Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 126 Isn't it just lack of m1y? Can this be considered a problem?

The county seat of Julu County.

The county governor, Ji Xing, was wearing plain clothes and was walking around the county, accompanied by several county officials.

He was in a very good mood these two days.

"Your Majesty should be an outstanding person today! I didn't expect this plague of locusts to bring happiness to our Julu County, hahaha! 35

"Your Majesty said yes!" The little official beside him nodded again and again.

"To be honest, the county governor said that since we learned that locusts can still make money, our county's tax revenue has risen with the tide."

"It's not even mid-year, and the tax has almost reached the standard. This is a sight that has never been seen in the past years! 35

Ji Xing laughed after hearing this.

"Hahaha... Yes, if I am fortunate enough to hold on to this year's harvest, I might be promoted to Xianyang next year."

"Congratulations, Lord Hexi!"

"It's all thanks to His Majesty today, hahaha..."

Ji Xing is now full of "eight three three" noodles.

He happened to arrive at the gate of the military city, and when he saw the crowd of people coming and going, he directly greeted him.

Originally there were people who were talking and laughing, but as soon as they saw a dozen or so people who looked at their bodies, they knew it was a dignitary who was walking towards them, and the smiles on their faces disappeared immediately.

It was replaced by a touch of panic and confusion that could not be concealed.

"Don't be afraid, the county sheriff is just here to ask."

"You are all caught locusts in this bag? How many are there? How much can you sell them for?"

Seeing Ji Xing asking, one of the few people was a little more daring and stood up.

"Go back... If it's my lord, there are two... two or three thousand locusts in this bag, and if you grind it into locust powder, you can sell it for about twenty dollars.

"so much!"

Ji Xing and others were all surprised.

Although everyone is in a high position, for them, twenty or so money is too lazy to bend over to pick it up even if it falls on the ground.

But they are very clear.

What do these twenty or so dollars represent to ordinary people!

What's more, it's just one day's income!

It's no wonder that in just a few days, taxes can be collected so much.

It seems that the people made a lot of extra money from this locust plague.

"Hahaha... not bad, not bad!"

Ji Xing laughed happily.

Seeing this, several villagers also breathed a sigh of relief.

The leader continued: "Thanks to Your Majesty and Xianyang Palace, or we don't know, this locust can still be sold for money and eaten.

"Yes, yes, if Xianyang Palace hadn't published a newspaper, let alone making money, I'm afraid there will be no harvest this year.

"Isn't it, sir, you haven't seen how many locusts there were a few days ago. If you copy it down, there will be dozens! If you go further, there will be a locust plague.

"Although there have been a lot less locusts in the past two days, and the earnings are not as much as yesterday and the day before yesterday, but the dealer has kept it, and this is the lifeblood of our meals."

"Hahahahaha! The county magistrate knows about it, so let's hurry up.

Ji Xing looked happy.

"Come here, quickly report this good news to Xianyang! 99


"Your Majesty! Julu County is here to report!

Meng Yi walked into the hall panting.

He also held a letter with the stamp of arrest in his hand.

Apparently, he had just received a letter from Heixingtai Luowang.

Now, after several months of operation, some of the staff of the nets have spread all over the Daqin counties, from dark to light, under the pseudonym of Diwang.

Specializing in the rapid exchange of key letters around Daqin.

The reason for such a change is entirely because Zhao Tuo, who came from later generations, knew it well.

How important is the immediacy and confidentiality of communication.

In the current situation of inconvenient transportation in Daqin, such an arrangement is an extremely necessary means.

As for the remaining dark piles that are still lurking, they are divided into Tianluo.

Responsible for continuing to pursue the tasks that Zhao Tuo once arranged, monitoring every move of their respective targets...

"Julu County came to report? Is it about the locust plague?" Zhao Tuo asked casually.

Although Meng Yi hasn't said it yet, he has roughly guessed what it is.

"Yes! Your Majesty, good news!" Meng Yi looked happy.

"Ji Xing, the governor of Julu County, sent a letter. Today, the people of Julu County are actively hunting locusts. The supply of locust powder is in short supply. The commercial tax alone has reached the tax amount of Julu County this year."

"In addition, the locust plague began to dissipate before it took shape, and now the number of locusts in the villages and towns of Julu County has been greatly reduced!

"According to this situation, this year's locusts are not enough to cause a disaster!"

As soon as these words came out, Ying Zheng and the others present were instantly overjoyed.

"Okay! Very good! The danger of the locust plague in Julu County has finally been contacted, hahahaha!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! This locust control will be fruitful and will set a precedent for future generations!

"The plague of locusts will no longer be irresistible, and the people of Daqin are blessed..."

The crowd was excited.

Feng Quji and Li Si, who are getting older, are even more faintly reddened.

Poor god.

How long has this plague of locusts plagued the people of the world for hundreds of years?

Every locust plague represents a famine.

Wherever he went, there was starvation in the wild, and the people changed their sons to eat.

How tragic was that?

Now, the plague of locusts is finally no longer invincible!

Even these locusts, who used to be evil, have become one of the sources of income for the people!

And this is all due to the blessing of His Majesty, the young second emperor!

Suddenly, Li Si stepped forward and said excitedly: "Your Majesty! This minister believes that His Majesty's achievements in controlling locusts should be written into the history books for future generations to admire!"

"My minister agrees!"

"Tuo'er, this matter can be..."

"Your Majesty, the last general also thinks that Li Xiang's proposal is a good one.

Zhao Tuo touched his nose and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Are you... going to be included in the history books?


"At this time, all the Aiqings can decide what to do, but don't forget, the business that I will explain today. 99

When it came to business, everyone quickly restrained their smiles and sat down again.

Li Si even swept away his happy mood, and said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, the re-planning and construction of the dock is also a costly matter. 35

"Look at the dock on the Weihe River, can't it be done soon?

"It will be impossible." Zhao Tuo directly rejected Li Si's proposal.

"The next thing I want to build is a large 1.0 ship that can sail at sea. No matter the size or the draft, it is far from the current Daqin building ship."

"The current shipyard simply cannot meet the needs of building large ships.

"Then... Can this matter of building a dock be slowed down?"

"It is impossible, the construction of ships is slow, and there are countless difficulties to overcome, and it will inevitably fail to keep up with the pace of my Daqin conquest.

"Your Majesty..." Feng Quji couldn't help standing up and said: "Your Majesty, although the Afang, the Great Wall, and the mausoleum are on the verge of completion, there are now a school and a coal mine. 39

"Even with the support of official businessmen now, if we rebuild the dock, I'm afraid it will be unsustainable!

"I said... Are your brains solid?" Zhao Tuo finally couldn't help standing up.

Hearing the fire in the tone, everyone closed their mouths wisely.

Zhao Tuo frowned.

"Isn't it just lack of money? Could that be a problem?"

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