Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 113 90catties of steel? It's just the result of 1 day!

Chapter 113

"My ministers Li Si, Meng Yi, and Wang Ben ask to see His Majesty!"

Li Si, Meng Yi, and Wang Ben stood outside the palace, their faces full of excitement.

Just now they have received the news.

It is said that the content published in the newspaper has begun to bear fruit.

Many villagers in Julu County are now going out to catch locusts like crazy.

The small ones are cooked, dried and ground into powder, and the large ones are sold directly.

In just a few days, around the county seat of Julu County, the locusts have been reduced by more than half.

Every day, people can be seen walking out of the city with sackcloths on their backs.

As for Wang Ben's visit this time, it was because of what happened to Wang Li.

After the last treatment, and the non-stop medication some time ago, Wang Li's injury is no longer serious.

However, when everyone's voice fell, it was Lu Bu who came out.

"My lord, the lord is not in the palace.

"Is Your Majesty not here?"

The three looked a little surprised.

In the past few days, His Majesty often went out of the palace in plain clothes without any entourage, leaving early in the morning and returning late.

What the hell is going on here? Mysterious...

"The main bus is on behalf of him. If you are in a hurry to find him, you can go to this address in Xianyang City to find him, and click on the east of the city...'

Lu Bu's voice sounded again, and the three of them hurriedly took note.

Then he left the palace and went straight to the place that Lu Bu said in the east of the city.

"is it here?

Wang Ben frowned and looked at the slightly dilapidated courtyard in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.

Your Majesty...will you be here?

Li Si and Meng Yi were obviously a little confused.

"What about him, ask first and then..."

Wang Ben stepped forward and slammed the courtyard door.

"Bang bang bang...'

"anyone there?""

"bang bang bang...

no movement...

The three of them couldn't help looking at each other, could it be that His Majesty is not here?

Or did Lu Bu get the position wrong?

With doubts, Wang Ben pushed open the courtyard door.

In an instant, an astonishing amount of heat rushed towards his face, causing Wang Ben, who was stunned, to retreat again and again.

"Huh...why is it so hot in here, 35

"What is your majesty doing here?"

Staring at the amazing heat, they entered the courtyard, but as soon as they entered, the three of Wang Ben were dumbfounded.

Entering the eye, the whole yard is full, and it is actually full of steel ingots!

"This...how much does it take?

"One thousand pounds? Or ten thousand pounds?"

Looking at the scene in front of them, the three of them felt their scalps go numb for a while.

You must know that metals such as copper and steel that can be used to make weapons are all controlled items in Daqin, and people cannot make them privately!

But not only here.

There are so many more... The entire Xianyang Palace can't find so much steel on this horse!

If all these were made into weapons, at least a thousand people could be armed!

"His grandma's, I didn't expect to catch a big one by mistake today! Wang Ben rolled up his sleeves and pulled out his saber, looking like he was about to go to work.

"This general needs to see, who is the guy who ate the guts of a bear's heart and a leopard, and is so daring to do such a thing under His Majesty's eyelids!"

After all, Wang Benti slipped his sword and was about to go inside.

However, at this moment, a figure came out from the corner of the house.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!?"

Seeing that it was Zhao Tuo, Wang Ben's eyes almost fell out.

This outfit is... too indecent...

I saw Zhao Tuo wearing a linen vest, bare arms, and a pair of loose pants.

How can there be the slightest bit of power in the palace?

Seeing Wang Ben and the three of them, Zhao Tuo was obviously taken aback.

"Huh? Are you here?"

"Is there something urgent in the palace? Say it outside."

With that said, Zhao Tuo was about to leave the courtyard.

But at this moment, a middle-aged strong man came out of the corner of the house again.

Judging from his physique, he was no worse than Lu Bu.

"Sir, are you hungry? I'll give it to you... eh?"

Seeing Wang Ben and the three in his courtyard, the middle-aged strong man was startled for a moment.

Then, after seeing the clothes and temperament of the three, his complexion suddenly changed, he picked up the sword embryo beside him, and shouted to Zhao Tuo:

"Sir, run! They are from Xianyang Palace!"

"We are forging steel in private, if this group of people find out, it will be beheaded!"


Wang Ben and others looked at Zhao Tuo with strange eyes.

So, what's the situation now?

After sinking for a moment, Zhao Tuo turned his head and explained: "Er Niu, don't be nervous, they are all their own people. 99

"My own?"

Hearing this, although Er Niu still seemed a little nervous, the sword embryo in his hand was released.

On the other hand, the three of Wang Ben also reacted.

Feelings... This middle-aged strong man doesn't know His Majesty's true identity?

And your Majesty is here, is it made of steel?

But why is steelmaking not used in the workshops in the palace, but to come to such a remote and simple place to do it secretly?

When everyone was puzzled, Zhao Tuo pulled Er Niu over.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Er Niu, a good friend I met long ago, who has also helped me a lot."

|||Hey hey hey, sir, what you said is worth living. Didn't you help our family a lot, and also saved my life and my mother's life.

Er Niu laughed awkwardly, and suddenly, he patted his head.

"By the way! There is still steel in the furnace. I have to hurry up and check the heat. Let's talk about Austria first."

After all, Erniu turned around and walked away quickly.

Seeing Erniu gone, Zhao Tuo turned to look at Meng Yi, and told everyone about Erniu...

Ten years ago, in order to build an organization, he specially made friends with Erniu to ensure that the organization can use high-quality weapons in the future.

It's just that with his own plan to set up an organization stillborn, this matter will be over.

Knowing that now, Daniel has only built weapons for a few of them in the spring, summer, autumn and winter...

Of course, Zhao Tuo didn't explain anything to Wang Ben and others about the matter of midnight.

"In other words, Your Majesty knew this Erniu ten years ago?"

"And the main reason why he came out to make steel this time is because of the blast furnace he has here?"

Zhao Tuo nodded.

(money Zhao)

If it weren't for the blast furnace built for the steel frying method ten years ago, he would be too lazy to go out of the palace to make steel every day.

Suddenly, Wang Ben took a few steps closer, pointed to the steel ingot in the courtyard and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, could it be that this is what you have achieved these days?


Meng Yi and Li Si heard the words and looked at Zhao Tuo.

There are at least 10,000 catties of steel in this courtyard!

How efficient can it be in just a few days?

If this is the case, the matter of mining coal mines that His Majesty said before will really have to be the facts.

After all, in a few days, ten thousand catties of steel, this efficiency is really terrifying.

However, when Wang Ben asked, Zhao Tuo shook his head.

Suddenly, a look of disappointment appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

But when they heard Zhao Tuo's next sentence, Wang Ben and the others were completely dumbfounded.

"No, no, these days, the blast furnace was mainly repaired, and some ore was ordered to come over."

"These nine thousand catties of steel are just the results of yesterday."

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