

The only thing that made them a little worried was that this year's locusts came out again.

I just hope that God will bless them not to let the plague of locusts gnaw at their dealers, otherwise this year's taxes will not be paid again...

"Guys, the stump is back!

"Dunzi is back? He should have borrowed a newspaper from the 19th Bi Village. Let's go and listen."

"Good news? Good news again?"

"Stop plowing, this wasteland can't be opened, go to the village entrance, and you will read the newspaper later."

As soon as they heard the sound of the tree stump, the people went out of their homes one after another, and even left their farm work and rushed from the fields.

The old lieutenant also walked over with a cane at this moment.

"Dunzi, what good news is there today? Read it for everyone."

"Good long."

The tree stump nodded excitedly, the crowd gradually quieted down, and everyone was extremely focused.

"Cough, everyone, listen up.

"The 200,000 troops from the northern Xinjiang have returned triumphantly, and His Majesty is delighted to hold a banquet for the ministers.

"What? Did I hear it right? Your Majesty and the adults of Xianyang Palace actually... eat locusts?"

"Mother, can you eat that thing? Do they want it? We are all over the place now, hahahaha!

"Yeah, yeah, if you want to eat it, catch it quickly, so that there will be no brain locust plague."

"Everyone, be quiet!" Seeing that the crowd was chaotic, the old lieutenant raised his hand quickly to signal everyone to be quiet.

Soon Stump continued to read the newspaper.

There is a lot of content in the newspaper, and the villagers listen to it with great interest.

"Cough cough... Everyone should listen carefully next time! This is great news!

With a word from the tree stump, the people began to get excited.

"The locusts are boiled, dried and ground into powder, which can be used as medicine. Today, drug dealers in Daqin buy locust powder at high prices. 99

"The Xianyang Palace decreed that raising chickens and ducks during the locust plague will reduce the relevant tax by 70%.


The people were completely stunned.

"Duanzi, you just... can this locust still sell for money?"

"It's true or false, didn't I hear it wrong?"

"Taxes are reduced by 70%, and these locusts are all over the place now, even saving money for feeding! Not to mention, I will go to the next village to borrow some chickens. 55

"It is estimated that selling meat and eggs can earn two years' worth of rations..."

"Wait a minute, don't worry, and quickly ask Dunzi whether this is reliable or not.

"Dunzi, tell me quickly, what does the next village think about this?"

Seeing that the villagers were arguing, Shu Stump quickly explained: "Don't worry, everyone, this newspaper was also exchanged from the previous issue of the newspaper from another village in the next village."

"But now some people are making locust powder and selling it for money!"


"Is there still a fake? When I was leaving, I saw a businessman coming over from the next village, specializing in buying locust powder!

It's a coincidence to say something.

As soon as the voice of the tree stump fell, two middle-aged men dressed as merchants driving a carriage came to the village entrance.

"Dare to ask, do you live in the village?

"It's here..." The old lieutenant hurriedly walked over with a cane, glanced at the newspaper in the tree stump's hand, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"I dare to ask you two, but are you here to collect locust powder?"

"You know? 35 The two merchants were stunned for a moment, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

No need to explain, it's so much more convenient.

"Lao Lichang, we are here to buy locust powder and locusts."

"I wonder if your village has ready-made locust powder?"

"This... I'm really sorry, we just heard the news." There was a hint of regret on Lao Lichang's face.

If this can grab the first-hand newspaper, maybe the villagers in the village have already made locust powder and sold it for money.

However, the number of these newspapers is too small, it is too difficult to snap up, so that only a few villages can read a newspaper in rotation.

"Is that so..." The two merchants were obviously disappointed.

But immediately they continued: "It doesn't matter, we will come back in two days.

"At that time, as long as the villagers have good locust powder on hand, we are willing to buy them at a price of two yuan per catty, and the fresh and big locusts will cost one yuan per three catties."

"Such a high price!

Hearing the businessman's words, the elder Li and the villagers behind him were all shocked.

This locust... can be sold so expensively?

Did they make a fortune?

The merchant explained: "The main reason is that these locust powders are very effective in medicine. They can't help but reduce fever, and they can also treat whooping cough in children."

"We got internal information here, it is said that some recipes that can use locust powder will be released in the next issue of the newspaper, and you should also keep some in your hands for emergencies.

"Okay, thank you so much... 827" The old lichang nodded again and again.

"By the way, I don't know if it is convenient to ask, this locust powder can be used as medicine, so I bought it, but this fresh and big locust... How can I sell it for money?"

"Hahahaha..." The two merchants looked at each other and laughed, and then took out a few roasted locusts that were cooked and sprinkled with seasonings from their pockets.

"Lao Lichang, didn't you read the newspaper? Xianyang Palace held a banquet with locusts!

"This stuff is actually delicious!"

"It is said that eating this stuff is good for you!"

After all, one of them threw one into his mouth and chewed it happily.

"This locust, the big ones are left behind by us, and occasionally we can meet many noble squires who are looking for purchases.

"After all, there are not many locusts in the county town, and they can only be bought from the people in the village.

The old lieutenant heard his eyes light up and nodded again and again.

"It turns out that it is, it turns out that it is, I really thank you two."

"You're welcome, see you later..."

Two merchants led the carriage away.

And the people in the village looked at the locusts all over the ground, and their eyes changed.

It seems that at this time, grabbing a handful of these grasses is no longer a pest.

It's a half liang of money that bounces all over the floor,

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