Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 116 The Manchu civil and military who can't keep up with the rhythm, I have a few thing

"Your Majesty, the above is about the matter of coal mining, the matter sorted out by the minister and Li Xiang, please take a look."

In the Qilin Hall, the eunuch presented the memorial in the hands of Feng Quji to Zhao Tuo.

After taking the memorial, Zhao Tuo glanced at it and put it aside.

Just now, Feng Quji has described the content in detail, he has heard it, it is very perfect, that is...

"Feng Xiang, I don't think there is any need to save money on mining."

"I really said that if you spend 10 million yuan a month for mining, you can do it well, and you will directly reduce the 5 million yuan to me."

Feng Quji and Li Si were a little confused.


This saves the budget... shouldn't it be a good thing?

Why does His Majesty seem to be still not satisfied?

Seeing the puzzled faces of the two, Zhao Tuo smiled wryly and shook his head slightly: "You still don't care what I mean.

"830" "Do you still remember that I gave rewards to the Northern Xinjiang Army a few days ago?"


The two looked at each other, shocked.

Meng Yi next to him also seemed to think of something.

When they came to their current position below one person and above ten million people, all three of them were all human beings.

Just a reminder, Zhao Tuo understood the key.

Li Si tentatively asked: "Your Majesty, do you mean...the wages of the common people should be increased?"


Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

This Li Si, get on the road!

"Aiqings, you need to have a long-term vision and a broad horizon. When you spend money, don't dig Soso, and the treasury of Daqin will naturally become more and more abundant."


Feng Quji and Li Si were stunned.

Meng Yi was also thoughtful.

Only the rest of the Manchu civil and military... looked dazed.

"It's not good for Da Qin to open a coal mine? Why didn't the two prime ministers stop it?"

"No, I have to advise Your Majesty, this coal mine..."

"You persuade a fart! The two prime ministers and Lord Meng didn't say a word, you should stop.

"Speaking of which...why did Feng Xiang and Li Xiang save His Majesty's money, and His Majesty doesn't seem to be satisfied? 39

"Yeah, what does this have to do with rewarding the Northern Border Army?"

"I also followed the court during this period of time, why does it feel like I am absent from work?"

"Don't tell me, the old man also feels this way, and suddenly he can't keep up with the thoughts of His Majesty and the adults."

"Why is this all?"

Obviously, the decision-making of Daqin Chaotang is now progressing rapidly under the leadership of Zhao Tuo.

Coupled with almost completely new ideas and approaches, it was a bit difficult to grasp the Manchu civil and military for a while.

And this kind of situation naturally did not escape Zhao Tuo's attention.

"Mengshangqing, how hard you have worked hard recently, please convey my previous thoughts to all of you.


"The coal mine has been dealt with, and the next step is to reform the Qin army and pass on the Wuhou Wang Ben!"

"Xuan, Wang Ben, Marquis of Tongwu, come to see you!"

With the eunuch's high voice, Wang Ben walked into the hall.

"The last general Wang Ben, I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Well, General Wang, how are you preparing for what I told you yesterday?"

"Your Majesty, there are several large armies in our Qin army, with a total of 50,000 light and heavy chariots, 120,000 horses, and 110,000 soldiers.

"If all of them are converted into cavalry, it will at least increase the combat strength of our Qin army of 110,000 cavalry! 35

"It's just..." Wang Ben hesitated.


Hearing that Zhao Tuo planned to convert all the chariots of Daqin into cavalry, the Manchu civil and military officials were once again in an uproar.

Immediately someone stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the change from the chariot to the cavalry is of great importance, and it must not be hasty!"

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Another person stood up and said, "Although this cavalry trooper consumes resources, it is better than good training. This cavalry trooper does not have a year and a half, so it is difficult to form a combat force!"

"Your Majesty, my Daqin cavalry do not have the natural advantages of the Huns, and their combat power is not very strong. Please think twice!"

"The minister seconded. 35

"Please, Your Majesty, think twice!"

For a time, the civil and military families of the Manchu dynasty were indignant about the change from chariots to cavalry.

Obviously, in their view, this is a completely thankless thing.

In this regard, Zhao Tuo did not bother to explain too much to them.

"This is the order at this time, and today's government affairs will end here. After the retreat from the DPRK, you Ai Qing will come with me to the public martial arts arena.

"Go back.""



Manchu civil and military hemp.

Feelings, they just put this fart?

It really doesn't work at all?

"Why are you still standing there? Come with me.""

When the words fell, Zhao Tuo took Wang Ben Li Si and others to the martial arts field.

Seeing this, all the civil and military officials had to keep up.

On the other side, received news from Zhao Tuo, Ying Zheng, who was admiring the flowers and strolling in the palace, also walked slowly in the direction of the martial arts field.

Luckily, everyone arrived at the same time.


"Well, I heard that Tuo'er wanted the Daqin chariots to be cavalry? I had this idea back then. These chariots not only waste resources, but also have too high demands on the battlefield terrain, and are inadvertently flexible."5

"It's just that due to various reasons, it has never been possible.

"Now that Tuoer has made such a decision, he must have thought of some solution?"

Ying Zheng stroked his beard and looked at Zhao Tuo with a look I know everything.

Zhao Tuo nodded with a smile.

"As expected of the father and emperor, it can be seen more clearly than the civil and military people in the court.


When the surrounding officials heard this, their faces turned red.

good guy.

I took revenge with this majesty, and satirized them here.

Ying Zheng laughed and said, "If that's the case, Tuo'er hurry up and talk about it, what method did you find to give you such confidence to change the Daqin chariots into cavalry?"

"Have you ever heard that, during the battle in Northern Xinjiang some time ago, the champion Hou Huo Qubing and his 800 cavalry?

Hearing Zhao Tuo asking about this, Ying Zheng nodded again and again.

"I've heard it, this champion, I have naturally heard of it!

Speaking of Huo Qubing, Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

When he saw the letter from Beijiang 1.0, he was thinking.

When he was on the throne, why did he never find out that there were such brave people in Daqin?

As a general, not to mention going into battle in person, he brought only 800 brave cavalry and killed thousands of Xiongnu cavalry!

And then went through battle.

At a time when the Qin cavalry was far less powerful than the Xiongnu cavalry, it was able to achieve such a feat.

Even if he wins the government, he has no choice but to admire him.

Not just Ying Zheng.

At this time, when he heard the name of the champion of Chinese martial arts, he was filled with respect.

"Since the royal father and all the Aiqings know the champion and his eight hundred cavalry, it's easy to say."

Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously.

"I have a few things here."

"At least let me, the Qin cavalry, have 70% of the combat power of the eight hundred cavalry in a short period of time!

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