Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 133 Need to cross the mountains? Your mind is bound!

Chapter 133

Xiang Yu?

The corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised slightly.

This is the time to come...

"Let him in.

"As ordered!"

After a while, Lu Bu walked in with Xiang Yu who was looking around.

"My lord, Xiang Yu brought it here.""

Zhao Tuo shifted his gaze from the topographic map of the military in front of him to Xiang Yu.

"Are you mentally prepared? After strolling around the Xianyang Palace, what are your thoughts?"


Xiang Yu turned his face away and did not answer Zhao Tuo's question.

"Now that I am not a general under my command, I will naturally be the general of my Daqin in the future.

"I said that you will fulfill your promise when you come to see me in the palace."

"Fengxian, pass my oral instructions to Li Xiang and General Wang, and quickly do a good job of enlisting the Chu army prisoners of war. 99

"By the way, give them priority to equip them with the steel weapons of today's Daqin."

"As ordered!"

Lu Bu took the order to leave, but Zhao Tuo's order made Xiang Yu secretly startled.

Steel weapons?

He knew about the steel thing. His Overlord Spear was forged with steel, so he could be so heavy, sharp, and tough.

However, the output of this steel is very small. In order to forge this Overlord Spear, it took the blacksmith more than half a year to forge such a little steel.

However, the current Daqin soldiers... have all steel weapons become standard?


Why give priority to the assembly of the troops under his command?

"You look a little suspicious..."

Zhao Tuo smiled even more, and took Xiang Yu directly to the topographic map of the army.

Under the control of Zhao Tuo, the changing real-time data above is frozen, and the geological map looks like an ordinary detailed geological map.

"The main reason why you will equip your team with weapons is because of this.!

Xiang Yu looked at the place pointed by Zhao Tuo, and his complexion suddenly changed!

The first time he saw this picture, he knew that... I am afraid that just as he is about to become a general of Qin, he will lead the army to go on an expedition...

And what shocked him so much was not because Zhao Tuo needed them to fight as soon as he came up.

It's not because of how steep the terrain here is and how detailed the map is.

It's... a detailed military arrangement!

There are 16 people in the forest here, 50 people in that mountain, or 100 people in the cave...

Below the dense red dots on the map, the information of the team is written all over.

Even detailed to the military configuration...

For a time, chills appeared from Xiang Yu's back.

What a terrible ability to collect information? How can it be done?

Even the troops hidden in the dense forest have nothing to hide, then their uprising...

No wonder the Huns lost so thoroughly.

Xiang Yu suddenly felt relieved when he remembered that Zhao Tuo could easily tell his life history from childhood to adulthood.

At the same time, I felt fortunate.

I am glad that I am now in the same camp as such an evil guy, and I don't need to fight against each other.

Otherwise...that's a terrible thing.

Shaking his head and expelling the messy thoughts out of his mind, Xiang Yu asked aloud, "How many troops do I have in the Ou Luo Kingdom, the Baiyue Yu Division?

"The old Chu army should have 60,000 or 70,000 troops, plus 100,000 southern Xinjiang troops." Zhao Tuo asked with a smile, "Why don't you ask?"

"It's nothing more than a test of me, a test of my Chu soldiers. 35 Xiang Yu replied indifferently.

However Zhao Tuo shook his head.

"No, that's actually what happened..."

After listening to Zhao Tuo talking about the cause of the battle, Xiang Yu's gaze towards Zhao Tuo became extremely strange.

This Qin Ershi was five or six years younger than himself, but he started plotting the Peacock Dynasty as early as ten years ago?

so outrageous...

"I promise you that you will be rewarded for meritorious deeds on the battlefield, and you will practice the Great Qin Merit System.

"After this battle, the former soldiers of the Chu army can freely choose to remain in the army or to retire, and all the treatment is the same as that of my soldiers of the Qin army."

"As for you..." Zhao Tuo patted Xiang Yu's shoulder and said with a smile, "When the time comes, you will be rewarded for your performance.

|| Come on, talk about the war…”

Zhao Tuo turned his gaze to the topography of the Ou Luo Kingdom on the topographic map of the military forces in front of him.

Oluo country, the location is equivalent to the south of Yue two thousand years later.

Tropical monsoon climate, hot and humid and rainy.

The terrain is high in the west and low in the east, and three-quarters of the territory is mountainous plateau.

It is separated from Xiang County in Daqin by mountains and mountains.

And the biggest problem of Da Qin's attack on Ou Luo is here!

Xiang Yu pointed at the mountains where Oluo and Xiangjun meet.

"If you want to fight Ou Luo, you have to pass this level first."

"But...it's hard.

I saw that the top of the mountain was covered with dense red dots.

These are all scattered troops of Ou Luo.

It is absolutely impossible to pass them silently, or to pull them out.

Thinking of the past, there is only a strong attack.

But this piece of (Qian Haozhao) dense tropical forest is the home of others...

However, at this time, Zhao Tuo shook his finger and pointed to a plain below the Ou Luo Kingdom.

"This is where I need you to go, and the home ground for your battles!"

"The southeastern coast of Ou Luo is a vast plain, and their capital, Guluo, is also located on this plain.

Hearing this, Xiang Yu frowned.

"It's suitable for fighting here, but don't you have to cross the mountains before you can go deep into the hinterland of Ou Luo?"

"No no no... Your mind is bound." Zhao Tuo smiled slightly, and his fingers landed on the seaside of Kuaiji.

Then all the way along the sea, came to the southeast coast of Ou Luo country.

In the end, I followed the Red River all the way up and came directly to the Hanoi Plain!

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