Chapter 132

"Go straight to the point!"

Zhao Tuo strode to his seat and sat down, and said bluntly: "I am going to send troops to Oluo!


Everyone present was shocked when they heard the words.

Did they hear it right?

Send troops to Ou Luo?

"Tuoer? Weihehui made such a sudden decision?" Ying Zheng asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Tuo didn't hide it, and directly told everyone the strategy he made with Ba Qing in his early years, as well as the news he just got from Ba Qing today.

"That is to say... Your Majesty has long planned to attack the Peacock Dynasty?"

Wang Jian and others looked at Zhao Tuo, full of horror.

How old was Zhao Tuo at that time?

When he was only ten years old, he knew the existence of the Peacock Dynasty?

And he also came up with such obscure and deadly means, spending so many years paving the way.

At this moment, everyone once again recognized Zhao Tuo's ambition.

And Ying Zheng also sucked in a breath of cold air.

I'm afraid I thought wrong.

At that time, Zhao Tuo's goal was not just his own throne.

But the whole world!

real world!

"This time, the royal father and you all know why I insisted on sending troops to Oluo?"

Everyone nodded slightly.


The layout of nearly ten years has been hindered, and the relationship that has been opened up temporarily regrets it.

No one can bear this kind of thing.

Not to mention the dignified Emperor Qin II.


"Your Majesty, I think that this matter should be discussed in the long run." Meng Tian stood up and said solemnly:

"Once the emperor sent 500,000 troops to attack Baiyue, but this battle not only failed, but I, Qin, were killed and injured countless times. It can be seen that the land of Nanyue is dangerous and abnormal. 35

"Now that my Daqin is at the critical moment of its rise, it's better to slow down, and it's not too late to draw this Ou Luo in the future.

Everyone below nodded, obviously agreeing with Meng Tian's approach.

Ying Zheng even said: "Tuo'er, there are some things that General Meng dare not say, but I have to say it.

"Sending an army to Baiyue was one of the worst choices I made. In a battle for several years, the human, material, and financial resources invested in it were innumerable, and it almost brought down Da Qin.

"Looking back now, I still regret it."

"You... don't want to go my old way."5

Ying Zheng's voice fell, and the hall fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Zhao Tuo.

However, they did not find any expressions similar to thinking and consideration on Zhao Tuo's face.

Some are just a confident smile.

"Royal father, do you know why Da Qin attacked Baiyue and paid so many troops? 55

When Zhao Tuo asked, Ying Zheng subconsciously replied: "It is because there are many hot and humid woodlands in Baiyue, and most of my soldiers in the Qin Dynasty are from Guanzhong, and they are not comfortable with the soil and water.

"After a battle, not only will you not be able to touch the traces of those Baiyue people, but the army is plagued with plagues, which is why the casualties are so heavy."

Zhao Tuo nodded: "That's right, so as long as we avoid these problems, okay? 39


The eyes of everyone looking at Zhao Tuo became strange.

Come again and again.

Why is it so obvious that the question that is so difficult to realize becomes so natural in His Majesty's mouth?

"In today's Daqin, it's not that there are no soldiers who can adapt to these climates.

"Now they have been stationed in the three counties of Central Fujian, Nanhai and Xiangjun for several years. The 80,000 Qin troops led by Zhao Tuo, plus 30,000 local troops, have all adapted to the climate of South Vietnam.

"Besides, Yuanchu is the most southerly, and their soldiers can adapt to the climate of South Vietnam without any difficulty.

"And among the prisoners in Lishan, there are still tens of thousands of Chu soldiers, and I have already found generals for them.


Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Ying Zheng suddenly stood up.

Wang Jian and the others didn't look good either.

"Tuo'er, you mean... to requisition the prisoners of war from Chu?"9

"You must know that once these prisoners of war have weapons, they are soldiers without training! 99

"Once they rebel..."

"Father, don't be impatient. 35

Zhao Tuo smiled and said: "Those prisoners of war are not stupid, they join our Qin army, and enjoy the same policy of the Qin army, behead the enemy and make meritorious deeds, and then retire their wives and children to heat their heads. Isn't this better than working hard labor for a lifetime?

"Take ten thousand steps back, if they really rebel, with a mere tens of thousands of infantry, what will they use to resist my Daqin iron hoof?

Everyone looked at each other.

That being seems to be the case.

"The strength of the troops to attack Ou Luo is here. As for the position of the Baiyue people in the Ou Luo country..." Zhao Tuo grinned.

"This is what I am best at, so don't worry at all.

"So, is there anything else to worry about?"

This time everyone was silent.

As for how Zhao Tuo learned about the deployment of Ou Luo's troops, everyone didn't ask much, and they didn't have any doubts.

Quan Dang is the dark pile of the Black Ice Platform.

After all, the strength of the Xiongnu troops was deployed at the beginning, but 837 had a clear idea.

Even the small stronghold of a hundred people was not spared.

Looking at Zhao Tuo's self-confidence, it is estimated that Ou Luo's side is not much worse...

"Since the father and you have nothing to add, the dispatch of troops this time is settled. 35

"Great Qin Nanjiang County, plus 70,000 former Chu army prisoners of war, dear gentlemen, hurry up and coordinate the preparation of food, grass and transportation!

"Here! 99

Everyone left one after another, and soon Zhao Tuo was the only one left in the hall besides the eunuchs and palace maids who were serving.

Come to the inner hall to avoid eyeliner.

Zhao Tuo took out the real-time military map and spread it out slowly.

"Ding, whether to spend 50,0000 reputation points, check the military map. 35

"Ding, beyond the scope of the jurisdiction, this is the charging information, the location is Ou Luo, the viewing fee is 4,2000 reputation. 39

Two consecutive reminders of the consumption of reputation points sounded. During this time, the balance of more than 3 million reputation points was accumulated again, and a portion was suddenly lost again.

The detailed information of the Ou Luo Kingdom appeared in front of Zhao Tuo.

It's just that Zhao Tuo didn't have time to look, and Lu Bu's voice came from the outer hall.

"My lord, Xiang Yu is here!"

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