Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 117: Li Xin fights against Wang Ben! Did he gain the upper hand?

"Is this true!?"

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Ying Zheng and all the civil and military officials present were shocked!

The combat power of the eight hundred cavalry was well known to everyone present.

Even with only 70% of their combat power, if Da Qin had such a cavalry, it would be enough to easily swept away all incoming enemies!

What kind of Donghu, what kind of Yuezhi, as long as it is suitable for cavalry fighting, facing Da Qin can only be swept away!

"Tuo'er! Come on, tell me, what is so miraculous that it can increase the combat power of my Daqin cavalry so much?"

Ying Zheng seemed a little impatient.

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly and explained: "Actually, I showed this to General Meng Tian before, but I didn't explain it too much.

"In addition, the war in northern Xinjiang was at a critical stage at that time, and he may have left this matter behind."


Ying Zheng, Wang Ben, Feng Quji, and the others on the side were really itching to hear it.

Even this kind of fun has been ignored, it's time to fight!

Only Meng Yi, looking at Ying Zheng and Wang Ben gritted their teeth, couldn't help thinking about whether it was time to warn his brother when he went back.

He guessed that he might have been targeted by His Majesty because of his trespassing on the 19th court.

Be careful when you go out these two days...

"Cough, let's get down to business, let's all come up!"

With a big wave of Zhao Tuo's hand, a team of five cavalrymen came up on the martial arts field.

The cavalry has a short bow and arrow pot on its back, a big sword around its waist, and a horse that sits down is even more extraordinary.

"Imperial Father, dear gentlemen, here are five of the eight hundred cavalry of the champion Hou.

"You can see how their equipment is different from my Daqin cavalry."

what is the difference?

Wen Yan Ying Zheng, Wang Ben and others, as well as a group of civil and military officials, all looked at the five cavalry in front of them.

"Hey... If you talk about the difference... Their saddles seem to be different from my Daqin cavalry."

"Well, indeed."

"Hey, look under that saddle, are they still stepping on something? 35

"Your Majesty, look at the short bows on their backs, this last commander heard from General Meng that it was made by His Majesty when he was in the northern border.

"Well... I think this short bow is also the key... and the war horse they sat on. Tuo'er said that this is a horse of sweat and blood, and it is a good horse that travels thousands of miles every day."

After discussing for a long time, Ying Zheng finally whispered: "Tuo'er, what are the differences between what you said, but the strong bow and the good horse?"

"Not to mention, if these two things can be popularized among the Daqin cavalry, it can really improve their combat power.

What Ying Zheng said was straight-forward.

Next to Wang Ben, Meng Yi and others nodded, obviously agreeing with Ying Zheng's statement.

However, Zhao Tuo shook his head after hearing this: "This time, the emperor guessed wrong."

"What I said this time is not these two things that have a key impact on the combat effectiveness of my Daqin cavalry.

"It's the saddles and stirrups on which they sit."

"Oh? 35

After hearing Zhao Tuo's words, everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

What kind of saddle and stirrup... How can I improve my combat effectiveness?

"It's useless to talk too much, let's try it and see." Zhao Tuo grinned and beckoned to Li Xin in the crowd.

"Didao Hou! More

"The end is here!

Li Xin trotted all the way to Zhao Tuo.

"I ask you, you and General Wang will fight immediately, who is stronger or weaker?"

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking, Li Xin smiled awkwardly: "Your Majesty, General Wang is born with divine power, whether on the ground or on horseback, the last general is far from being a match for General Wang.

"it is good!

Zhao Tuo waved his hand.

"Come here, give me a horse, you two will have a competition, and give it to me and the emperor, as well as all the loving gentlemen."


Hearing this, Li Xin looked at Wang Ben who was smiling, his face turned green.

For a long time, Wang Ben, a reckless man, didn't know whether he was holding back or what.

For the sake of his life, he also tried his best to find excuses.

But I never imagined that His Majesty would directly put it on the shelf today...

"Come on, Di Daohou, this general will see where you are going today, hehehe‥..."

Wang Ben gave a strange laugh, and immediately got on his horse.

His horse is just an ordinary war horse of Da Qin.

When it was Li Xin's turn, a cavalry jumped down from the horse's back and led his warhorse to Li Xin.

"General, use my horse.

"Good! Thank you!"

Li Xin was also polite, pulling the saddle and straddling the horse's back.

However, as soon as he got on the horse, he was shocked.

Immediately, he felt the sense of steadiness on his feet and sitting down, and a smile appeared on the corner of Li Xin's mouth.

"Clang! 55

Taking the lead in drawing his sword, Li Xin changed his cowardly attitude and provoked Wang Ben.

"General Wang, can you

Be careful, it doesn't matter if I lose. "

"But if you lose, you will lose face in front of Your Majesty and Chao Zhongwu. 35

"What's the matter, Hou Di Dao? Has this been replaced by a good horse?" Wang Ben chuckled and drew out his saber, pointing at Li Xin.

"It's very windy today, so beware of flashing your tongue in front of Your Majesty.

"Hey, I'd like to see what General Wang looks like when he falls off his horse."

"Okay, it seems that this general beat you lightly last time, look at the sword! 39

"I'm afraid of you, drive!

After the first pass, the two of them rushed out at the same time.

In an instant, the sword light collided!


After the piercing sound of gold and iron, the war horses passed by, and Li Xin and Wang Ben changed positions.

Look at their faces again.

After the first meeting, the smile on Li Xin's face increased rather than decreased, and there was a faint excitement in his eyes.

As for Wang Ben, he became dignified instead, and tightened his right hand holding the sword.

And this scene, of course, could not escape the speeches of Ying Zheng and the civil and military officials present.

"Huh? The first face-to-face meeting turned out to be Di Daohou who had the upper hand?"

"Hey...it shouldn't be, I saw General Wang and Di Daohou spar with each other a while ago, and Di Daohou was beaten up, what a terrible word.

"It's not right, it's really not right..." Ying Zheng squinted at Li Xin.

"Look at Di Daohou's feet, they stomped on the stirrup, and the stirrup was fixed on the horse's back with a leather surface."

"At this time, Di Daohou is like stepping on the back of a horse. In addition, the front and rear of the saddle are much higher than Da Qin's saddle. Not only is it stable, but also has strength."

"General Wang...it's dangerous!"

Seeing that Ying Zheng actually explained the mystery, Zhao Tuo smiled even more brilliantly.

At this time, Wang Ben, who was in the field, didn't know about it.

"Okay Li Xin, I've grown a bit lately, no wonder I dare to be so arrogant!""

'Come, come, and fight with General Ben for a few more rounds!

"Come on, who's afraid of who? Look at the sword!"

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