
The next second after seeing the letter, Zhao Tuo slapped the table.

His eyes were full of anger.

"These bastards!"

"I originally planned to leave it alone and let them live for a while... Now, it's completely unnecessary.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhao Tuo said in a deep voice:

"Come on, change clothes, I'm going out of the palace!

"Your Majesty, you are here."

Seeing Zhao Tuo coming, Ba Qing forced an ugly smile on his face.

In order to bury this hidden pile of the Peacock Dynasty, the Ba family spent countless efforts and resources.

Now that the whereabouts of the dark pile are unknown, she is even more angry than Zhao Tuo.

Seeing Ba Qing's appearance, Zhao Tuo also felt "eight three seven" in his heart.

Patting Ba Qing on the shoulder, Zhao Tuo said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I will definitely find this person."

"For this reason, I also specially called some helpers."


Zhao Tuo nodded: "Mrs. Qing should still have some impressions, they will be there in a while."5

Just as he was talking, five silhouette cameras walked into the hospital, and were taken aback by the servants of the Ba family.

Didn't anyone come in just now?

These people... are they...

The servant's eyes widened in vain.

However, just when the word "assassin" was about to be shouted out, Zhao Tuo suddenly made a silent action to him.

Immediately, he looked at the five people who came uninvited, and said with a smile, "I said you can't go through the main entrance?"

"Chief~ Don't people prefer to go through the back door, do you want to..."

"Qiu Niang! Show some respect to the leader!" Dong snorted coldly with a serious face, causing Qiu Niang to roll her eyes.

Needless to say, the people who came were Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, as well as five people.

Seeing the five people, Ba Qing was stunned, and the whole person seemed to fall into memory.

"You are...the five..."

"Grandma Ba, do you still remember us? I'm Chun'er." "Chun'er stepped forward quickly and stopped Ba Qing's arm.

The other four looked at Ba Qing with smiles in their eyes.

At the beginning, if these children had not been rescued by the Ba family, they might have been exposed to the wilderness by now.

After following the leader, the Ba family invested a lot of resources in them to eat and drink well.

Even if the leader chose to disband the organization in the end, Ba Jiayin did not choose to tie them up because of their previous investment.

This is also the place where the five are most grateful to Ba Qing.

So over the years, Zi Ye has quietly removed countless threats and obstacles for the Ba family.

This is also the main reason for the rapid development of Bajia Neng.

"Oh, you children...you're all so old, good...good."

Ba Qing's eyes were slightly moist.

She lost her husband early in her life and had no children.

When I see my child, I can't control my emotions.

Zhao Tuo showed a smile: "Mrs. Qing, I believe you have heard of the name Ziye, right?"

Ba Qing nodded again and again.

"I've heard of it, but this has to do with... wait, don't tell me...

Smart as Ba Qing, he realized something almost instantly.

"That's right, Midnight was built by the five of them. It's a shame that I wanted them to go back and live a good life." Zhao Tuo shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Barto pondered for a moment, then tentatively asked: "So what does Your Majesty mean, do you want the people of Midnight to go to Oluo to find the hidden stake?"

Zhao Tuo nodded.

"That's right, Da Qin can go to war and use force against Ou Luo, but in order to avoid the Peacock Dynasty's vigilance, Da Qin must not intervene in the secret affairs.

"So I called five of them.

"Dark pile? Ou Luo? Peacock Dynasty? The leader, please tell me what's going on!" Qiu Niang's excited eyes lit up.

Among the crowd, she likes to do those exciting things the most.

"It's like this..."

Zhao Tuo and Ba Qing briefly explained the matter to the five people.

A quarter of an hour later, everyone looked at Zhao Tuo with a look of admiration.

"Otherwise, the leader is the leader.

"It is estimated that the leader in this world can come up with such a plan, right?"

"Stop, now is not the time to be flattering..." Seeing that the crowd was still going, Zhao Tuo hurriedly stopped.

"Well, are you sure about this matter?"

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking, the five nodded.

Among them, Wuming, who was the leader, took the lead in saying: "Leader, this time is no small matter for you or for Daqin.

"So I suggest that the five of us personally take action on this matter.

"It couldn't be better." A smile appeared on Zhao Tuo's mouth.

He is full of confidence in regards to Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and the other five.

"By the way, you take these sachets."

Zhao Tuo took out six sachets from his arms and handed them to five people.

"This sachet is the next major commodity of the Bajia merchants. It has a very strong insect repellent effect. The Ou Luo area is extremely humid and hot, and there are many mosquitoes, ants, and poisonous insects. This should be useful.

"and this………"

Having said that, Zhao Tuo carefully took out a modern-style syringe.

"This is……"

Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

At the same time, he also secretly said in his heart.

As early as ten years ago, the leader would be like this, often taking out some objects that seem to be out of place.

Zhao Tuo sternly explained: "This is antivenom, and I only have one here. 35

"In addition to mosquitoes, ants and poisonous insects, there are many poisonous snakes in the land of Ou Luo 1.0.

"If you accidentally get bitten, injecting this serum as soon as possible can save your life.

Wuming took the serum and nodded solemnly.

"Go, I'll wait for your good news."

"Follow your orders!!!


The figures of the five people quickly disappeared into the courtyard.

After leaving Bajia, Zhao Tuo went directly to Xianyang Palace.

As soon as they arrived at the bedroom, Ying Zheng, Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Ben, Li Xin, Meng Yi and others had already arrived.

At this time, everyone's faces were extremely serious.

Just look at today's lineup.

This time Zhao Tuo passed them over, and it was definitely a big move.

About the war...

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