Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 130 Leading the recovery of Daqin's commodity economy!

The real big profit?

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Ying Zheng and others present were even more confused.

"Father, everyone, don't you think that selling a production method is the bulk of the profit?

The expressions on everyone's faces were very obvious.

isn't it?

Zhao Tuo smiled and shook his finger: "No no no, looking at it this way, the pattern is small. 66

"Selling blueprints is indeed a means of eliciting future treasury revenue, but the proceeds from the sale are just a icing on the cake."35

"Everyone knows, after the blueprints are sold, how many tea merchants, wine merchants, and dried fruit merchants will appear in Daqin?


Everyone looked at each other.

According to the current form, after the three-round production method is sold, there will be at least hundreds of relevant merchants in the Daqin counties.

Apart from the poor management, there will be at least one or two hundred people left.

"More than 100 merchants make a lot of tea, fruit wine, and dried fruit. How much capital flow is involved?"

"From hiring people to pick it, make it, and sell it, all of this generates tax.

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Zhao Tuo continued: “Moreover, if these merchants sell again, the price will definitely be lower.39

"And a lower price means a completely different and larger target group."

"Such a huge base, the profits generated are definitely not comparable to government-run businessmen who are only aimed at everyone and nobles."

"The rounds of taxation, coupled with the fact that I take a share of the patent rights, these merchants will bring huge profits to the national treasury without knowing it. Father, have you ever thought about it?"


Everyone could not help but feel a little dry.

For so many years, Da Qin has always paid attention to farming and military affairs.

As for the twists and turns of the economy and businessmen, they have been subconsciously avoiding it.

Now I suddenly need to look directly at the relationship entanglement, only to find out.

The water in this is so deep...

Zhao Tuo took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and continued: "Besides, this is just the beginning.

"Do you still remember the content of this business law reform?"

The crowd nodded.

This time, the business law was said to be handled by Li Si.

In fact, it was all narrated by Zhao Tuo, and Li Si was at most a copywriter and organizer.

"I have said before that this patent right is not only for the protection of interests, but also to stimulate the people's desire for innovation.

"Under this incentive, coupled with the fact that I operate from it, and there are no restrictions, the number of merchants has surged.

"The variety of commodities in my Daqin in a short period of time will continue to spring up like mushrooms after a rain."

"The recovery of the commodity economy has driven the circulation of money that was originally redundant and accumulated, and generated a steady stream of taxes!"5

"This! That's the big head I'm talking about!

Zhao Tuo's voice fell, and at this moment, the needle could be heard in the hall.

Including Ying Zheng, everyone fell into contemplation.

Before Zhao Tuo took the throne, they had always been skeptical about the so-called merchants and traders.

Even for some reason, it can be said that they are disgusted with businessmen.

But after following Zhao Tuo to take Ba Qing there last time, and what Zhao Tuo said today, they really realized it.

How important are businessmen and the economy to a country!

"Really, youth is better than blue!

Ying Zheng's exclamation sounded.

"Only with Tuo'er's vision and foresight on this businessman's business, I... feel ashamed.

ask for flowers.0


Meng Yi and the others couldn't help looking at each other when they heard this.

In their memory, even when standing on the top of Mount Tai and facing the gods of heaven and earth, Ying Zheng never showed any weakness.

Now it's...

"Royal father is very praised." Zhao Tuo smiled slightly: "It's just that you see things from a different angle.

"I believe that if the father had had my experience, he would have seen it farther than I did.

"Hahahaha! I love hearing this!"

When Zhao Tuo said this, Ying Zheng laughed and was very happy.

It's just that he listens and listens, and he deserves to be his son's flattery.

But what he didn't expect was that what Zhao Tuo said at this time was completely from the heart.

Looking at Ying Zheng's smile, Zhao Tuo sighed inwardly.

Now that he can do this again in Daqin, he is just standing on the shoulders of giants.

And if Ying Zheng can come to the modern age, he can deeply understand some systems.

I believe that this ancient emperor must have a grander vision and vision than himself...

With the tense amount of money, the treasury of Daqin was constantly taking in funds with an unprecedented volume.

The finishing work of the house, the mausoleum and the Great Wall.

A large number of coal mines in northern Xinjiang are ready to be mined.

Construction of special blast furnace for pouring steel method...

As for the construction of schools and sewers, this is just a trial run in Xianyang City.

The resources spent are not too much.

As time goes by, all plans are progressing in an orderly manner.

The construction of the house, the Great Wall and the mausoleum has come to an end.

Until Ba Qing's side, there was also news from someone...

"The goods were robbed in Ou Luo, and the whereabouts of the dark piles are unknown!" Ten.

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