Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 115: Locust powder can cure the deterioration of wounds? Change the car to riding!

different places?

Wang Ben took the long sword handed over by Zhao Tuo and looked at it carefully.

This sword is short, obviously not the sword of the Qin army.

Judging from the dense rust on its blade, it should be the standard equipment of the armies of the other six countries more than ten years ago.

Wang Ben looked confused.

"Your Majesty, I forgive the late general, except that this sword is a little old and a little worn out, the late general did not find anything special about it?

"Because of age!"5

Zhao Tuo took the long sword, pointed to the patina on the edge of the long sword and said, "See these rust marks?

"Don't look at these things that are inconspicuous, but this~ can kill people!

"Ah!? 35

As soon as these words came out, Wang Ben, Meng Yi, and several wounded soldiers present were all shocked.

Especially the wounded soldiers, their faces turned pale when they heard Zhao Tuo's words.

Zhao Tuo said solemnly: "As long as you are scratched by these rusted cutting edges, the wound will deteriorate rapidly in a short period of time.

"Have you seen Wang Li's situation? Think about it carefully, there should be many soldiers in the Qin army who are so dead and wounded, right?"


Zhao Tuo's remarks made Wang Ben's spine feel a chill.

"It is useless to be scratched by such a rusted blade, even if you clean the wound. 99

"The wound hasn't worsened, so you're right.

"But as soon as the wound starts to deteriorate, there is little room for recovery other than timely amputation.

Zhao Tuo's words pierced Wang Ben's heart every word.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm the shock in his heart.

Present, he knew better than anyone.

His Majesty's words are not only true, but even a little conservative...

He led the army to fight, and he had seen too many.

In a war, countless soldiers died.

But how many die directly on the battlefield?

Only half of it!

And the rest of them, all died after the battle, the wounds deteriorated, unable to heal, and finally died in pain!

A large number of wounded soldiers who died were not dealt with in time, and finally breeds plague.

Next is the charcoal of life...

This is what he is most afraid of seeing!

And today, he finally found the reason.

"Didn't you ask me before what use is this locust powder?"

As Zhao Tuo spoke, he picked up locust powder and wine jars and walked towards several wounded soldiers, and ordered:

"One person with a handful of locust powder, swallowed with alcohol, twice a day for three days.

"If the wound doesn't get worse, you can stop taking it.


As soon as they heard that they could save their lives, how could these wounded soldiers care whether the bag contained locust powder or something.

Finish eating!

On the other side, Wang Ben and Meng Tian were also in shock.

Your Majesty means...

This locust powder...can heal wound deterioration?

"Your Majesty! This locust powder... Wang Ben's voice trembled a little.

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly: "I know this time, why did I let you prepare more locust powder in the army?"


Wang Ben's mood at this time is indescribable.

Because he knew very well how many lives of Qin soldiers could be saved by this seemingly inconspicuous locust powder!

"Your Majesty! Everything you have done for the soldiers of the Great Qin will never be repaid!

"Only with the guts, where your Majesty refers, even if you die, you will eventually clear the obstacles for His Majesty!

Seeing Wang Ben's excited expression, Zhao Tuo also had a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, General Wang, this world is more than ten thousand li?"

"In the future, Daqin will certainly go on numerous expeditions abroad, and when the time comes to expand its territory, it will depend on your generals and my millions of heroes in Daqin.

"Your Majesty can rest assured!" Wang Ben's eyes were burning with fighting spirit.

Since the Great Qin annexed the six kingdoms, they have been unified.

He is like a trapped tiger, with all his skills but nowhere to use it.

Now that I hear that there is another battle to be fought, let alone how cheerful it is.

After dealing with the matter here, Zhao Tuo, accompanied by Wang Ben and Meng Yi, came to the main office of the army.

In the main business, Huo Qubing was looking at the territory map newly drawn by Daqin.

It seems that he is thinking about how to set up garrison points in the future to strictly prevent the invasion of Donghu people.

Hearing the sound, he turned to look at the crowd.

Seeing that Zhao Tuo was here, he hurriedly bowed.

"The last will meet His Majesty!"

"Champion Hou is more polite. 99

"I came here this time to borrow your eight hundred cavalry. 35

"Oh? 35

Huo Qubing was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and immediately said: "The cavalry under the command of the last general is your Majesty's cavalry.

......・・・・Seeking flowers・0

"If there is a need, His Majesty will send someone to pass the order here. Why do you need to come here specially."

"Now that the cavalry under the command of the last commander are in the camp, the commander of the last commander will be dispatched for His Majesty. 35

I have to say that Huo Qubing's work efficiency is one of the best among so many people Zhao Tuo has met.

In just two quarters of an hour, 800 cavalrymen with horses and horses all stood in front of Zhao Tuo.

"Your Majesty, these are the three hundred strongest men under the command of the last general." Huo Qubing looked proud.

Although their own wealth is not much.

But definitely a top-notch elite.

Looking at the crowd, Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction, and immediately ordered: "Wang Ben, I ordered you to start the reform of the military within the scope of the entire army."

"Now all the light and heavy chariots in our Qin army are banned and converted into cavalry.

"Three hundred cavalry is the instructor of three hundred cavalry, responsible for guiding our Qin army cavalry, and quickly forming an effective combat force."

"Can it be done! 95


Wang Ben opened his mouth, but in the end he still couldn't say the word "neng".

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Tuo asked suspiciously.

After weighing it in his heart, Wang Ben finally nodded.

"Your Majesty, the current situation of the Qin army must be explained to Your Majesty at the end. 99


"The chariots are really inconvenient in terms of current tactics and battles, and the emperor also thought about changing the chariots to cavalry, but the idea was ultimately lost.

"As a result, the charioteers do not have high requirements for the horsemanship of their soldiers, and can quickly form combat effectiveness, but the cavalry cannot. They not only have to learn how to ride horses, but also practice horseback shooting and horse fighting, which takes a lot of time. 35

"Secondly... I have a large Qin army, so naturally the number of cavalry has to keep up.

"And once the number of cavalry increases, our Daqin warhorses... can't keep up with the consumption.

Hearing Wang Ben's words, Meng Yi on the side couldn't help frowning.

He also fought with soldiers in his early years.

Naturally, he knew the seriousness of what Wang Ben said.

However, facing these questions, Zhao Tuo suddenly waved his hand.

"These are not problems, you can just do what I have explained.

"The rest, I will handle it." Ten.

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