Nine thousand pounds.

The results of the day...

Are you sure you're not kidding?

"It looks like you don't really believe me. Zhao Tuo has a smile in his eyes.

The three shook their heads.

"I dare not..."

"It's okay, I can understand. 35 Zhao Tuo waved his hand.


In the eyes of people in this era when producing steel is harder than shitting, it is indeed a bit outrageous that steel can produce 10,000 jin per day.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, what's wrong with you all in such a hurry to find it? 35

Liz shook his head.

"Your Majesty, it's not a matter of urgency, but good news.

"Oh? Good news? Talk about it.

"The news came back from Julu, and the locust plague control strategy has achieved initial results."

"After getting the news in the newspapers, the people are more motivated to catch the locusts than ever, as to whether the plague of locusts can be completely killed... There is no conclusion for the time being.

"Um..." Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

I believe that under the trend of interests, the poor and fearful people will definitely exert 200% of their ability to solve this locust plague as much as possible.

"By the way, General Wang." Zhao Tuo suddenly seemed to remember something and looked at Wang Ben.

"The end is here!" 827

"After you go back, summon the guards of the counties and counties, and order them to allocate some of their manpower to catch more locusts and go back to make locust powder. Bureau Bureau

"After drinking the wine two days ago, my mind was a little sluggish, and I forgot to tell you that this thing is also an extremely important strategic material for Qin Jun.

Everyone was shocked.

Are strategic materials still extremely important?

At that time, they were surprised enough to hear that the locusts could be used as medicine to cure diseases.

Could it be said that locust powder has other more important functions?

"I'll talk to you later about this matter later. How is Wang Li?"

"Your Majesty has taken great pains, and the last general is here for this very reason! Now the dog's injury is no longer serious, and it should be back to normal in half a month. 35

"Not bad..." Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "General Wang remember to remind him, and then go to the south gate of Xianyang Palace to take up his post.

"Okay, since I'm here, I'll show you the results of these two days. 99

"Aren't you curious, how does this coal improve the efficiency of steelmaking, go..."

After that, Zhao Tuo walked towards the back of the room with the two of them.

As soon as they entered the room, a large (bjba) stove with strange objects outside came into view of Wang Ben and the three of them.

At the same time, a heat wave is coming from the stove.

Beside the stove, there was a teenage boy who was vigorously agitating the strange objects outside the stove.

Every time it was pressed, the flames in the furnace became violent.

"This is the blast furnace I'm talking about. Outside the furnace is a blower." Zhao Tuo began to introduce the blast furnace in front of the three of them.

"With this furnace, the coal fire can reach extremely high temperatures, turning the iron into molten iron.35

"Once molten iron is available, the steel is very easy to forge.

"Just pour the molten pig iron on top of the wrought iron, or throw the wrought iron into the pig iron molten iron for carburizing treatment... blah blah blah...

Zhao Tuo said it here, and the three recorded it there.

But after memorizing for a long time, I found that I didn't remember anything.

They don't understand these things at all!

In such a long time, they only knew about one thing.

That is this method must be very fast.

you look at you look.

When they were talking just now, the Er Niu threw a lot of iron into the pot.

It only took such a short time, and when I took it out, it became more than twice as many ingots!


How long has it been!?

At Da Qin's current speed, the entire workshop is operating together, only a few hundred catties of steel a day.

With the cooperation of these two or three people, can you get ten thousand pounds in one day?

And listen to His Majesty.

The steel processed by the steel pouring method is much better than the steel produced by the Daqin Bai refining method today.

this this this...

If there is such a method of making steel, why would Da Qin worry about not having steel to use!

If it is said that all of this has to benefit from coal, then...

"His Majesty!

Li Si suddenly took a step forward and said, "I think... the matter of the coal mine should be sooner rather than later.

"The minister seconded the proposal!" Meng Yi supported this.

"Oh? See the sweetness?" Zhao Tuo looked at the two with a smile.

When these two guys said that they would spend 10 million yuan per month to mine, the reaction was quite intense.

I didn't expect that as soon as I saw the benefits of coal, I didn't have to mention it myself, and I started to show it.

The two of them blushed.

But now, obviously not the time to be shy.

"Let's go, Li Xiang, and tell Feng Xiang about this. The two of you listed a matter related to mining this morning, and you will discuss it with the officials tomorrow morning.


Li Si took the lead and left the courtyard first.

At this time, only Wang Ben and Meng Yi were left beside Zhao Tuo.

"General Wang, the champion Hou should not have set off for the northern border, right?" Zhao Tuo asked suddenly.

Wang Ben shook his head and said stealthily, "Because the food and grass are not ready yet, General Huo and the others haven't left yet."

"Okay, I just came out today, and I will go to the camp outside the city with me."

"I have to borrow the eight hundred cavalry under the champion Hou's command." Zhao Tuo smiled slightly.

The eight hundred cavalry under Huo Qubing's command were definitely the best among the cavalry.

Using them to drive the development of the cavalry in the Daqin Army is definitely the best choice!

After saying goodbye to Erniu, Zhao Tuo took Wang Ben and Meng Tian to the camp outside the city.

The three of them had just arrived at the gate of the camp, and they happened to meet a group of wounded Qin soldiers returning from patrolling.

Seeing Zhao Tuo and others, the leading colonel hurried over.

"I have seen Your Majesty! General!

"Well..." Zhao Tuo nodded, then asked: "I saw someone injured, what happened?"

The colonel replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, just now we patrolled the vicinity of Pingyang County and found a group of rogues. Some people were accidentally injured when they were cleared."

"This is a recovered weapon. 99

Having said that, the colonel commander signaled to the soldiers in the colony, and as soon as possible, several people carried two large baskets of messy weapons to Zhao Tuo.

When the Great Qin Dynasty was established, Ying Zheng once confiscated all the weapons from all over the world to cast golden men.

The Qin law was formulated to prohibit ordinary people from casting and holding weapons without permission.

Now that these rogues are encountered, the weapons will naturally be seized.

However, after seeing these weapons, Zhao Tuo's complexion suddenly changed.

"Quick! General Wang, immediately go in and treat the wounds!"

"Mengxing, you order someone to collect some locust powder and bring a jar of wine, the sooner the better!


Although it is not clear why Zhao Tuo made this move.

But the two of them did not hesitate to do so.

After the wounds of several wounded soldiers were treated, Meng Yi also returned to the camp with wine and locust powder.

It was only then that Wang Ben asked curiously: "Your Majesty, these soldiers have only suffered some skin injuries, so they shouldn't be so nervous, right?

"Of course."

Zhao Tuo took out a long sword from the box and handed it to Wang Ben.

"Take a good look at this sword, what's the difference!"

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