Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 127 New products from official business merchants? Tea, fruit wine, dried fruit!

Chapter 127


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ying Zheng was even more stunned, and the teacup that was brought to his mouth froze.

What is this called?

"Isn't there no money, can this be considered a problem?"

Isn't that a problem?

In the hearts of everyone, it was somewhat unpleasant at this time.

Wasn't the reason why Da Qin went to that frontier back then because he had no money?

Why isn't it an issue?

This is simply a big problem!

Before everyone came back to their senses, Zhao Tuo continued: "I didn't mention money because I saw that all of you Ai Qing had been working too hard.

"How much money is in the treasury, won't taxation be over?"


"What's your expression? I'm not talking about the forced agricultural tax, but the commercial tax.

Zhao Tuo put his hands back and said, "I should have mentioned earlier that Daqin will revive the merchants next.

"Since all of you Ai Qing talked about the matter of the treasury money today, it's better to hit the sun over there.

"Come on, pass Baji here.


Soon Ba Man walked quickly into the hall.

"Meet Your Majesty.

"Well... Baji, how are you preparing for what I told you before?

"Reporting to Your Majesty, things have already been prepared and sent to various places."

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction: "If that's the case, then let's do it.


Baman retreated, and everyone was still at a loss.

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly, but did not explain too much, just instructed: "Li Xiang, I ordered you to revise the business law before, did you get any results?"

Li Si hurriedly stepped forward and replied: "Your Majesty, the business law has been revised. According to His Majesty's words, merchants will be exempted from tax by 10%, the restrictions on merchants' clothing will be lifted, and the failure of merchants to conduct business will require corvée service. 39

"In addition, the patent mentioned by His Majesty has been added..."

"Fine, let's do it.

Li Si opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.


Until this time, Ying Zheng and others present were still at a loss.

It's just that Zhao Tuo doesn't seem to have any plans to say it, so it's not easy for them to ask again.

We can only wait until tomorrow, see you again...

As soon as the sky was getting brighter, there were already crowds of people in the various counties and cities of Daqin.

Getting up early to catch the market is the most common thing for the wealthy people today.

This morning's dishes and meat are the freshest.

Come late, you can only buy some others pick the rest.

At this time, the shops on the main streets of various county towns suddenly attracted the attention of the common people.

"Hey, look, why did Ba's shop open so early today?"

"What Ba's family, these shops have become the official management of Xianyang Palace some time ago!

"Look, there is a notice posted, go and take a look.

"Look, do you know how to read?"

"There is always someone who can speak, let's go."95

The abnormal state of government-run shops has caused countless people to watch.

After I saw a man post a notice, he announced loudly: "From now on, the official grocery store will add new products: tea, fruit wine, dried fruit! 99

"In addition, the production methods of tea, fruit wine, and dried fruit are sold to the public, limited to three copies every five days, and the one with the highest price will get it!""


As soon as the guy said this, the people around him immediately fry.

"Little brother, what is this tea? What is it used for? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Isn't the law of Daqin prohibiting wine making and selling wine? Why is it still selling wine?"

"Yes, yes, what the hell is going on here?"

"What's the matter with him, the wine can be sold, let's buy two more jars of this good thing!

"It even sells the production method? What is the intention of Xianyang Palace?"

"Dude, let's talk to everyone."

The people onlookers are you and I, and they all want to know what is going on now.

And the guy didn't let everyone down, and answered the questions one by one.

"Everyone, this tea is a kind of thing that is used to soak in water. When you encounter hot water, the aroma is endless, and the aftertaste is fresh and long. It is a good thing that Your Majesty has researched in his early years!""

"Now this tea is consumed by His Majesty, the Emperor, and the three princes of the court every day!

"Little brother, are you telling the truth? This tea is something that His Majesty and your lords drink?"

"Oh my God, this is not worth 833, I have to buy it and try it."

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's take a look at the taste of the good things that His Majesty and all the adults drink every day."

"No, this matter has to be reported to the adults in the family immediately, he must be delighted to hear it!

"Everyone! Be quiet!" Seeing that the crowd began to riot, the guy quickly stopped it.

Soon the people were quiet again.

"In addition, this fruit wine, although it is wine, is brewed from wild fruits, not food, so it is not within the restrictions of this law. 99

"Compared with grain wine, fruit wine is clearer and has some fruity sweetness. The most important thing is that it is good for health!"

"As for this dried fruit, it is fried and dried by a secret method. It is crispy and sweet, and it is the best choice for tooth sacrifice!"

In order to prevent being interrupted, the guy directly introduced the rest of the things in one breath, and immediately hid in the shop.

Don't even think about what comes next.

The store is about to usher in an unprecedented rush to buy...  

Bureau g

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