Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 118 Horseshoes, shoes for horses! Consumption of steel?



"Ha! 55

On the martial arts field, the two of you come and go, and the fight is inexorable.

Judging from the form on the field, Wang Ben is temporarily at a disadvantage.

Li Xin, who was not favored by everyone at first, instead slashed vigorously with his swords in both hands, firmly gaining the upper hand.

However, it is obviously difficult to win Wang Ben in a short period of time.

"Okay! That's it!

Zhao Tuo suddenly stopped the fight between the two.

All he wanted to do was to demonstrate the utility of the saddle and stirrup.

There is absolutely no need for a winner or loser.

Hearing Zhao Tuo's order, the two who had fought in the sea again retracted their swords, dismounted and returned to Zhao Tuo's side.

"Di Daohou, how do you feel?"

Li Xin replied excitedly: "Your Majesty, this saddle and stirrup is really amazing. Even if the last commander uses his sword with both hands, he will be walking on the ground without any discomfort."

"Hmph, no wonder you are so brave today, you were able to barely draw a tie with this general, it turned out to be a coincidence..."

Wang Ben snorted and looked at Li Xin with disdain.

Hearing this, the smile on Li Xin's face instantly disappeared.

"General Wang, what you said is wrong, what do you mean by barely fighting with you? If it wasn't for His Majesty's order just now, you would be defeated in a few more rounds.

"Hey! You're still out of breath, come and come, this general is also going to borrow a warhorse. Let's fight another three hundred rounds, do you dare?"

"Don't dare, what the hell!"

"The melon!

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Zhao Tuo quickly stopped them.

"Noisy, noisy, noisy! I'm happy to argue, or I'll arrange for the two of you to stand at the south gate of Xianyang Palace and have a quarrel on the other side? 99

As soon as Zhao Tuo said these words, the two suddenly stopped moving.

What a joke.

Outside the south gate of Xianyang Palace is the main street of Xianyang City, they don't want the people of Xianyang City to watch the fun.

"What's the matter? Enough of the noise.`?"



Seeing that Wang Ben and Li Xin were no longer speaking, Zhao Tuo then continued: "Father, all gentlemen, you have also seen the function of this stirrup and saddle."35

"As long as you have these two harnesses, even a recruit can learn to ride a horse in a short time."

"After you're proficient, your immediate combat power will be even better than that of the Huns!"

Meng Yi and others, as well as civil and military officials, nodded again and again.

They could tell from the battle between Li Xin and Wang Ben just now.

This saddle and stirrup may seem unremarkable, but it can make people exert extraordinary strength on horseback.

No wonder His Majesty made such a firm decision to change the Daqin chariots into cavalry.

It must be because of relying on these two things, right?

Indeed, with this thing, Da Qin's cavalry really don't have to worry about combat effectiveness.

However, not everyone at this time was optimistic about the change from chariots to cavalry.

Like Ying Zheng...

"Tuo'er, this saddle and stirrup can indeed improve your strength, but... it can't solve the most fundamental problem.

"My father said that the horses were damaged?" Zhao Tuo asked with a smile,


Hiss... After hearing this, the civil and military officials on the side once again restrained their smiles, and the joy in his heart gradually disappeared.


They only focus on the combat effectiveness of the cavalry at the moment.

How could this most important thing be overlooked!

The main reason for restricting the number of Daqin cavalry now is Daqin's warhorse reserve.

In Daqin, a horse can only serve for two years.

No matter how long, the horseshoe will wear out due to long running.

The horse's pain is out of control, affecting the march and fighting, and can only be retired.

However, a warhorse can only give birth to one litter a year, and one litter and one cub cannot serve until the age of five.

After all this, Daqin's current war horses are not enough to consume.

Not to mention expanding the cavalry ranks.

For a time, everyone was whispering, and they all speculated about what method His Majesty would meet to solve this problem.

As for whether His Majesty didn't think of this at all...

No one doubts.

Maybe someone else.

But it is absolutely impossible to change to His Majesty the second emperor today.

"About the war horse..."

Zhao Tuo gestured to the cavalry beside him.

After comprehending, Xiao Qi quickly stepped forward, comforted his mount, and raised one of its horseshoes.

Everyone quickly cast their eyes.

I saw a horseshoe-shaped iron block inlaid with steel nails on the horseshoe.

"This is……"

"It's a horseshoe.

Zhao Tuo explained aloud: "Putting iron blocks on the horse's shoe can prevent the horse's shoe from being worn very well.


"Even if it is a mountain and a Gobi full of gravel, it can be walked on flat ground."

|| With such a horseshoe, a war horse can serve at least ten years!"

'Even if the wear is excessive, just pry it off and replace it with a new one.


Baiguan was in an uproar again.

Can you still come?

Why didn't they think of it before?


This horseshoe is equivalent to the shoes of a war horse!

With shoes, people can travel thousands of miles.

The horse's hoof is afraid of wear and tear, and naturally he has to wear shoes.

It's so simple, everyone understands it.

But it is precisely because of this that Ying Zheng, Wang Ben and others, plus a number of civil and military officials, admire Zhao Tuo even more.

Why is it that everyone understands, but in the end only His Majesty thought of a way?

I can't accept it.


"Your Majesty, is it too cruel to embed steel ingots into horseshoes? 35

The question was asked by an old minister.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is a little unbearable.

Zhao Tuo shook his head slightly and explained: "This horseshoe is mainly made of horns (money is good)... Forget it, you can't understand it anyway.

"You just know it doesn't hurt and it's over.

The old minister suddenly had a feeling of being looked down upon.

But... he really didn't know what that horny thing was.

Zhao Tuo glanced around, and suddenly saw Ying Zheng frowned.

It seems to be thinking about something.


Hearing Zhao Tuo's voice, Ying Zheng raised his head.

After hesitating for a while, he finally asked: "Tuo'er, this horseshoe is probably not suitable for ordinary copper and iron, right?"

"Yes, excellent steel is needed, otherwise it will easily break and go up to the horse's hoof under long-term use."

Ying Zheng nodded and continued to ask: "Then... If you want to equip the entire army, how many horseshoes do you need?"

"How much steel does it need to consume?

"This... have you ever thought about it?"

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